Wenjun Tao

Wenjun Tao graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts.  Wenjun Tao has been creating art works that evoke emotions in the viewer for many years. She travels the world, drawing inspiration from different cultures and landscapes. She has exhibited art works in numerous art exhibitions in the region/country/world, and her art works have received unanimous praise and recognition. Some works have been collected and purchased by collectors in the United States, China, Japan, Singapore, etc.

Wenjun Tao has been engaged in teaching art for more than 20 years, focusing on teaching children and adolescents. 

 The works of some of the students trained have been auctioned for tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and have won many awards. Some students with profound painting skills and high comprehensive quality graduated graduated from Harvard, Yale, Duke, MIT, Cornell, Columbia. Students who are aspiring to become professional artists are accepted by the California School of Art. School of Art, Chicago Art Institute and other well-known American art colleges.

In 2003, he co-founded Zhang Yaowu Art Center with Zhang Yaowu. 

In 2011 and 2013, Wenjun and Yaowu jointly published "Selected Works of Students of Yaowu Zhang Art Center"

In 2015, She won the honorary title of best art teacher in the "First OCCAAF International Youth Art Competition".

She has been awarded the Gold Medal Teacher Award by SCHOLASTIC ART&WRITING AWRDS many times.

Ms. Hongyan Zeng , wife of Ambassador  Qiangmin Li , invited the wives of consul generals from Houston Women Diplomats Club to the official residence to celebrate the "March 8th International Women's Day". Ms. Wenjun Tao, a painter, was invited to participate and showed a number of works created in recent years.