Mereological Logicism
Terminology: I'll denote this theory by "Mereological Logicism", because its primitive are Part-hood and, Predication, which are the primitives of Mereology and Logic. However those are here extending first order logic, so it is a first order logic theory about Mereological Logicism.
EXPOSITION: To first order logic with identity, add the binary relation P standing for "is a part of", and also add the primitive binary relation symbol "predicates".
Axioms: ID axioms plus Atomic General Extensional Mereology"AGEM" axioms, plus the following:
As a terminology every object of this theory is a "set".
Define "ϵ": x ϵ y⟺xPy∧atom(x)
We have the following theorems:
i. ∀x∃y:y ϵ x
ii. ∀xy[∀z(z ϵ x↔z=y)→x=y]
iii. ∀xy (y ϵ x→∀m(m ϵ y↔m=y))
Downward Axiom: atom(Q)→∀x(Q predicates x→atom(x))
an Atom Predicates only predicate atoms.
Upward Axiom: ∀x∀Q[∀y(Q predicates y↔y ϵ x)→atom(Q)]
A predicate predicating atoms, is itself an atom.
From the Unrestricted Composition Principle we have the following theorem of extending predicates:
∀Q[atom(Q)∧∃y(Q predicates y)→∃x∀y(y ϵ x↔Q predicates y)]
i.e.; for every atom predicate, there is an extension whose members are all and only what fulfills that predicate.
Axiom schema of predicate existence: if ψ is a formula in the language of predication, i.e. only the symbols ‘‘Predicates;="are allowed to be used as predicate symbols; i.e., the symbol "P" is not allowed. That has all and only symbols ‘‘y,x1,..,xn" occurring free in it, then:
∀x1,..,xn,x[(x1,..,xn are atoms∧∀y(y ϵ x↔ψ))→
∃Q∀y(Q predicates y↔y ϵ x)]
is an axiom.
for any set of atoms that is definable after a formula in the pure predicate language from atom parameters, there exists a predicate whose extension is that set.
Empty: ∃X [atom(X)∧∄y(X predicates y)]
There exists an atom predicate that doesn't predicate anything.
/Theory definition finished.
Now if we define the membership ‘‘∈"‘ as:
y∈x⟺x predicates y
then I'd think we can get to interpret Ackermann's set theory, which in turn would interpret ZFC.
The strong point is that this theory is almost a theory of logic! In some sense signaling revival of the program of Logicism!
So the crucial question: is Ackermann set theory equi-intepretable with this theory?
See the attached file, for more recent developments of this system.