T: Additional Testimonials

"In 2012 I had the honor of learning Wing Chun from Nick for six months. His style and take on the art is highly analytical, intelligent and effective. His ability to convey his ideas to his students, in my experience is second to none. His students can expect to attain a high level of proficiency in a genuinely short period of time. Tailored to each individual student, i believe this style is unquestionably the most flexible art for beginners and experienced hands alike." Ben Young, Brisbane Australia, 2016

Legs-on, hands-on, forward anti-thinking approach, experimental and modest, versatile and wise in the face of unending manifestations of the human antibodies we encounter. At any one time, Nick will be experimenting with another martial art or fighting sport, to make sure his own style stands up to the changing contexts and situations we enter, incorporating from other arts that of value into his metastructure. As a writer, he emphasises communication and accessibility, as a freelancer he is remarkably time flexible to the wishes of students, you can learn as much as you can give in time, even for short stays. Beginners can go from zero to a level of confidence quickly, and no advanced martial artists will leave without food for thought. - Nicholas Coulson, Taipei, 2016

"Your Wing Chun sessions were the highlight of our trip! Athena and I were hoping to have more sessions before we left. In the two or three sessions, you covered the fundamental blocking and kicking techniques. These were very beneficial--I felt I could apply what I learned immediately. It was empowering, to say the least. If we go back to Taipei, we will definitely contact you to get together." - Jarod Nozawa, Los Angeles, 2015

尼克的詠春拳是現代化的功夫,功夫的現代化。源自南中國的詠春拳,融合洪拳,連消代打,攻守一體,經李小龍吸收傳入西方,蔚為風尚。尼克深明拳意並能融合當代其他武技術再創新意,在臺北,倘若你想深究詠春拳原理,並想探討下一個時代的武術,這是保有以武會友精神的所在。- 蔡子岳 (Harry Tsai, Taiwan Print Reporter and Kung Fu Aficionado, 2015 - 武術愛好者)