Questo Semestre

This semester in Italian at SJB...

TERM 2 2022 in Italiano

TERM 1 2022 in Italiano

Bentornati a scuola!

I am so excited to see you all at school!

Have a look at what we will be learning in Italian this term!

TERM 1 2021 in Italiano

Bentornati a scuola!

I am so excited to see you all at school!

Have a look at what we will be learning in Italian this term!


La Gelateria

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Intentional Gesture teaching- Students will learn gestures to support acquisition of high frequency words in Italian

Focus language:

  • Revising greetings and exchanges; Buongiorno (good morning), Arrivederci (Good bye), Come stai? (How are you?), Sto bene/male (I’m well/not well), per favore (please), grazie (thank you), Prego (you’re welcome)

  • Mi piace / non mi piace (I like/I don’t like)

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

  • Mi Presento! Learning simple greetings and phrases and interacting with each other in Italian

  • Introducing new vocab: Mi piace / non mi piace (I like/I don’t like)

La Gelateria

Linking in with Discovery Learning participating in role plays (ordering food, expressing likes/dislikes) Mi piace/ Non mi piace (I like/ I don’t like)

Pasqua- Easter

Year 1/2

Mi piace/Non mi piace.

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Intentional Gesture teaching- Students will learn gestures to support acquisition of high frequency words in Italian

Focus language:

  • Revising HFW- greetings and exchanges; Buongiorno (good morning), Arrivederci (Good bye), Come stai? (How are you?), Sto bene/male (I’m well/not well), per favore (please), grazie (thank you), Prego (you’re welcome)

  • Mi Presento! Revising greetings and phrases and interacting with each other in Italian

  • Mi piace/ Non mi piace- Expressing likes and dislikes

  • Contiamo Insieme!- Learning numbers 1-30 in Italian

  • Pasqua-Easter- Fra Martino

Year 3/4

Mi Presento!

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Intentional Gesture teaching- Students will continue to learn gestures to support acquisition of high frequency words in Italian.

Focus language:

  • Revising HFW- greetings and exchanges; Buongiorno (good morning), Arrivederci (Good bye), Come stai? (How are you?), Sto bene/male (I’m well/not well), per favore (please), grazie (thank you), Prego (you’re welcome)

  • classroom verb based instructional language, molto bene (very well), tutti (everyone), Capisco, Non capisco (I understand, I don’t understand). Posso…? (Can I…?)

  • Using phrases and adjectives to introduce ourselves

  • Mi presento! Using prior knowledge of greetings and phrases to introduce ourselves, our likes/dislikes. Introduction of adjectives and gender agreement rules

  • Italian Easter traditions- Exploring Easter traditions in Italy.

Year 5/6

Il mio amico/La mia amica

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Intentional Gesture teaching- Students will learn gestures to support acquisition of high frequency words in Italian

Focus language:

    • Revising HFW- greetings and exchanges; Buongiorno (good morning), Arrivederci (Good bye), Come stai? (How are you?), Sto bene/male (I’m well/not well), per favore (please), grazie (thank you), Prego (you’re welcome)

      • Classroom verb based instructional language, molto bene (very well), tutti (everyone), Capisco, Non capisco (I understand, I don’t understand). Posso…? (Can I…?)

      • Using phrases and adjectives to describe a friend

  • Il mio amico/ La mia amica- Introducing themselves and describing a friend. Using adjectives to describe hair/eye colour and personality. Indovina chi e? (Guess Who?)

  • Pasqua- Exploring Easter traditions in Italy.

TERM 2 2020 in Italiano - REMOTE LEARNING


RL- Pasqua and positional language

Easter activities

Join us for an Easter story and activities for all.

Year level presentations & resources...



Questo semestre students will learn about:

  • Intentional Gesture teaching- Focus language: Revising and introducing HFW- greetings and exchanges; Buongiorno (good morning), Arrivederci (Good bye), Come stai? (How are you?), Sto bene/male (I’m well/not well), per favore (please), grazie (thank you), Prego (you’re welcome)

Conversiamo! Students will create a simple conversation they can have with others using the phrases from unit 1 IGT (above)

Yr 1/2

Mi Presento!

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Intentional Gesture teaching- Review units 1 & 2 from term 1 Focus language: greetings and exchanges, asking questions, opposites

Mi Presento! Students will create a personal ‘All about me’ profile to read and ask each other questions to practise having a conversation. Focus language: salutations, introductions, facts about myself and my family.

Yr 3/4

Mi Presento!

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Intentional Gesture teaching- Review units 1 & 2 from term 1 Focus language: greetings and exchanges, asking questions, opposites

Mi Presento! Students will create a personal ‘All about me’ profile to read and ask each other questions to practise having a conversation. Focus language: salutations, introductions, facts about myself, adjectives and conjunctions

Yr 5/6

Mi Presento!

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Intentional Gesture teaching- Review units 1 & 2 from term 1 Focus language: greetings and exchanges, asking questions, opposites

Mi Presento! Students will create a personal ‘All about me’ profile to read and ask each other questions to practise having a conversation. Focus language: salutations, introductions, facts about myself, adjectives, conjunctions and adverbs



100s chart activity

Follow along with Mrs Bonacci to test your recall of numbers and colours in Italian. Send us a copy of your work to get the answers!

TERM 1 2020 in Italiano


i colori

Focus: Introduction to the Italian Language

Questo semestre students will learn about:

  • Intentional Gesture teaching- introducing HFW- Buongiorno (good morning), Arrivederci (Good bye)

  • i colori the colours

  • Contiamo Insieme! i numeri (numbers) 0-10 in Italian

  • Pasqua! Easter

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

Please Note: PSM & PET begin Italian in week 6

Year 1/2

Che tempo fa oggi?

Focus: Questo semestre students will learn about:

  • Intentional Gesture teaching- revising HFW from last year and introducing new ones

  • Contiamo Insieme! i numeri (numbers) 0-20 in Italian

  • Che tempo fa? Describing il tempo e le stagioni (the weather and seasons), including; i giorni della settimana (days of the week)

  • Pasqua! Easter

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

Year 3/4

Che tempo fa oggi?

Focus: Questo semestre students will learn about:

  • Intentional Gesture teaching- revising HFW from last year and introducing new ones

  • Contiamo Insieme! i numeri (numbers) 0-50 in Italian

  • Che tempo fa? Describing the weather, including; il tempo e le stagioni (the weather and seasons) and i giorni e i mesi (days and months of the year)

  • Pasqua! Easter

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

Year 5/6

Che tempo fa oggi?

Focus: Questo semestre students will learn about:

  • Intentional Gesture teaching- revising HFW from last year and introducing new ones

  • Contiamo Insieme! i numeri (numbers) ordinal numbers in Italian

  • Che tempo fa? Describing the weather, including; il tempo e le stagioni (the weather and seasons) and i giorni e i mesi (days and months of the year)

  • Pasqua! Easter

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation


TERM 2 in Italiano


Il Piccolo Bruco Maisazio

Questo semestre students will compose a co-constructed text in italian and learn about:

Years 3-4

Che Tempo Fa?

Che Tempo Fa?

Questo semestre students will compose and record a weather report in italian and learn about:

Years 5-6

Mi piace e non mi piace...

Questo semestre students will compose a role play about likes and dislikes and learn to:

  • use classroom phrases and commands

  • express their likes and dislikes in italian

  • use dictionaries to substitute English words for Italian words

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

TERM 3 in Italiano



Questo semestre students will learn about:

  • il corpo (the body)

  • plurals

  • compose simple sentences using key vocabulary

  • l'alfabetto (the alphabet)

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

Year 1/2

I Nostri Mostri

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Year 3/4

Giro d'Italia

Questo semestre students will compose a co-constructed text in italian and learn about:

  • geographical landmarks of Italy and their historical significance

  • i cibi (foods)

  • Translanguaging; focussing on translating nouns and indefinite articles

  • Compose simple sentences about their landmark to improvise on a co-constructed text

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

Year 5/6

I disegni di casa

Questo semestre students will compose a co-constructed text in italian and learn to:

  • ask and give directions

  • la casa

  • use language to showcase and sell a home

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

TERM 4 in Italiano


Le Fiabe

Questo semestre students will learn about:

Year 1/2

I Burattini

Questo semestre students will learn about:

  • create a translanguaged burattini show using key vocabulary learnt throughout the year

  • i colori (colours)

  • compose simple sentences using key vocabulary

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation

Year 3/4


Questo semestre students will compose a co-constructed text in italian and learn about:

  • Recognised key words in an Italian text and conveyed meaning

  • Translate key vocabulary into Italian to compose translanguaged factual presentation about Pompeii

  • Used intentional gesture actions to communicate common words and phrases

  • Practise pronunciation and intonation