Year 7 - 9 PE

In Years 7-9 we are looking to challenge our students and develop their growth mindset in PE. You will be enriched with a variety of sports and opportunities to succeed. We aim to encourage you to pursue sporting opportunities outside of the PE lesson and therefore deepen your love of a healthy lifestyle.

Students are expected to wear PE kit to all lessons. This, as of 2020/2021 year, is the House top (related to your house) and the navy blue shorts. It is also important for students to bring appropriate sports shoes; these cannot be the same as what they wear with their school uniform.

Google classrooms are super important! Here assignments, reflections, photos and other information will be posted. Be proactive and keep up to date with all the work!

The assessment rubric is extremely simple to understand. We are assessing across 2-3 strands: Performance, Health & Leadership and Officiating. This will give all students, irrelevant of sporting skills, a chance to learn, be challenged and succeed in PE. Linked below is the document for all year groups: