A: Introduction

Hi All: I'm currently at 中和區衛生所 (No. 3, Lane 4, Nanshan Rd. Zhonghe District, New Taipei City) on Mondays and Wednesdays (8:30pm to 10:30pm). It's an all-weather location run by an excellent Taiwanese martial artist, Liu Tianyan, who teaches Wing Chun and no-gi jujitsu on site. It's his operation and I just horse around with his students. Maybe at some point in 2019, I'll open up a location of my own and recruit students again, depending on how much time I've got. I want to bring together Irish boxing, kickboxing, and Wing Chun.

"Amazing Wing Chun training with Nick Veitch here in Taiwan today. If you are ever in Taipei and want to try a pretty creative, free thinking but still very solid and inspiring take on Wing Chun, I highly recommend him." - PJ Pereira (second degree black belt in Shao Shin Hao Kung fu, brown belt in Shorinji Ryu Karate, and Wing Chun Instructor: Co-founder of San Francisco's Pereira & O'Dell representing UFC, Fox Sports, etc. (http://www.pereiraodell.com/clients)) -- Dec. 2015

Background: Yip Man Wing Chun, Tai Chi, a smidgen of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, a tad of western boxing, etc.

Fee: speak to Liu Tianyan.

Bio: grew up in the UK, equatorial Africa, and North America. Been on the ROC for 25 years. Self-taught Mandarin speaker, translator, writer, history buff, etc. Married.

Email: biffcapp@gmail.com

Updated: January 2019

First video is me on local TV talking about kungfu. Second video is teaching Brian (Xingyi & Bagua background) some elementary hands.

Below is Phil and I.

背景: 我永春拳师傅是盧文錦先生(是葉問的外孫;葉問先生是李小龙的师傅)。我也正式的学过太极拳于巴西柔道。 我散打经验包含跟永春拳,太极拳,鹤拳,螳螂拳, 蔡李佛拳,巴西柔道,与西方拳击。我有十几年的教学经验在台湾与美国(在后者,我帮忙了师傅John Kang开了 East West Wing Chun Kung Fu Bay Area Association)。我与师傅Bradley Temple 跟师傅John Kang一起合作翻译了师傅盧文錦的著作"Police Kung Fu: The Personal Combat Handbook of the Taiwan National Police."

实用詠春拳功夫:您看过电影‘叶问’或李小龙的影片那您就知道永春全是一个超好的防身术。它是以柔克刚, 又健身,又很科学,又好玩。


時間表: 認真的學生在短短几个月內可以使用在防身或化解打架的情形。

地点:我开了两门课 (白天于晚上在台大不同的地点): 请参考 这网站的'G: Schedule and Location' 页或大电话来问。


關於这网页的照片: 最上面的那張是我上電視節目“關鍵時刻”而介紹詠春拳.下面的那張是1996拍的.有師父盧文錦(葉問的外孫),我(穿紫色的上衣),與師父John Kang(現在在美國教學)師父Bradley Temple(現在在美國教學). 下面的影片是从初年关键时刻电视节目,当天我来示范一些永春拳观念,还有我台大的一门可的学生。

Nick Veitch...

Lo Man Kam (in blue, nephew of Yip Man, and my primary Wing Chun teacher), John Kang (teaches in Virginia), Brad Templeton (teaches in Las Vegas), and your humble instructor Nick (in purple, here in Taipei).

The former Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 3 Class

Instructor Will Mounger (taught me some invaluable body motion techniques) and I.

The Former Evening Class:

The Former Day Class at the NTU Library: