Taula Periodikoa / Tabla periódica

Protagonista: la Tabla Periódica, ¡hay tantas formas de construirla!

En este enlace encontraréis todo sobre la tabla periódica y también todos los modelos 3D.

Taula periodikoa protagonista, eraikitzen hainbeste modu dauden!

Esteka honeta Taula periodikoari buruzko den dena, aurkituko duzue, baita eredu 3D ere.

Taula periodikoa paperez
Periodic Table Mobile:
Taula periodikoa 3D
Students assemble, color, and complete a giant (42.5 x 21.5 inches) 3-D Periodic Table with fold out flaps for each element.:
Science Paper Model - 3D Periodic Table Free Papercraft Download
QR-Coded Audio Periodic Table of the Elements: A Mobile-Learning Too @Tammy Tarng Tarng Gustafson Hammonds, What a great way to use technology in chemistry!
chemistry battleship anyone?
Periodic Table Project. ScienceWear.net for everything you need, including hosting an Atomic Attire Fashion show:
Our Worldwide Classroom: free printable, three-part cards for the periodic table of elements
Chemical identity masks: http://www.hightechhigh.org/unboxed/issue3/cards/9.php: