SJCOE Distance Learning Support
Essential Skills for Virtual and Blended Learning
Are you wondering how to create an effective online or hybrid classroom this fall? In this workshop, we will discuss essential skills that teachers should implement to create an effective learning community with their students and parents. We will share examples of what each of these skills might look like that can be instantly implemented. We will also provide time to collaborate with fellow teachers to share other effective strategies.
Model Lessons for Virtual and Blended Learning
Are you wondering what a model online lesson looks like? In this workshop, you will experience as a learner the structure of an effective virtual lesson. Following the lesson, you will debrief the specific pedagogy that was utilized in the lesson and discuss asynchronous follow-up activities to support this learning.
Lesson Planning for Virtual and Blended Learning
Are you wondering how to start lesson planning for a day, week, or quarter in an online or hybrid classroom? In this workshop we will provide a general framework for online/hybrid lesson planning utilizing the essential skills and necessary teaching shifts that create an inquiry-based, student-centered learning plan. The framework provides direction for how to effectively link synchronous and asynchronous learning for all students.
Unfinished Learning and Learning Loss
Are you wondering how to provide support for all your learners? In this workshop, you will learn about different ways of providing support to our students with their unfinished learning and learning loss. You will be able to discuss challenges you are facing and collaborate with colleagues’ solutions to these issues.
Designated ELD in a Virtual Setting
Are you wondering how to meet the language needs of your English learners during their designated ELD time? In this workshop, we will share the importance of connecting your integrated content instruction to your designated ELD time. Tips and tools to support language learning will be included in this module.
Virtual Discrete Trial Training via Distance Learning
SJCOE Autism Programs is continuing evidence based practices during distance learning. Included here is a parents guide to supporting virtual discrete trial training.