Graduate Macro 1

This is the first sequence of the graduate macro course of the Master in Economics at Sciences Po. The first part of the course focuses on the economics of growth, the second part of the course looks at the labor market and unemployment, mainly through the search and matching model. Lecture notes and problem sets can be found on the course's Moodle page.

Part I: Economic growth

Topic 1.1: Growths facts & the Solow model

Topic 1.2: The neoclassical growth model

Topic 1.3: Overlapping generation models

Topic 1.4: Endogenous growth

Topic 1.5: The skill premium and directed technological change

Part II: The labor market and unemployment

Topic 2.1: Introduction and the basic search model

Topic 2.2: Search and matching with exogenous job destruction

Topic 2.3: Search and matching with endogenous job destruction