Actuarial Science Seminar

Spring 2022

Leveraging Elicitability in Learning and Model Comparison

Regularization Methods in Actuarial Science

Matrix Regression: Models, Algorithms, and Applications

Optimal Nested Simulation Design via the Likelihood Ratio Method

Insuring Longevity Risk and Long-Term Care: Bequest, Housing and Liquidity

Sensitivity Measures Based on Scoring Functions

Fall 2021

It's RILA Time: An Introduction to Registered Index-Linked Annuities

Machine Learning: An Overview and Applications in Banking

Demand for Retirement Products: An Analysis of Individual Welfare

Insurance Discrimination and Pricing Fairness

Stackelberg Differential Game for Reinsurance: Mean-Variance Framework and Random Horizon

Gamma Mixture Density Networks and Their Application to Modelling Insurance Claim Amounts

A Dynamic Credibility Model Using Hawkes Processes

Spring 2021

On the Profitability of Selfish Blockchain Mining under Consideration of Ruin

DSA Algorithm for Mortality Forecasting

Benchmarking a Developing Pandemic via a New Survival Model with Partially Missing Data

Risk Analysis of Driving Data with Near-miss Ratemaking

Asset-Liability Management of Life Insurers in the Negative Interest Rate Environment

Fall 2020

Modeling Joint Lives Within Families

Risk Management of Insurance Portfolio: A Dynamic Point of View

Bilateral Risk Sharing with Exposure Constraints: Heterogeneous Beliefs and Probability Weighting

A Comprehensive Model for Cyber Risk Based on Marked Point Processes and its Applications to Insurance

De Finetti's Optimal Dividends Problem with Linearly Bounded Payment Rates

Spring 2020

Small Time Approximation of Transition Density

Universally Marketable Insurance in a Multivariate Mixture Market

The talks originally scheduled in March and April were cancelled due to Covid-19.

Fall 2019

Introduction to Bitcoin Inverse Futures

Risk Measures on Orlicz Spaces

High-Water Mark Fee Structure in Variable Annuities

An Integrated Approach to Measuring Asset and Liability Risks in Financial Institutions

Allocation of Risk Capital: A Not So Simple View from the Simplex

Spring 2019

co-organized with Guojun Gan

Application of Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis in Compound Risk Model with Random Effects

Modeling the Exposure in Count Data

Risk Engineering of Variable Annuities

Predictive Actuarial Analytics Using Tree-Based Models

List of talks prior to Spring 2019 can be found at: