Why should you wear Sudreh Kusti?

Sedreh (also called sudreh, sudre or sudra) is the Avestan term for the undergarment worn by Zoroastrians.

Kushti (also: Kusti, Koshti) is the sacred girdle worn by Zoroastrians around their waists. Along with the Sudreh, the Kusti is part of the ritual dress of the Zoroastrians.

The Kusti is worn wound three times around the waist. It is tied twice in a double knot in the front and back, the ends of the Kushti hanging on the back. The Kusti is made of 72 fine, white and woolen threads, which represent the 72 chapters of the Yasna, the primary liturgical collection of texts of the Avesta.


The word Kusti comes from the word “kost” meaning limit or boundary. The understanding is that the kusti helps keep us within proper limits in all our undertakings.

The Zoroastrian religion lays great emphasis on the magnetism and the astral aura surrounding the body. Just like no one knew the existence of radio waves and other frequencies surrounding us till very recently, the astral energy is something modern science has not devoted much resources towards understanding, currently. But just like all the other frequencies do exist around us and can be put to amazing uses (TV signals, Cell Phone signals, TV remotes, Radio…..the list goes on), so too the aura is an unseen energy that exists around each of us and is said to be more pronounced in saintly beings. All great prophets of most religions are depicted by a yellow halo around their head – which is a more pronounced manifestation of the aura. The aura is present in both living as well as non-living beings. There are several internet sites like these where one can browse more information about the human aura. Apparently, the aura around humans is partly composed of EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared(IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation, etc) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, are conducting experiments suggesting that our DNA can be altered by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes with some "training".

Kirlian photography has been able to capture some of this “aura” or “corona discharge” as they call it – which exists for all living beings. Some of the images captured by Kirlian photography are being reproduced below (courtesy: google images). According to Wikipedia, Semyon Kirlian believed that images created by Kirlian photography might depict a conjectural energy field, or aura, thought by some to surround living beings and non-living objects. Kirlian and his wife were convinced that their images showed a life force or energy field that reflected the physical and emotional states of their living subjects. They thought that these images could be used to diagnose illnesses. In 1961, they published their first article on the subject in the Russian Journal of Scientific and Applied Photography. Kirlian's claims were later embraced by energy treatment practitioners.

Principles of Quantum Physics state that matter and energy are interchangeable. What we call a “particle” is actually nothing but a “wave” – a certain frequency. In other words, all “matter” on earth is just a combination of various waves and frequencies - or should we call it light? (gives new meaning to the phrases "God is the source of all things" and "God is light"!)

It is said in the Ardibehst Yasht (see the translation of the Khordeh Avesta on this site) that the preacher who heals this aural energy thru the proper manthras (recitations) is better than a doctor who heals the body using medicine, since all physical ailments stem from a disturbance first in the aura.

The Sudreh and Kusti are designed to protect this very astral aura and magnetism – as it is said that all physical ailments and impurities stem from the disturbance in this magnetic energy. Hence, just as an astronaut has a special suit to protect his body against radiation in outer space, the Sudreh and Kusti is designed to provide such a protection to its wearer from harmful spiritual energy that’s constantly assailing us in this world. It is said to be a garment reinforced by prophet Zarathustra (the sudreh kasti was worn by Mazdayasnis even before the age of Zarathushtra!!) to protect the body and spirit from physical and spiritual harms lurking around as – as well as within us (like anger, lust, greed, etc). When the kusti is tied 3 times around the waist, it forms a “karsh” – a boundary within which no psychic power can enter.

Incidentally even in Hinduism, the brahmins tie 3 threads (and a knot) (called Janaeu or Yagyopaveet) around the body. The concept there is similar to the one in Zoroastrianism – to protect against evil influences – as well as symbolic interpretations – that the reader can research.

The kusti is tied around the navel – which is said to be the nerve center of the body. Again there must be a correlation of the vibrations from the kusti spreading their effect throughout the body via this nerve center – something perhaps as yet unknown to modern science.

The kusti is made of lamb’s wool which is said to be very effective in “capturing” the vibrations of the Zoroastrian manthras or prayers. The 4 knots we tie in the kusti are a symbol of renewing our faith in Ahura Mazda and in the teachings of his prophet, Zarathustra.

The Sudreh and Kusti are such intrinsic elements of the Zorastrian religion that many would consider a person without a Sudreh Kusti to not be a Zoroastrian in the first place!

Last but not the least, it is mentioned in one of the Zoroastrian scriptures that Spenta Armaity (the avestan name for Planet Earth) visited the court of King (Padshah) Minocher who noticed she had 3 bands of kusti around her waist. There are many who attribute these 3 bands of kusti to the Van Allen belts of radiation that were found by Nasa scientists around the earth in their quest to send mankind into outer space. It is a matter of pride that the mention of such a radiation perimeter around the earth is mentioned in Zoroastrian scriptures, thousands of years old. It is quite possible that the kusti we wear is a "microcosmic" replica of the "macrocosmic" belts surrounding mother earth.

Some Images of Kirlian Photography

Kirlian Photography of People's "Aura"
Kirlian Photography Living Things