2024 Art Summer Camp in Houston 

May 27 - August 16

Zhang Yaowu Art Center in-person summer camp welcomes students of five years old and above, the dates are: May 27 - August 16 , families who complete their registration before April 30 will recieve a FREE Yaowu Zhang Art Center T-shirt.

The summer camp opens Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM-6:30 PM (Summer camp schedule exist independently from other year round classes, weekend classes and evening classes will continually be offered during this period). There are full-day and half-day classes, where students will learn and train intensively to improve their aesthetic, creative, observational, hands-on, and painting skills. Summer courses include drawing, acrylic painting, oil painting, colored pencil painting, watercolor painting, life drawing, sketching, black and white line drawing, colored marker painting or oil pastel, colored clay sculpture, ceramic making, art appreciation class, mixed media design, origami and other courses. The center also offers Morning Care and Evening Care, as well as competition-focused classes for students in advanced years of middle school and high school, where the completed works can be entered into various large and influential competitions to prepare for college applications.

Address: 6515 Corporate Dr, # M-1 Houston, TX,77036 www.yaowuzhangartcenter.com

Email:taowenjunart@hotmail.com          Phone: 832-858-1110