Quick Quiz for Kids

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1) What is God called in Zoroastrianism?

Ahura Mazda

2) What is evil or the devil called in Zoroastrianism?


3) What is the name of the prophet who founded Zoroastrianism?

Zarathustra (the Greeks called him "Zoroaster")

4) What are the Arch Angels that assist Ahura Mazda called in Zoroastrianism?

Amesha Spentas

5) How many Arch Angels exist in Zoroastrianism to assist Ahura Mazda?


6) What does fire placed in Fire Temples symbolize in Zoroastrianism?

The divine energy of Ahura Mazda

7) How many different types of fires exist in Zoroastrianism? Name them.

There are 3 different types of fires when it comes to the fires we tend:

1) Atash Behram (this is the highest in rank of all fires - it is composed by combining 16 different fires thru a rigorous ceremony).

2) Atash Aderan (Agiary fire - second in rank of all fires - it is composed by combining 4 different fires again thru a rigorous ceremony)

3) Atash Dadgah (the fire found in households or any fire that has not been installed thru prescribed ceremonies)

For more on these fires, see under the topic "Award Winning Essays" on this website, the essay "Fire and its significance in Zoroastrianism"

However, our scriptures mention different categories of "fires" in the Cosmos:

1) Aadar-goshasp - the light that makes us Conscious of our Divinity, and spurs the Soul spiralling to Higher Heights;

2) Aadar-Khurdaad - the Spark of Life that is universally vibrant in every atom, shining gradually to Perfection, in every human bosom whose Source and Spring is Ahura Mazda;

3) Aadar-Burzeen-Meher - the Light of Sublime Meher (Av. Mithra), unfolding the Moral Law-Light and Love, embracing all in Oneness;

4) Aatash-berezo-savangh - the Light of the Glow-Sublime, manifesting in the aspiring Soul;

5) Aatash Vohu-friyaan - the Light of vital warmth, so dear and precious to Sentient life;

6) Aatash-Urvaa-zishta - the Light that is life to the Plant world;

7) Aatash-Vaazishta - the mighty Lightning, (caused by the discharge of atmosphere electricity);

8) Aatash-Spenishta - the Light of the Holiest Spirit - the ALL-LIGHT that Ahooraa Maazdaa is (Yasht Hormazd, para14);

9) Aatash-Nairyo-sangh - the built-in Light in man that serves as an Unfailing Counsellor to man, the guide, philosopher and friend;

8) What are the holy songs of Zarathustra called in which he had a conversation with Ahura Mazda where he asks Him various questions pertaining to various topics?


9) What are the names of Zarathustra's parents?

Father's Name: Pourushasp
Mother's Name: Dughdovbanu or Dughdova

10) What is the book of daily prayers of the Zoroastrians called?

Khordeh Avesta

11) What two main languages is the book of the daily prayers composed of?

Avesta and Pahlavi (and to a lesser extent perhaps Pazand as well?)

12) What do the terms Humata, Hukhta, Havarashta mean?

Good thoughts, good words, good deeds (respectively)

13) What do the terms Dushmata, Duzukhta, Duzuvarashta mean?

Bad thoughts, bad words, bad deeds (respectively)

14) What is the Epic of the Zoroastrians called?


15) Who is the author of the Epic of Zoroastrians?


16) Which two dynasties does the Epic mainly deal with?

Peshdadian and Kayanian dynasties

17) What are the "days in remembrance of the dead" called in Zoroastrianism?


18) What is "Navroze"?

The "New Year" in Zoroastrianism is called "Navroze" (Nav - New; Roz - Year).

Note that there are 2 New Years celebrated in Zoroastrianism:
1) Celebrated on the Spring Equinox every year called the "Jamshedi Navroze" that celebrates the end of the Ice Year (several thousand years ago)
2) Another "Navroze" celebrated in roughly August each year that signifies the beginning of the calendar year.

19) When are the "days in remembrance of the dead" celebrated in Zoroastrianism?

The days in remembrance of the dead (or Muktad) are celebrated 10 days prior to the Calendar Year celebration of Navroze (in August). The last 5 of those days are called the "Gathas"

20) What is "Khordaal Saal" in Zoroastrianism?

The birthday of the Prophet (Zarathustra) is called "Khordaad Saal" and it occurs 6 days after the Calendar Year celebration of Navroze.

21) What is the method of disposal of the dead called in Zoroastrianism?


22) What is "Navjote" in Zoroastrianism?

The initiation ceremony of a child into the religious fold is called "Navjote" in Zoroastrianism. (Nav - New; Jot or Jyot - Flame).
The child is made to wear a sacred garment called the "Sudreh" and tie a sacred girdle around the waist called the "Kusti" during the ceremony. The child must continue to wear these for the rest of their lives. Zoroastrians believe these offer protection to the wearer from the forces of evil.

23) Zoroastrians are split into 3 camps based on the type of calendar they follow. What are the 3 camps called?

Shahanshahi (or Shenshai)

24) What is the final "Resurrection of the Souls" at the end of Time called in Zoroastrianism?


25) What is name of the "bridge" that all souls (ruvans) have to cross after judgement has been passed by the angels upon the person's death, before the soul gets entry to heaven (or not)

Chinvat Pul (bridge)

26) Which 3 angels judge the soul of a person upon their death?

Sarosh, Meher, Rashna

27) What are divine beings that assist the Arch Angels in Zoroastrianism called?


Technically the word Yazad is referred to a group of divine beings who work under Ahura Mazda and the Ameshāspands. Each of the seven Ameshāspands has hamkar Yazads, that is co-worker Yazads who work in co-ordination and co-operation with them and do similar tasks.

Each Yazad has a special function either on the physical, spiritual or ethical level. Some Yazads have multiple functions.

Spiritually, Yazads are channels of divine energy. Each channel has a specific role and purpose to play. They emanate from the Endless pool of energy of Ahura Mazda.

28) How many divine beings that assist Arch Angels, exist in Zoroastrianism?


Each Day (roj) in the Zoroastrian calendar is named after a Yazad.