MATH 5639

Actuarial Loss Models

Course Description

This course is an introductory course to non-life actuarial mathematics and is also a core course in actuarial science. It covers three essential topics: (1) loss models; (2) risk measures; and (3) model construction and evaluation, all of which are test topics of SOA STAM Exam.

The required textbook is: Nonlife Actuarial Models: Theory, Methods and Evaluation, by Yiu-Kuen Tse, Cambridge University Press, 2009. The official slides from the author can be download here.

Please read the course syllabus for full details.

Preparation: Probability Exercise

Slides & Solutions

Chapter 1 Claim Frequency

slides & annotated version

  • Section 1 Preliminaries in Probability (video3 & notes)

  • Section 2 Discrete Random Variables (video4 & notes)

  • Section 3 Joint Distribution (video5 & notes)

  • Section 4a Known Distributions: Bernoulli and Binomial Distributions (video6 & notes)

  • Section 4b Known Distributions: Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions (video7 & notes)

  • Section 4c Known Distributions: Poisson Distributions (video8 & notes)

  • Section 5 (a,b,0) Class (video9 & notes)

  • Section 6a Constructing New Distributions (video10 & see notes in 6b)

  • Section 6b Constructing New Distributions (video11 & notes)

  • Section 6c Constructing New Distributions (video12 & notes)

  • Homework 1

Chapter 2 Claim Severity

annotated notes

Term Exam 1

Coverage: Ch.1 and Ch. 2

Chapter 3 Aggregate Loss

Chapter 4 Risk Measures


Term Exam 2

Coverage: Ch. 3 and Ch. 4

Chapter 10 Model Estimation and Types of Data

Chapter 11 Nonparametric Model Estimation

Chapter 12 Parametric Model Estimation

Term Exam 3

Coverage: Ch.10, Ch.11, and Ch.12