Self-esteem, locus of control and personality traits as predictors of sensitivity to injustice

Bibliografický odkaz pre citovanie

Žitný, P. – Halama, P. (2011). Self-esteem, locus of control and personality traits as predictors of sensitivity to injustice. Studia Psychologica, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 27-40. ISSN 0039-3320. Dostupné na internete: <>


Štúdia skúma problém, či lokalizácia kontroly správania a sebahodnotenie dokážu vysvetliť reziduálny rozptyl v predikcii senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti, ktorý nie je vysvetliteľný vplyvom osobnostných čŕt a či sú osobnostné črty v interakcii so sebahodnotením a lokalizáciou kontroly správania pri predikcii senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti. Výskum bol vykonaný na slovenskom súbore 254 pregraduálnych študentoch (71 mužov, 183 žien) – priemerný vek 21.3 (rozpätie 17-27). Senzitivita voči nespravodlivosti bola meraná Dotazníkom senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti. Na meranie sebahodnotenia bola použitá Rosenbergova škála sebahodnotenia a osobnostné črty boli merané dotazníkom NEO-FFI. Rotterova škála internality-externality bola použitá pre meranie lokalizácie kontroly správania. Korelačná analýza ukázala, že osobnostné črty, lokalizácia kontroly správania a sebahodnotenie signifikantne korelujú so senzitivitou voči nespravodlivosti. Hierarchická regresná analýza odhalila, že osobnostné črty vysvetľujú 30 % rozptylu kognitívnej zložky senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti. Pridaním lokalizácie kontroly správania a sebahodnotenia ako prediktorov zvýšilo rozptyl vysvetlený modelom o 4 %. Päť veľkých čŕt vysvetľuje 10 % rozptylu emocionálnej zložky senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti, lokalizácia kontroly správania a sebahodnotenie vysvetľuje ďalších 5 %. Okrem toho, interakčná analýza ukázala, že interná lokalizácia kontroly správania pôsobí ako nárazník voči zvyšovaniu nespravodlivých situácií vnímaných osobou s vysokou emocionálnou labilitou a antagonizmom.

Kľúčové slová

Senzitivita voči nespravodlivosti. Big five osobnostné črty. Lokalizácia kontroly. Sebahodnotenie.

Jazyk práce



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Zoznam použitej literatúry

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Halama, P. - Bieščad, M. (2006). Psychometrická analýza Rosenbergovej škály sebahodnotenia s použitím metód klasickej teórie testov (CTT) a teórie odpovede na položku (IRT) [Psychometric analysis of Rosenberg´s self-esteem scale by using methods of classical test theory (CTT) and item response theory (IRT)]. Československá psychologie, roč. 50, č. 6, s. 588-603. ISSN 0009-062X.

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Abstrakty článkov z použitej literatúry

Baumeister, R.F. - Campbell, J.D. - Krueger, J.I. - Vohs, K.D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological science, pp. 1-44. ISSN 0956-7976.

ABSTRAKT: Self esteem has become a household word. Teachers, parents, therapists, and others have focused efforts on boosting self-esteem, on the assumption that high self-esteem will cause many positive outcomes and benefits-an assumption that is critically evaluated in this review. Appraisal of the effects of self-esteem is complicated by several factors. Because many people with high self-esteem exaggerate their successes and good traits, we emphasize objective measures of outcomes. High self-esteem is also a heterogeneous category, encompassing people who frankly accept their good qualities along with narcissistic, defensive, and conceited individuals. The modest correlations between self-esteem and school performance do not indicate that high self-esteem leads to good performance. Instead, high self-esteem is partly the result of good school performance. Efforts to boost the self-esteem of pupils have not been shown to improve academic performance and may sometimes be counterproductive. Job performance in adults is sometimes related to self-esteem, although the correlations, vary widely, and the direction of causality has not been established. Occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. Alternatively, self-esteem may be helpful only in some job contexts. Laboratory studies have generally failed to find that self-esteem causes good task performance, with the important exception that high self-esteem facilitates persistence after failure. People high in self-esteem claim to be more likable and attractive, to have better relationships, and to make better impressions on others than people with low self-esteem, but objective measures disconfirm most of these beliefs. Narcissists are charming at first but tend to alienate others eventually. Self-esteem has not been shown to predict the quality or duration of relationships. High self-esteem makes people more willing to speak up in groups and to criticize the group's approach. Leadership does not stem directly from self-esteem, but self-esteem may have indirect effects. Relative, to people with low self-esteem, those with high self-esteem show stronger in-group favoritism, which may increase prejudice and discrimination. Neither high nor low self-esteem is a direct cause, of violence. Narcissism leads,to increased aggression in retaliation, for wounded pride. Low self-esteem may contribute to externalizing behavior and delinquency, although some studies have found that there are no effects or that the effect of self-esteem vanishes when other variables are controlled. The highest and. lowest rates of cheating and bullying are found in different subcategories of high self-esteem. Self-esteem has a strong relation to happiness. Although the research has not clearly established causation, we are persuaded that high self-esteem does lead to greater happiness., Low self-esteem is more likely than high to lead to depression under some circumstances. Some studies support the buffer hypothesis, which is that high self-esteem mitigates the effects of stress, but other studies come to the opposite conclusion, indicating that I the negative effects of low self-esteem are, mainly felt in good times. Still others find that high self-esteem leads to happier outcomes regardless of stress or other circumstances. High self-esteem does not prevent children from smoking, drinking, taking drugs, or engaging in early sex. If anything high self-esteem fosters experimentation, which may increase early sexual activity or drinking, but in general effects of self-esteem are negligible. One important exception is that high self-esteem reduces the chances of bulimia in females. Overall, the benefits of high self-esteem fall into two categories: enhanced initiative and pleasant feelings. We have not found evidence that boosting self-esteem (by therapeutic, interventions or school programs) causes benefits. Our findings do not support continued widespread efforts to boost self-esteem in the hope that it will by itself foster improved outcomes. In view of the heterogeneity of high self-esteem, indiscriminate praise might just as easily promote narcissism, with its less desirable consequences. Instead, we recommend using praise to boost self-esteem as a reward for socially desirable behavior and self-improvement.

Blatný, M. - Osecká, L. (1994). Rosenbergova škála sebehodnocení: struktura globálního vztahu k sobě [Rosenberg´s scale of self-evaluation: the structure of the global relation to self]. Československá psychologie, roč. 38, č. 6, s. 481-488. ISSN 0009-062X.

ABSTRAKT: Cílem této studie byla replikace analýzy struktury Rosenbergovy škály sebehodnocení a souvislostí faktorů sebehodnocení s temperamentovými a interpersonálními charakteristikami, provedená původně u souboru vysokoškoláků. Souboru 428 studentů gymnázií (184 chlapců, 244 dívek, průměrný věk 16 let) jsme v rámci širšího výzkumného projektu administrovali Rosenbergovu škálu sebehodnocení, Eysenckův osobnostní dotazník a ICL. Pokud jde o strukturu sebehodnocení, nejsou výsledky zcela konzistentní s předchozím výzkumem. Opakovaně se objevil faktor sebehodnocení, založený na srovnání s ostatními. Naopak se nepodařilo extrahovat faktory pozitivních a negativních položek: v sledovaném souboru adolescentů tvoří jediný bipolární faktor. Faktor, založený na sociálním srovnání, je v obou souborech spojen s dominancí, extraverzí a stabilitou. Dominance zprostředkovává v obou souborech vliv extraverze a stability na regresní odhad sebehodnocení. U adolescentů se při predikci uplatňuje i afiliace.

Dar, Y. - Resh, N. (2001). Exploring the multifaceted structure of sense of deprivation. European Journal of Social psychology, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 63-81. ISSN 0046-2772.

ABSTRAKT: Drawing from both social justice and deprivation research, we conceptualize expressions of sense of deprivation (equated with sense of injustice) as a three-faceted structure defined by mode of experience, social reward, and social sphere of allocation. To empirically verify the fit between this conceptual structure and the actual configuration of people's deprivation reactions, we use a research model of two modes of experience (cognition and emotion), three classes of rewards (instrumental, relational and symbolic), and two social spheres of allocation (school and society at large). A Similarity Space Analysis (SSA) of 17 measures (that represents this model with data collected among Israeli adolescents) reproduced the three-dimensional structure of sense of deprivation, although not all hypothesized affinities and distances between measures were empirically reconstructed. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

DeLongis, A. - Folkman, S. - Lazarus, R.S. (1988). The impact of daily stress on health and mood: Psychological and social resources as mediators. Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 486-495. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: This study examined daily stress processes among 75 married couples across 20 assessments during a 6-month period. The somatic and psychological effects of common everyday hassles were investigated. Overall, there was a significant relationship between daily stress and the occurrence of both concurrent and subsequent health problems such as flu, sore throat, headaches, and backaches. The relationship of daily stress to mood disturbance was more complex. The negative effects of stress on mood were limited to a single day, with the following day characterized by mood scores that were better than usual. Furthermore, striking individual differences were found in the extent to which daily stress was associated with health and mood across time. Participants with unsupportive social relationships and low self-esteem were more likely to experience an increase in psychological and somatic problems both on and following stressful days than were participants high in self-esteem and social support. These data suggest that persons with low psychosocial resources are vulnerable to illness and mood disturbance when their stress levels increase, even if they generally have little stress in their lives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved)

Ďuroška, T. - Lovaš, L. (2002). Senzitivita voči nespravodlivosti a interpersonálne črty správania [Sensitivity to injustice and interpersonal behavioural traits]. Československá Psychologie, roč. 46, č. 5, s. 404-419. ISSN 0009-062X.

ABSTRAKT: V tejto štúdii je overovaná súvislosť senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti v interperonálnych vzťahoch (Lovaš, 1995) s interpersonálnymi črtami správania (Wiggins, 1979; Wiggins, Trappnel, Phillips, 1988). Dovodom k takto stanovenému projektu bolo najmä uvedomenie si interpersonálnej povahy citlivosti voči nespravodlivosti. Bol postulovaný predpoklad, že sociálno-psychologické charakteristiky sa budú podieľať na senzitivite voči nespravodlivosti, pretože konanie v sociálnych situáciach je spolupodmieňované interpersonálnymi charakteristikami subjektu. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 195 osob vo veku od 18 do 25 rokov. Percepcia výskytu situácií evokujúcich nespravodlivosť a frekvencia výskytu zlosti boli ako dve zložky senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti overované L. Lovašovým (1995) dotazníkom SVN. Interpersonálne črty správania sa zisťovali prostredníctvom metodiky IAS-R (Wiggins, Trappnel, Phillips, 1988). Výsledky tohto projektu (korelačná štúdia prostredníctvom Pearsonovho koeficientu) potvrdili, že interpersonálne črty správania sa spolupodieľajú na senzitivite jedincov voči nespravodlivosti. Dané výsledky preukázali vyššiu mieru citlivosti voči nespravodlivosti (v percepčnej rovine) u submisívnych a introvertovaných jedincov. So vzrastajúcou dominanciou a extraverziou sa u žien, naopak znižoval udávaný počet nespravodlivých situácií. Percepcia frekvencie výskytu situácií evokujúcich nespravodlivosť štatisticky významne vzrastala taktiež so zvýrazňovaním prejavov arogancie. Z hľadiska emocionálnej zložky senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti sa ukázalo, že udávaný počet reakcií zlosťou na nespravodlivé situácie sa u žien zvyšoval s rastúcou chladnokrvnosťou. Grafické vyjadrenie daných výsledkov pritom poukázalo aj na nelineárnu povahu niektorých súvislostí. Všetky výsledky sú interpretované hlavne v kontexte dosledkov, akými sa rozne interpersonálne charakteristiky možu prejavovať v správaní a prežívaní v situáciách nespravodlivosti. V tomto zmysle sa následne objasňujú rozdiely v citlivosti voči nespravodlivosti, ktoré sa prejavili v rámci jednotlivých čàt interpersonálneho správania. Taktiež sa však pripomína, že aj odlišná miera výskytu interpersonálnej nespravodlivosti by sa mohla podieľať na formovaní interpersonálnych prejavov.

Goldberg, L.R. (1992). The development of markers for the Big-Five factor structure. Psychological Assessment, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 26-42. ISSN 1040-3590.

ABSTRAKT: To satisfy the need in personality research for factorially univocal measures of each of the 5 domains that subsume most English-language terms for personality traits, new sets of Big-Five factor markers were investigated. In studies of adjective-anchored bipolar rating scales, a transparent format was found to produce factor markers that were more univocal than the same scales administered in the traditional format. Nonetheless, even the transparent bipolar scales proved less robust as factor markers than did parallel sets of adjectives administered in unipolar format. A set of 100 unipolar terms proved to be highly robust across quite diverse samples of self and peer descriptions. These new markers were compared with previously developed ones based on far larger sets of trait adjectives, as well as with the scales from the NEO and Hogan personality inventories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved)

Gray-Little, B. - Williams, V.S.L. - Hancock, T.D. (1997). An item response theory analysis of the Rosenberg self-esteem scale. Personality and social psychology bulletin, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 443-451. ISSN 0146-1672.

ABSTRAKT: The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, a widely used self-report instrument for evaluating individual self-esteem, was investigated using item response theory. Factor analysis identified a single common factor, contrary to some previous studies that extracted separate Self-Confidence and Self-Depreciation factors. A unidimensional model for graded item responses was fit to the data. A model that constrained the 10 items to equal discrimination was contrasted with a model allowing the discriminations to be estimated freely. The test of significance indicated that the unconstrained model better fit the data-that is, the 10 items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale are not equally discriminating and are differentially related to self-esteem. The pattern of functioning of the items was examined with respect to their content, and observations are offered with implications for validating and developing future personality instruments.

Graziano, W.G. - Jensen-Campbell, L.A. - Hair, E.C. (1996). Perceiving interpersonal conflict and reacting to it: The case for agreeableness. Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 820-835. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: Two converging, multimethod studies probed the hypothesis that individual differences in Agreeableness are related to patterns of interpersonal conflict. In Study 1, participants (N = 263) evaluated the efficacy of 11 modes of conflict resolution within the context of 5 different interpersonal relationships. Across all relationships, high- and low-agreeable participants rated negotiation and disengagement tactics as better choices than power assertion tactics. However, low-agreeable participants rated power assertion as a better choice than did high-agreeable participants. In Study 2, participants (N = 124) were assigned partners and were asked to resolve jointly 2 social conflict problems. Partners were videotaped, and observers coded behaviors. Participants also completed ratings of perceived conflict, partner perception, and liking of their partner. Agreeableness differences, sex of participant, and type of dyad partner were related to patterns of interpersonal conflict. Results were discussed in terms of personality and social influences during interpersonal conflict.

Halama, P. (2008). Confirmatory factor anlysis of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in a sample of Slovak high school and university students. Studia psychologica, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 255-266. ISSN 0039-3320.

ABSTRAKT:The contribution presents results of confirmatory factor analysis of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) among Slovak subjects. The sample consisted of 920 high school and university students (365 males, 555 females). Using LISREL software, eight different models of factor structure were estimated. Models were formulated on the basis of previous results, and they included a one-factor model, a one-factor model with correlated uniquenesses of negatively worded items, a one-factor model with correlated uniquenesses of positively worded items, four two-factor models (positive and negative self-esteem, self-liking and self-competence, general and transient self-esteem, self-derogation and defense of sell), and a three-factor model (social comparison, positive and negative self-esteem factors). The best fit indices were found for the model one-factor with correlated uniquenesses of negatively worded items representing unidimensional construct contaminated by effect associated with negatively worded items. Satisfactory tit indices were also found for the one-factor model with correlated uniquenesses of positively worded items, for the two-factor solution with positive and negative self-esteem and for the three factor solution. Correlational analysis revealed that factors based on these models differ in their correlations with Big Five personality traits as measured by NEO-FFI. This suggests that Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale can be used alternatively as one, two or three dimensional measure.

Halama, P. - Bieščad, M. (2006). Psychometrická analýza Rosenbergovej škály sebahodnotenia s použitím metód klasickej teórie testov (CTT) a teórie odpovede na položku (IRT) [Psychometric analysis of Rosenberg´s self-esteem scale by using methods of classical test theory (CTT) and item response theory (IRT)]. Československá psychologie, roč. 50, č. 6, s. 588-603. ISSN 0009-062X.

ABSTRAKT: Rosenbergova škála sebahodnotenia bola psychometricky analyzovaná na vzorke 591 adolescentov (234 mužov, 327 žien, priemerný vek 18,77). Na hodnotenie psychometrických vlastností škály a jej položiek boli použité metódy klasickej teórie testov, jako aj teórie odpovede na položku. Podobne ako vo viacerých iných výskumoch, faktorová analýza odhalila dva korelované faktory tvorené pozitívne a negatívne formulovanými položkami. Klasická položková analýza potvrdila, že väčšina položiek dobre prispieva k vnútornej konzistencii škály. Pomocou teórie odpovede na položku, konkrétne Samajimovho modelu pre stupňované odpovede, sa ukázalo, že jednotlivé položky sa líšia v ich schopnosti diskriminácie a majú odlišný vzťah k úrovni sebaúcty. Informačná funkcia škály tiež ukázala, že táto škála je viac informatívna u osob s nízkou a strednou mierou sebaúcty a menej informatívna u osob s vysokou mierou sebaúcty. Výsledky položkovej analýzy poukázali na istú konvergenciu koeficientov z oboch prístupov.

Jensen-Campbell, L.A. - Gleason, K.A. - Adams, R. - Malcolm, K.T. (2003). Interpersonal conflict, agreeableness, and personality development. Journal of personality, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 1059-1085. ISSN 0022-3506.

ABSTRAKT: This multimethod research linked the Big-Five personality dimensions to interpersonal conflict in childhood, Agreeableness was the personality dimension of focus because this dimension has been associated with maintaining positive interpersonal relations in adolescents and adults. In two studies, elementary school children were assessed on the Big-Five domains of personality. Study 1 (n = 276) showed that agreeableness was uniquely associated with endorsements of conflict resolution tactics in children as well as parent and teacher reports of coping and adjustment. Study 2 (n = 234) revealed that children's perceptions of themselves and others during conflict was influenced by their agreeableness regardless of their partner's agreeableness. Observers also reported that pairs higher in agreeableness had more harmonious, constructive conflicts. Overall findings suggest that of the Big-Five dimensions, agreeableness is most closely associated with processes and outcomes related to interpersonal conflict and adjustment in children.

Jensen-Campbell, L.A. - Graziano, W.G. (2001). Agreeableness as a moderator of interpersonal conflict. Journal of personality, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 323-362. ISSN 0022-3506.

ABSTRAKT: This multimethod research linked the Big Five personality dimensions to interpersonal conflicts. Agreeableness was the focus because this dimension is associated with motives to maintain positive interpersonal relations, Converging responses to both hypothetical conflicts and to diary records of actual daily interpersonal conflicts across a two-week period were assessed. Agreeableness was expected to moderate affective responses and tactical choices during conflicts. Patterns of daily conflict were related to self-reported reactions to hypothetical conflicts and to teacher-rated adjustment in adolescents. As predicted, Agreeableness was related to responsiveness to conflict.

Judge, T.A. - Erez, A. - Bono, J.E. - Thoresen, C.J. (2002). Are measures of self-esteem, neuroticism, locus of control, and generalized self-efficacy indicators of a common core construct? Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 693-710. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: The authors present results of 4 studies that seek to determine the discriminant and incremental validity of the 3 most widely studied traits in psychology--self-esteem, neuroticism, and locus of control--along with a 4th, closely related trait--generalized self-efficacy. Meta-analytic results indicated that measures of the 4 traits were strongly related. Results also demonstrated that a single factor explained the relationships among measures of the 4 traits. The trait measures display relatively poor discriminant validity, and each accounted for little incremental variance in predicting external criteria relative to the higher order construct. In light of these results, the authors suggest that measures purporting to assess self-esteem, locus of control, neuroticism, and generalized self-efficacy may be markers of the same higher order concept. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved). (from the journal abstract)

Kirschbaum, C. - Bartussek, D. - Strasburger, C.J. (1992). Cortisol responses to psychological stress and correlations with personality-traits. Personality and individual differences, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 1353-1357. ISSN 0191-8869.

ABSTRAKT: In two studies cortisol responses to psychological stress was monitored by saliva cortisol measurement at 10 min intervals and correlated with personality measures in a total of 87 healthy subjects. Personality traits were investigated with German versions of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R), the Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS-R), and the Strelau Temperament Inventory (STI-RS). The stress of public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience reliably induced 2- to 3-fold elevation of cortisol levels in both studies. However, no significant correlation was observed between hormone values and any of the personality measures studied.

Lovaš, L. (1995). Nespravodlivosť v interpersonálnych vzťahoch [Injustice in the interpersonal-relations]. Československá Psychologie, roč. 39, č. 3, s. 203-212. ISSN 0009-062X.

ABSTRAKT: Influence of gender and age on the perception of frequency of occurrence of cases of injustice in interpersonal relations and on the frequency of occurrence of anger as reaction to these cases were studied. It was assumed that women and young people will more often feel anger in the above mentioned situations. This assumption resulted from the gender-role specificities and developmental characteristics. 347 subjects aged 18-67 years participated in the research. Perception of the occurrence of injustice-provoking situations and frequency of the occurrence of anger were assessed by the original SVN Questionnaire. The subjects referred to both the parameters studied (occurrence of the situation and occurrence of intensive anger in it) in 16 situations. Selection of situations and formulation of the items issued from the classification of the cases of injustice by G. Mikula (1993). The results confirmed (MANOVA 2 x 4) that both gender and age have got very strong impact on perceiving anger as reaction to injustice. Women and young people described higher frequency of intensive anger than men and elder people. The age affected also the stated frequency of occurrence of critical situations which was manifested in some situations only, not in the total score. When interpreting the results, the consistence of responses found in both parts of the SVN Questionnaire was used; the coefficient of reliability (alpha) was 0.8598 in the part studying the frequency of occurrence of particular events, and 0.9040 in the part studying the anger in these cases. Consistence of both parts of the questionnaire was also confirmed by factor analysis. Thus the hypothesis was suggested that differences that were found have been the manifestation of different levels of sensitiveness of injustice in the interpersonal relations.

Lovaš, L. - Pirhačová, I. (1996). Anxieta, hnevlivosť a senzitivita voči nespravodlivosti [Anxiety, anger and sensitivity to injustice]. Československá Psychologie, roč. 40, č. 3, s. 248-255. ISSN 0009-062X.

ABSTRAKT: Empiricky bol overovaný vplyv úzkostlivosti a hnevlivosti na senzitivitu voči nespravodlivosti. Hypotetizovaný bol pozitívny vplyv oboch osobnostných charakteristík na percepciu výskytu neférového správania a pozitívny vplyv hnevlivosti na výskyt zlosti ako reakcie na takéto správanie. Dotazník SVN (Senzitivita voči nespravodlivosti), Multidimenzionálna škála hnevu a slovenská verzia STAI boli administrované 142 účastníkom vo veku 22 až 66 rokov, z čoho bolo 76 žien a 66 mužov. Vplyv úzkostlivosti a hnevlivosti na senzitivitu voči nespravodlivosti bol overovaný medziskupinovým projektom, v ktorom boli účastníci výskumu rozdelení do skupín s vyšším a nižším skóre v príslušných dotazníkoch. Kritériom vytvárania týchto skupín boli aritmetické priemery. Analýza údajov prostredníctvém ANOVA (Oneway) potvrdila významný vplyv úzkostlivosti i hnevlivosti na percepciu výskytu neférového správania a hnevlivosti na výskyt zlosti ako reakcie na takéto správanie. Úzkostliví aj hnevliví účastníci popisovali vyšší výskyt neférového správania, hnevliví popísali častejšiu reakciu zlosťou na tieto prípady.

Lovaš, L. - Wolt, R. (2002). Sensitivity to injustice in the context of some personality traits. Studia Psychologica, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 125-131. ISSN 0039-3320.

ABSTRAKT: The aim of the research was to find out the relation between sensitivity to injustice and other personality traits. The authors based their view on the definition of sensitivity to injustice as a personality trait and some research findings regarding the reactions toward events considered as unjust. In order to obtain the relevant data the authors developed a questionnaire measuring the frequency of occurrence of unjust events in the classroom. To measure the personality traits use was made of the FPI. The research was conducted on a sample of 128 secondary school students. It was found that students who are more aggressive, egocentric, suspicious, mistrustful, immersed in their own thoughts and introspective, harboring feelings of misunderstanding and unfair treatment, are more sensitive to injustice.

McCrae, R.R. - Costa, P.T. (1985). Updating norman adequate taxonomy - intelligence and personality dimensions in natural-language and in questionnaires. Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 710-721. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: Research on the dimensions of personality represented in the English language has repeatedly led to the identification of five factors (Norman, 1963). An alternative classification of personality traits, based on analyses of standardized questionnaires, is provided by the NEO (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness) model (Costa & McCrae, 1980b). In this study we examined the correspondence between these two systems in order to evaluate their comprehensiveness as models of personality. A sample of 498 men and women, participants in a longitudinal study of aging, completed an instrument containing 80 adjective pairs, which included 40 pairs proposed by Goldberg to measure the five dimensions. Neuroticism and extraversion factors from these items showed substantial correlations with corresponding NEO Inventory scales; however, analyses that included psychometric measures of intelligence suggested that the fifth factor in the Norman structure should be reconceptualized as openness to experience. Convergent correlations above .50 with spouse ratings on the NEO Inventory that were made three years earlier confirmed these relations across time, instrument, and source of data. We discuss the relations among culture, conscientiousness, openness, and intelligence, and we conclude that mental ability is a separate factor, though related to openness to experience.

McCrae, R.R. - Costa, P.T., Jr. (1997). Personality trait structure as a human universal. American Psychologist, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 509-516. ISSN 0003-066X.

ABSTRAKT: Patterns of covariation among personality traits in English-speaking populations can be summarized by the five-factor model (FFM). To assess the cross-cultural generalizability of the FFM, data from studies using 6 translations of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (P. T. Costa & R. R. McCrae, 1992) were compared with the American factor structure. German, Portuguese, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese samples (N = 7,134) showed similar structures after varimax rotation of 5 factors. When targeted rotations were used, the American factor structure was closely reproduced, even at the level of secondary loadings. Because the samples studied represented highly diverse cultures with languages from 5 distinct language families, these data strongly suggest that personality trait structure is universal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved). (from the journal abstract)

Osecká, L. - Blatný, M. (1997). Struktura globálního vztahu k sobě: Analýza Rosenbergovy škály sebehodnocení - replikace [The structure of the global relation to self: the analysis of Rosenberg´s scale of self-evaluation - the replication]. Československá psychologie, roč. 41, č. 6, s. 481-486. ISSN 0009-062X.

ABSTRAKT: Cílem této studie byla replikace analýzy struktury Rosenbergovy škály sebehodnocení a souvislostí faktorů sebehodnocení s temperamentovými a interpersonálními charakteristikami, provedená původně u souboru vysokoškoláků. Souboru 428 studentů gymnázií (184 chlapců, 244 dívek, průměrný věk 16 let) jsme v rámci širšího výzkumného projektu administrovali Rosenbergovu škálu sebehodnocení, Eysenckův osobnostní dotazník a ICL. Pokud jde o strukturu sebehodnocení, nejsou výsledky zcela konzistentní s předchozím výzkumem. Opakovaně se objevil faktor sebehodnocení, založený na srovnání s ostatními. Naopak se nepodařilo extrahovat faktory pozitivních a negativních položek: v sledovaném souboru adolescentů tvoří jediný bipolární faktor. Faktor, založený na sociálním srovnání, je v obou souborech spojen s dominancí, extraverzí a stabilitou. Dominance zprostředkovává v obou souborech vliv extraverze a stability na regresní odhad sebehodnocení. U adolescentů se při predikci uplatňuje i afiliace.

Pirhačová, I. (1997). Perceived social injustice and negative affective states. Studia Psychologica, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 133-136. ISSN 0039-3320.

ABSTRAKT: Situations of social injustice are a part of everyday life. They occur usually after the requirements and demands of others have been disrupted. This unfair behavior is reflected in the emotional sphere of personality. Most often it involves negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, guilt, etc. These have become the subject of our research verification. We studied the occurrence of negative affective states in situations of perceived social injustice and intersexual differences. With respect to the generally accepted knowledge dealing with sex-role behavior we anticipated a more frequent occurrence of anger and sadness in women.

Rothbaum, F. - Weisz, J.R. - Snyder, S.S. (1982). Changing the world and changing the self: A two-process model of perceived control. Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 5-37. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: Claims that attributions and their related behaviors may reflect a type of perceived control that is generally overlooked. People attempt to gain control by bringing the environment into line with their wishes (primary control) and by bringing themselves into line with environmental forces (secondary control). Four manifestations of secondary control are considered: (a) Attributions to severely limited ability can serve to enhance predictive control and protect against disappointment; (b) attributions to chance can reflect illusory control, since people often construe chance as a personal characteristic akin to an ability ("luck"); (c) attributions to powerful others permit vicarious control when the individual identifies with these others; and (d) the preceding attributions may foster interpretive control, in which the individual seeks to understand and derive meaning from otherwise uncontrollable events in order to accept them.

Rotter, J.B. (1990). Internal versus external control of reinforcement: A case history of a variable. American Psychologist, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 489-493. ISSN 0003-066X.

ABSTRAKT: In this article the construct of generalized expectancies for internal vs external control of reinforcement is used as a model to present a brief on the importance of broad theory and training in theory construction and evaluation in psychology. Specifically, the extraordinary heuristic value of this construct is attributed to 4 characteristics: the nature of the definition, the careful imbedding of the construct in a theoretical context, the use of a broad behavior theory in construction of a measure of individual differences, and the programmatic nature of the original research as well as the format of the early publications. Reevaluation of the characteristic criteria for publication of research studies and for the evaluation of promotion or advancement for psychologists involved in research activities is also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved)

Schmitt, M. - Dörfel, M. (1999). Procedural injustice at work, justice sensitivity, job satisfaction and psychosomatic well-being. European Journal of Social psychology, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 443-453. ISSN 0046-2772.

ABSTRAKT: In a field study with 295 factory employees, three hypotheses were tested: (I) Procedural injustice at work is correlated negatively with job satisfaction and psychosomatic wellbeing. (2) The perception of procedural injustice depends on the person's chronic justice sensitivity. (3) Justice sensitivity moderates the correlation of procedural injustice with satisfaction and well-being, the correlation becoming larger with increasing justice sensitivity. Procedural injustice was a defined as the discrepancy between desired (ought) and perceived (is) procedures. notice sensitivity and procedural fairness according to Leventhal's criteria (consistency, nonpartiality, accuracy, correctability, representativeness) and one additional criterion (open information) were measured via questionnaire. Job satisfaction, number of sick days during the last six months and number of days a per son felt sick at work during the last six months served as indicators of psychosomatic well-being. The first and second hypotheses were supported by the data. Partial support was also obtained for the third hypothesis: Justice sensitivity moderated the con elation of procedural unfairness with (a) the number of clays the person felt sick at work and (b) the sum of this variable with the number of sick days.

Schmitt, M. - Gollwitzer, M. - Maes, J. - Arbach, D. (2005). Justice sensitivity: Assessment and location in the personality space. European Journal of Psychological assessment, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 202-211. ISSN 1015-5759.

ABSTRAKT: Scales for justice sensitivity from three perspectives (victim, observer, perpetrator) were developed. A latent state-trait analysis revealed high reliabilities (approximate to.95). Trait consistencies (approximate to.61) were twice as large as occasion specificities (approximate to.33). The correlation between observer and perpetrator sensitivity was much higher than the correlation between either one and victim sensitivity. Self-related concerns (Machiavellianism, paranoia, suspiciousness, vengeance, jealousy, interpersonal trust) correlated more highly with victim sensitivity than with observer and perpetrator sensitivity. Other-related concerns (role taking, empathy, social responsibility) correlated more highly with observer and perpetrator sensitivity than with victim sensitivity. Low correlations between justice sensitivity and a just world belief system were found. Few correlations between justice sensitivity and broad personality traits were significant. Victim sensitivity correlated with neuroticism (approximate to.30). Perpetrator sensitivity correlated with agreeableness (approximate to.20). Observer and perpetrator sensitivity reflected high moral standards. Victim sensitivity was a mixture of self-protective motives and moral concerns.

Schmitt, M. - Mohiyeddini, C. (1996). Sensitivity to befallen injustice and reactions to a real-life disadvantage. Social Justice Research, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 223-238. ISSN 1573-6725.

ABSTRAKT: The study investigates the construct validity of a self-report questionnaire for dispositional sensitivity to befallen injustice (SBI; Schmitt, Neumann, and Montada, 1995). The items of this questionnaire are combinations of four indicators of SBI (frequency of perceived injustice, intensity of anger, intrusiveness/perseverance of thoughts about the event, punitivity) with 18 types of unfair situations (e.g., performing better than others without getting any appreciation or reward). At Occasion 1, SBI, trait anger, anger in, anger out, anger control, self-assertiveness, and attitudes toward equality were measured. At Occasion 2, the subjects (57 advanced psychology students) took part in a lottery for distributing scarce teaching resources among students. The lottery led to objective advantages for some students and to objective disadvantages for others. Four reactions to the event were measured at Occasion 3: judgment of the lottery as injust, anger about the lottery, experiencing the lottery as demotivating, and approval of activities against the lottery. These reactions were regressed on the variables measured at Occasion 1. SBI was the only significant predictor of the justice judgment and the approval of activities. Anger about the lottery depended only on objective disadvantage/advantage. Experiencing the lottery as demotivating depended negatively on anger control and positively on the intrusiveness/perseverance of thoughts about the event, a subscale of the SBI inventory.

Snyder, M. - Gangestad, S. (1982). Choosing social situations: Two investigations of self-monitoring processes. Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 123-135. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: In Study 1, 125 undergraduates chose to enter or not to enter a situation that called for behavioral expressions of extraversion, as measured by the Eysenck Personality Inventory. For high-self-monitoring (HSM) Ss, willingness to enter this situation was a direct reflection of the clarity with which the extraverted character of the situation was defined. For low-self-monitoring (LSM) Ss, willingness to enter this situation was related to their personal dispositions within the domain of extraversion and introversion. In Study 2 (234 Ss), Ss were assigned to a situation and were allowed to indicate how the situation might be changed to make them more willing to enter it. The transformed situations of HSM Ss were relatively clearly defined. The transformed situations of LSM Ss were relatively congruent with their own extraverted or introverted dispositions. The processes by which HSM and LSM Ss facilitated the enactment of their characteristic behavioral orientations are discussed.

Tobin, R.M. - Graziano, W.G. - Vanman, E.J. - Tassinary, L.G. (2000). Personality, emotional experience, and efforts to control emotions. Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 79, no. 4, pp. 656-669. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: Three converging, multimethod studies examined personality and emotional processes. Study 1 (N = 321) examined links among sex, personality, and expectations for emotional events. In Study 2, participants (N = 468) described contents of emotionally evocative slides to a partner (either a friend or a stranger). Participants reported their emotional experience, efforts to control emotion, and the anticipated reactions of their partners. Structural modeling of self-report data and analyses of observational data indicated that Agreeableness and sex were significant predictors of emotional experience and of efforts to control emotion. Study 3 (N = 68) replicated and extended the two previous studies using psychophysiological methods to examine responses to positively and negatively charged emotional materials. Outcomes are discussed in terms of processes underlying the five-factor structural dimension of Agreeableness and links to emotional self-regulation.

Whisman, M.A. - Kwon, P. (1993). Life stress and dysphoria: The role of self-esteem and hopelessness. Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 1054-1060. ISSN 0022-3514.

ABSTRAKT: Evaluated the hypotheses that the relation between life stress (life events and daily hassles) and longitudinal change in dysphoria would be (1) moderated by self-esteem and (2) mediated by longitudinal change in hopelessness. 80 undergraduates were first assessed on self-esteem, hopelessness, and dysphoria and then reassessed 3 mo later on life events, daily hassles, hopelessness, and dysphoria. Residual change in dysphoria was significantly associated with self-esteem, life stress, and a self-esteem × life stress interaction. However, inconsonant with predictions, the moderating impact of self-esteem was greatest under conditions of low (vs high) life stress. Moreover, residual change in hopelessness mediated the relations between residual change in dysphoria and both self-esteem and life stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved)

Žitný, P. (2007). Štruktúra osobnosti a iracionalita v myslení vo vzťahu so senzitivitou voči nespravodlivosti [Structure of personality and irrational thinking in relation with sensitivity to injustice]. In: A. Neusar (Ed.), [Psychology Students´ Days 2007 – The international competition of psychology students´ theses]. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 54-56 pp.

ABSTRAKT: Štúdia skúma vzájomné vzťahy medzi osobnostnou štruktúrou podľa päťfaktorového modelu osobnosti (Costa, McCrae in Ruisel, 1998), iracionálnymi obsahmi v myslení (Kondáš, Kordačová, 2000) a senzitivitou voči nespravodlivosti (Lovaš, 1995). Bola predpokladaná súvislosť osobnosti a iracionality s percepciou výskytu nespravodlivého správania a so zlosťou ako reakciou na výskyt takéhoto správania. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 108 študentov vo veku od 18 do 27 rokov z čoho bolo 45 mužov a 63 žien. Percepcia výskytu situácií evokujúcich nespravodlivosť a frekvencia výskytu zlosti na takéto kritické situácie boli ako dve zložky senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti overované Dotazníkom senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti (SVN; Lovaš, 1995). Iracionálne obsahy v myslení boli zisťované prostredníctvom Škály iracionálnych presvedčení (IPA; Kondáš, Kordačová, 2000) a deskripcia osobnosti bola prevedená NEO osobnostným inventárom (NEO‐FFI; Costa, McCrae in Ruisel, 1998). Okrem korelačnej analýzy bola prevedená tiež viacnásobná regresná analýza za účelom zistenia najlepšej lineárnej kombinácie nezávisle premenných (osobnostné faktory a jednotlivé dimenzie iracionality v myslení) pre predikciu testového skóre senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti (závisle premenná). Výsledky korelačnej a viacnásobnej regresnej analýzy potvrdili, že iracionálne obsahy v myslení ako aj osobnostné črty sa spolupodieľajú na senzitivite voči nespravodlivosti, a že zo všetkých nezávisle premenných dve z nich signifikantne a s najväčším vplyvom prispievajú k predikcii senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti, a to osobnostné faktory emocionálna labilita a extraverzia. Výsledky preukázali vyššiu mieru senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti (v percepčnej úrovni) u jednotlivcov, ktorí myslia iracionálne. Udávaný výskyt nespravodlivých situácií signifikantne klesal s vyššou emocionálnou stabilitou, extraverziou, prívetivosťou a svedomitosťou. Z aspektu emocionálnej zložky senzitivity voči nespravodlivosti sa udávaný výskyt zlostných reakcií na nespravodlivé situácie signifikantne zvyšoval so zvyšujúcou sa emocionálnou labilitou. Všetky výsledky sú interpretované hlavne v kontexte dôsledkov, akými sa rôzne osobnostné charakteristiky a miera iracionálnych presvedčení môžu prejavovať v správaní a prežívaní v situáciách nespravodlivosti. Taktiež sa však pripomína, že aj odlišná miera výskytu interpersonálnej nespravodlivosti by sa mohla podieľať na formovaní osobnostných čŕt a iracionálnych presvedčení.

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