References and useful links

Reading list

The main references are:

Fischbacher, Urs, Katharine Bendrick, and Stefan Schmid, 2019. "z-Tree 4.1 Tutorial and Reference Manual." Available on-line at:

Fischbacher, Urs. 2007. "z-Tree: Zurich Toolbox for Ready-made Economic Experiments", Experimental Economics 10(2), 171-178.

Useful links

z-Tree home page: the official z-Tree web page.

Ernesto Reuben's page: contains some useful examples, and a openzleafs.exe, a handy file to launch multiple instances of z-Leaf.

There exists also a mailing list for z-Tree users. To join this list refer to one of the following instructions:

    • Registering using the web interface:
    • Registering using email
        • Click on the following link and replace 'Firstname Lastname' in the subject with your names (leave the message body blank!): subscribe

z-Tree unleashed: z-Tree can now also be run over the internet.