Khaliq Lab

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The Khaliq Lab is located in the Porter Neuroscience Building on the NIH Bethesda Campus...

... only a short drive or Metro train ride away from Washington DC (Photo from National Park Foundation Website)

We are recruiting trainees with interests in:

1) Circuit mapping of basal ganglia cell types

2) Molecular biology and physiology of axons

* Postdoctoral fellows: Send a letter of interest and current CV to: 

* Graduate student fellows: Apply to be a member of the lab through the graduate student partnership programs (GPP) at NIH:

    NIH-Brown University GPP - Neuroscience

    NIH-Georgetown University GPP - Biomedical Sciences

    NIH-Johns Hopkins University GPP - Cell, Molecular, Developmental Biology & Biophysics

*Students at any university can perform their PhD research at an NIH lab by applying to GPP Individual Partnership. 

See here for details.