Foster Youth Services and Homeless Education



The SJCA Charter School Board recognizes its obligation to ensure that homeless children have access to the same free and appropriate public education provided to other children within the district. SJCA shall provide homeless students with access to education and other services necessary for these students to meet the same challenging performance or as other students. Homeless students shall not be segregated into separate schools or programs based on their status as homeless, nor shall homeless be stigmatized in any way.


The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that placement decisions for homeless students are based on the student's best interest as defined in law and administrative regulation. If you have any questions about services for our homeless families please contact our homeless liaison, Mrs. Viviana Moreno at 626.856.1693 ext. 4406 or email her at


In accordance with the Mckinney Vento Act, the governing charter school board recognizes its obligation to ensure that homeless children have access to the same free and appropriate public education provided to other children within the district. The district shall provide homeless students with access to education and other services necessary for these students to meet the same challenging performance standards as other students. Homeless students shall not be segregated into separate schools or programs based on their status as homeless, nor shall homeless students be stigmatized in any way.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that placement decisions for homeless students are based on the student's best interest as defined in law and administrative regulation.

The district shall provide transportation for a homeless student to and from a district school of origin when the student is residing within the district and the parent/guardian requests that such transportation be provided. If the student moves outside of district boundaries but continues to attend this district's school of origin, the Superintendent or designee shall consult with the Superintendent of the district in which the student is now residing to agree upon a method to apportion the responsibility and costs of the transportation.




The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who:


Win APP Web

WIN is a free mobile and web app designed to connect homeless or resource insecure youth, families and adults to essential services. Our Children LA with guidance from our region’s unaccompanied youth.

WIN offers over 1800 area service providers and programs in 11 search categories: Shelter, Crisis, Food, Drop-In Centers, Health, Legal, Hotlines, Education, Jobs, Transportation, Benefits and More. Search filters include location of service provider, age, gender & special populations served. Quick access to program information including emergency numbers and contact details.

WIN is capable of featuring real-time bed availability. WIN is scalable by design, anticipating a need to add other regions to its database.

Available in English and Spanish, download today!

Viviana Moreno

Foster & Homeless Youth Liaison

Contact Information

To access Foster Youth and McKinney Vento assistance, stop by

 Mrs. Moreno's office, call 626-856-1693 ext. 4406 or