Annual Meetings

Post date: Jan 16, 2018 10:35:59 PM

Dear Friends in Christ by God’s grace in the power of the Holy Spirit,

Your church leadership invites you to your Annual Congregational Meeting. Following these paragraphs, details are noted. Please plan to join with your sisters and brothers so we can move ahead in faith and mission! Of course, St. John’s and Zion each will consider a 2018 church budget thoughtfully and prayerfully put together. Reports of committees and officers will focus our attention on how we have stewarded gifts God has entrusted to us. Council members and officers will be elected. OUR WORK TOGETHER WILL BE COVERED WITH PRAYER, AS WE TRUST GOD TO HELP AND GUIDE US!

Our proposed TWO-CHURCH COVENANT is a major agenda item this year! (Covenant is a biblical term for agreement.) After Christmas, Joint Council met to finalize the document received from a special 2-church committee, updating the covenant that first officially brought our churches together. We believe it clearly reflects the ways we have moved into greater, more purposeful sharing, with room for trust in the future to which God is leading us. Now we need your input and approval. Advance copies of this agreement to look over ahead of time will be in the narthex this Sunday. We are hopeful that through us all working together – OUR covenant will be a tool that can guide our faith and decisions for the future. SO -- PLEASE COME, LEND YOUR PERSPECTIVES AND QUESTIONS, YOUR VOICES AND HEARTS!

St. John’s Annual Congregational Meeting follows our regular 10 am communion service on January 21. We all worship at St. John’s that day. Voting members of St. John’s are confirmed members age 16 and older who are currently contributing and communing of record, or who have done so in 2017. Some refreshment will be available in the narthex for all worshippers and for sustenance during the meeting that will follow in the church sanctuary.

The following Sunday, 1/28, Zion’s Annual Congregational Meeting will be called to order after our 10 am Communion Service at Zion; Zion’s voting members are those who are confirmed communicant members age 16 and over during this current year, or who have communed of record within the past three years. Likewise, refreshments will be there for all worshippers and members staying for the meeting in the sanctuary.

‘Tis better, more enjoyable, and more promising to carry out ministry together rather than by ourselves alone! The following may be cheesy but it sure rings true! We wonder whether we are all that God calls us to be; for it’s just CH CH -- unless U R with us! Those who cannot come – keep us in prayer, please and thanks!

– For ALL your elected leadership – St. John’s and Zion’s Church Councils—

with gratitude and hope, Pastor Elizabeth

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