The Paschal Mystery

Grade 12, Spring

Duc in altum | Put out into the deep

Luke 5:4

Course Description and Units

This course leads students toward a deeper understanding of the person of Christ and his redeeming work. Beginning with Original Sin and the fall from grace, the course tells the story of our salvation through Christ's suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension. This is done first by an examination of the covenantal structure and messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. It then considers how those prophecies were fulfilled in Christ's Incarnation and ministry, and how the covenants are fulfilled in the New Covenant of Christ's Blood that was instituted within the events of the Paschal Triduum. Finally, the course explores our response to redemption through lives of prayer and discipleship. 

Unit 1: Creation and Fall
This unit introduces the covenantal structure of salvation history and examines biblical history from creation to the Abrahamic covenant.

Unit 2: The Old Covenant
This unit completes the survey of Old Testament covenants by studying the Mosaic and Davidic covenants and the growing messianic expectation.

Unit 3: The Word Became Flesh
This unit considers the meaning and purpose of the Incarnation.

Unit 4: Light of the World
This unit surveys Christ’s adult life and ministry, from the Baptism in the Jordan to the Entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week.

Unit 5: Behold the Lamb of God
This unit focuses on the events of the Paschal Triduum and their relevance for our salvation. It ends by considering the biblical encounters with the Risen Christ and the importance of the Ascension.

Unit 6: A Still, Small Voice
This unit applies the Paschal Mystery to the life of the believer by examining the structure of the interior life and the different forms, modes, and grades of prayer.


Syllabus (Paschal Mystery SP21)

Major Assignments

Theology Portfolio (300 points)

Unit 1 Test  (50 points)
Unit 2 Test (50 points)
Midterm Exam (150 points)
Unit 5 Test (50 points)
Final Exam (150 points, cumulative for S2)