In addition to the AWANA and Youth Group programs (which begin at 7:00),

we have an adult Bible Study in the sanctuary from 8:00-8:30 P.M. on Thursdays.

All are invited!

A- Approved

W- Workmen

A- Are

N- Not

A- Ashamed

2 Timothy 2:15

The AWANA program is a club for kids to help them further their knowledge of God, while having fun! Our church's AWANA club meets on Thursday nights at 7:00 and ends at 8:30. The night starts out with opening, where we say our pledges (Pledge to the American flag, Pledge to the Christian flag, Pledge to the Bible, and Pledge to the AWANA flag) and say a prayer. After that, there is handbook time, where the kids work on their verses with a leader (there are usually about 3 children per leader during handbook time). There is also lesson time where a leader gives a bible lesson (see below for how the children are grouped). We all then go over to Bennett Hall (the building next to the church) to play games! The kids are put into four teams for the game portion of the night. There are relay races, scooter races, tug of war, and many other fun games that we play together. At the end of the night, the team with the most points (see below for ways to earn points) wins and gets to pick a piece of candy from the treasure chest! The night is closed in prayer by either a volunteering club member or a leader.

AWANA Sparks

Grades: Kindergarten to 2nd

"Sparkies" go to lesson time after opening, followed by handbook time.

AWANA Truth & Training

Grades: 3rd to 6th

"T&T-ers" go to handbook time after opening, followed by lesson time.

Sparkies and T&T-ers combine for game time in Bennett Hall.

AWANA Cubbies

Age 3 to age 5

*must be potty trained

Cubbies do not converse with Sparkies or T&T-ers, but have their own schedule and meet in the nursery of the church.

Youth Group

Youth Group

Grades: 7th to 12th

Youth Group does not follow AWANA curriculum, but uses another set of books to teach from. Youth Group meets in Bennett Hall and goes over to the church when Sparkies and T&T-ers come over for games. The Youth Group plays games (board games, etc.) in Bennett Hall, and has lesson time in the church afterwards.


*this only pertains to Sparks and Truth and Training

Ways to earn points:

-bring your Bible

-wear your AWANA shirt/vest (these can be purchased at the church at any time before or after AWANA)

-bring a friend

-going to your church on Sunday

-amount of verses memorized during handbook time (if you memorize the verse ahead of time, you get double points!)


Crazy Hat Night

Handbook Time