Neuropsychologický výskum percepčnej laterality na Slovensku

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Žitný, P. – Jurásová, K. (2010). Neuropsychologický výskum percepčnej laterality na Slovensku. Československá psychologie, roč. 54, č. 6, s. 564-568. ISSN 0009-062X. Dostupné na internete: <>


Príspevok sa zameriava na neuropsychologické výskumy percepčnej laterality realizované na Slovensku. Opisujú sa predovšetkým adaptácie a varianty metodík skúmania sluchovej, zrakovej a hmatovej laterality, diskutujú sa možnosti ich aplikácie v neuropsychologickej diagnostike.

Kľúčové slová

Neuropsychológia. Mozog. Lateralita. Dichotická stimulácia. Dichhaptická stimulácia. Lateralizovaná prezentácia zrakových podnetov.

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Zoznam použitej literatúry

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Vybrané abstrakty článkov z použitej literatúry

Jäncke, L., Buchanan, T. W., Lutz, K., Shah, N. J. (2001). Focused and nonfocused attention in verbal and emotional dichotic listening: An FMRI study. Brain and Language 78, 349-363.

ABSTRAKT: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to identify cortical regions which are involved in two dichotic listening tasks. During one task the subjects were required to allocate attention to both ears and to detect a specific target word (phonetic task), while during a second task the subjects were required to detect a specific emotional tone (emotional task). During three attentional conditions of each task-, the subjects were required to focus attention to the right (FR) or left ear (FL), while during a third condition subjects were required to allocate attention to both ears simultaneously. In 11 right-handed male subjects, these dichotic listening tasks evoked strong activations in a temporofrontal network involving auditory cortices located in the temporal lobe and prefrontal brain regions. Hemodynamic responses were measured in the following regions of interest: Heschl's gyros (HG), the planum polare (PP), the planum temporale (PT). the anterior superior temporal sulcus (aSTS), the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), and the inferior frontal gyrus region (IFG) of both hemispheres. The following findings were obtained: (1) the degree of activation in HG and PP depends on the direction of attention. In particular it was found that selectively attending to right-ear input led to increased activity specifically in the left HG and PP and attention to left ear input increased right-sided activity in these structures (2) hemodynamic responses in the PT, aSTS, pSTS. and IFG were not modulated by the different focused-attention conditions; (3) hemodynamic responses in HG and PP in the nonforced conditions were the sum activation of the forced conditions: (4) there was no general difference between the phonetic and emotion tasks in terms of hemodynamic responses (5) hemodynamic responses in the PT and pSTS were strongly left-lateralized. reflecting the specialization of these brain regions for language processing. These findings are discussed in the context of current theories of hemispheric specialization.

Kimura, D. (1961). Some effects of temporal-lobe damage on auditory perception. Canadian Journal of Psychology 15, 156-165.

ABSTRAKT: All Ss were patients whose chief presenting symptom was epileptic seizures; 55 of the 71 had unilateral brain operations to remove epileptogenic tissue. Most were given binaural memory tests for digits before and after surgery. Damage to the left temporal lobe impaired performance irrespective of the ear to which the stimuli were presented. Also, temporal lobectomy on either side impaired recognition at the ear contralateral to the removal.

Mikulajová, M., Rafajdusová, I. (1992). Interhemisferálne spracovanie verbálnoakustických podnetov u zdravých, dysfatických a dyslalických detí. Československá psychologie 36, 506-516.

ABSTRAKT: The problem of brain organization of verbal processes in norm and in case of different disorders of speech development remains topical. We used our own variant of the dichotic listening test, by means of which we mapped patterns of interhemispheric functioning during the perception of verbal acoustic stimuli in healthy, dysphatic, and dyslalic children aged from 5 to 9 years. The results have shown that in healthy children, in the process of percepting words as well as syllables, the so called right ear effect, i. e., the predominantly left hemispheric processing of stimuli, is present. On the other hand, in children with developmental dysphasia, the patterns of atypical processing of stimuli have been validated: in case of syllables, compensation from the right hemisphere part (left ear effect) appears; in case of words, it is no more present, and we can see impaired left hemispheric processing with low productivity and efficiency of reproduction. In dyslalic children, no significant deviations from norm have been found. Possibilities of perspective using of dichotic listening in differential diagnosis of developmental disorders of speech are analysed.

Roberts, M., A. Persinger M.,A., Grote, C., Evertowski, L.M., Springer, J.A., Tuten, T., Moulden, D., Franzen, K.M., Roberts, R.J., Baglio, C.S. (1994). The dichotic word dichotic listening test: Preliminary observations in american and canadian samples. Applied Neuropsychology 1, 45-56.

ABSTRAKT: The present article describes observations of 670 American and Canadian child and adult control subjects on the recently developed Dichotic Word Listening Test (DWLT). The task was also administered to a sample of American children with traumatic brain injuries (n=21) of varying severity and a sample of American adults with mild traumatic injuries (n=36). The conceptual focus in this line of research was on using normative observations to identify clinically defective channels of auditory processing among patients. The principal findings were as follow: 1) the DWLT was sensitive to the effects of cerebral dysfunction following traumatic brain injury; 2) differences among normal samples with different demographic backgrounds were frequently observed, arguing for the development of local norms; 3) a shorter form of the DWLT task (DWLT30) can be used for screening purposes with relatively little reduction in sensitivity to cerebral dysfunction; 4) there appeared to be considerable improvement of DWLT performance between the ages of five and seven, due largely to higher scores from the left auditory channel; and 5) there were indications that use of French (rather than English) as one's native language before age six can negatively influence performance in adulthood on an English version of the DWLT. In general, the present findings suggest that the DWLT is likely to have relatively broad applicability for neuropsychological assessment across the life-span.

Špajdel, M., Jariabková, K. (2008). Metodika dichotickej stimulácie: neverbálne a verbálne úlohy. Československá psychologie 52, 167-171.

ABSTRAKT: V príspevku sa opisuje metodika dichotickej stimulácie obsahujúca neverbálne i verbálne podnety. Výskumné overovanie metodiky bolo realizované s výberom 60 pravoručných dospelých osôb z bežnej populácie (25 mužov, 35 žien) vo veku 18 až 26 rokov. Zistilo sa, že pri neverbálnych úlohách (environmentálne zvuky a sekvencie tónov) sa prejavila preferencia ľavého ucha a pri verbálnych úlohách (nevýznamové slabiky a zmysluplné slová) sa prejavila preferencia pravého ucha. Medzipohlavné rozdiely sa nepreukázali. Overovanie metodiky ukázalo dobrú test-retestovú reliabilitu pre všetky použité úlohy. Na hodnotenie výkonov môžu slúžiť aj percentilové normy vytvorené na základe výsledkov 73 pravoručných osôb vo veku 18 až 30 rokov.

Špajdel, M., Jariabková, K., Krajmer, P. (2009). Verbal auditory processing in boys with specific reading disability. Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva 51, 156-158.

ABSTRAKT: The present study focused on lateral asymmetry in auditory perception in boys with specific reading disability. Two verbal dichotic listening tasks (nonsense consonant-vowel syllables and monosyllabic consonant-vowel-consonant nouns) were administered to groups of 25 boys with reading disability and 25 control right-handed boys, aged 10-15 years. For nonsense syllables a right ear advantage was found in both groups. For monosyllabic nouns, no ear advantage was found in either group, but the total accuracy of recall was lower in the group with reading disability. There was a strong positive relationship between lateralization for syllables and words in the control group. No such relationship was found in the group with reading disability. The results suggest a specific effect of developmental dyslexia on lateralization of phonemic and semantic auditory processing.

Špajdel, M., Jariabková, K., Puskeilerová, I. (2006). Dichotic listening to verbal and noverbal stimuli in left brain and right brain damaged patients. Homeostasis in health and disease 4, 145-151.

ABSTRAKT: The employment of four types of stimulus material (CV syllables, meaningful words, two-tone sequences, environmental sounds) clearly indicate that lateral asymmetry in auditory perception can be also influenced by the nature of the dichotic stimuli used. The results indicate impaired overall dichotic listening performance in brain lesioned patients in the verbal as well as in the nonverbal dichotic tasks used in the present studyIt was found that brain damage in either hemisphere tended to impair to some degree the normal level of performance in dichotic listening, for all type of stimuli, in both ears. As regards the asymmetry of correct reports from right ear and left ear, a REA was found on verbal tasks in the right hemisphere damaged group and, surprisingly, also in the left hemisphere damaged group. Nevertheless, in the nonverbal tasks used in our study, in right hemisphere damaged patients a REA was observed, as expected. It should be noted that dichotic listening does not tap exclusively the temporal lobe function but other cortical and subcortical areas are also involved. Nevertheless, dichotic listening seems to be useful in demonstrating cerebral dysfunction in neurologically impaired patients.

Špajdel, M., Jariabková, K., Riečanský, I. (2007). The influence of musical experience on lateralization of auditory processing. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 12, 487-499.

ABSTRAKT: The influence of musical experience on free-recall dichotic listening to environmental sounds, two-tone sequences, and consonant-vowel (CV) syllables was investigated. Sixty healthy right-handed participants were divided into two groups according to their active musical competence ('musicians' and 'non-musicians'). A left ear advantage (LEA) for nonverbal stimuli (environmental sounds and two-tone sequences) whereas a right ear advantage (REA) for CV syllables was found in both groups. Dichotic listening to environmental sounds was uninfluenced by musical experience. The total accuracy of recall for two-tone sequences was higher in musicians than in non-musicians but the lateralization was similar in both groups. For CV syllables a lower REA was found in male but not female musicians in comparison to non-musicians. The results indicate a specific sex-dependent effect of musical experience on lateralization of phonological auditory processing.

Wester, K., Irvine, D. R. F., Hugdahl, K. (2001). Auditory laterality and attentional deficits after thalamic haemorrhage. Journal of Neurology 248, 676-683.

ABSTRAKT: Thalamic lesions have been shown to produce severe cognitive deficits involving language and memory. A majority of the studies have reported cognitive deficits after lesions in the anterior and dorsomedial thalamic nuclei. We report five case studies of effects on language processing after postero-dorsal thalamic haemorrhages. Four of the patients had lesions on the right side, and one patient had a lesion on the left side. Effects on language processing were investigated with the dichotic listening test with consonant-vowel syllables. This test, in which conflicting auditory stimuli are presented simultaneously to the two ears, has been used to probe differences in language processing in the left and right hemispheres. The four patients with right-sided lesions reported almost none of the syllables presented to the left ear, and were unable to modify this massive right ear advantage by directing attention to the left or right ear. The patient with a left-sided lesion showed a weaker left ear advantage, and was able to modify his responses by shifting attention, to an extent similar to that of healthy reference individuals. When tested with monaural stimulus presentation, the scores of all patients rose to almost 100 % correct for each ear. The pattern of effects with dichotic stimuli under different instructional conditions cannot be accounted for in purely structural terms, and indicates that lesions in the posterior part of the thalamus, including the pulvinar nucleus and medial geniculate body, produce deficits not only in processing of complex auditory stimuli but also in the allocation of attention to input from one ear or the other.

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