

The Minimum Wage and Inequality, 2016

Journal of Labor Economics, Part 1, 34(1): 237-274.

Job Polarization and Structural Change (with Christian Siegel), 2018

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 10(1): 57-89.

Media: AEA Chart of the Week, Guardian, Japan Economic News.

Job Polarization, Structural Transformation and Biased Technological Change (with Christian Siegel), 2019 

Travail et Emploi special issue on Polarization(s) in Labour Markets, 157: 25-44.

Engines of Sectoral Labor Productivity Growth (with Christian Siegel), 2020

Review of Economic Dynamics

Biased Technological Change and Employment Reallocation (with Christian Siegel), 2020

Labour Economics Special Issue on 'Technology and the Labour Market'

Media: VoxEU column,

Capital Flows in an Aging World (with Nicolas Coeurdacier and Stéphane Guibaud), 2022

Journal of International Economics

Working Papers

new Late Bloomers: The Aggregate Implications of Getting Education Later in Life (with Moshe Buchinsky and Pauline Corblet), 2023 

CEPR Discussion Paper, DP18579

NBER Working Paper 31874

Media: NBER Digest, Brookings Chalkboard, VoxEU column

Technological Changes, the Labor Market, and Schooling - A General Equilibrium Model with Multidimensional Individual Skills (with Moshe Buchinsky and Tamás K. Papp), 2021 new version coming soon

updated The Two Faces of Worker Specialization (with Kerstin Holzheu), 2024

CEPR Discussion Paper, DP18320

NB: This paper is a radically revised version of "Worker Specialization and Displaced Workers".

Disentangling Occupation- and Sector-specific Technological Change (with Christian Siegel), 2018

CEPR Discussion Paper, DP12663

NB: This paper is jointly superseded by "Engines of Sectoral Labor Productivity Growth" and "Biased Technological Change and Employment Reallocation".

Self-employment and Tax Evasion: Evidence from Industry–occupation Data, 2019

Work in Progress

Worker Specialization and the Aggregate Economy (with Kerstin Holzheu), August 2022 draft coming soon

Late Bloomers? Getting Education Later in Life: Causes and Consequences (with Moshe Buchinsky and Pauline Corblet), November 2022 draft coming soon

The Decline of the Labor Share and the Structure of Employment (with Christian Siegel and Aseem Patel), February 2024

Vertical and Horizontal Innovation (with Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee), December 2023

Dormant Projects

Some Tax Evasion - More Redistribution: A Political Economy Model of Tax Evasion

Income Inequality and the Progressivity of Taxes in a Coalition Formation Model

Increasing Skill Premium and Skill Supply - Steady State Effects or Transition?