
Caring for the Marine Environment in 2018

The International Year of the Reef (IYOR) was first declared in 1997 in response to the growing threats on marine ecosystems. This initiative includes outreach and education programmes carried out to increase awareness and understanding about the importance of our oceans and the threats they face.

2018 is the third time the IYOR is being celebrated across the globe and a series of activities have been organised for the Singapore public to participate in and learn more about our local marine biodiversity.

Why do this

Against the backdrop of the extreme effects of climate change, pollution and unsustainable exploitation of the oceans, Pope Francis’ call for humanity to care for creation in his 2015 Encyclical Letter ‘Laudato Si’ is a clear signal for environmental action as a moral imperative.

Thus, in conjunction with the 2018 IYOR, St. Joseph's Institution is organizing "Beneath the Waves" in an effort to raise awareness of, and inspire both love and action for, our marine world.

To register and get seats to the film screenings, go to Films