Bible Teaching and What We Believe

What We Believe

We hold to the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church.

You can see them by clicking the following link.

Articles of Faith of the BFC


Sunday School - 9:30 am

Putting details together to understand the whole is a necessary part of our understanding of the Scripture.

Join us for a lesson series titled "The Bible Overview" by Matthias Media.


Sunday Mornings - 10:30 am

What do you believe? Lots of people believe lots of things but what really matters is that we believe Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh

Who lived a perfect life, died the perfect death, was raised, and is seated at the right hand of God preparing a place for His people.

The Gospel of John, the current sermon series, gives us the proof that Jesus is the Christ.


AWANA and Youth Group - Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm*

Adult Bible Study and Prayer - Thursdays - 8 pm

*Please note that AWANA and Youth Group do not meet in the summers (approximately May through September).