Position Available

Three PhD student positions are available immediately in the group.

General requirement:

(1) CV, transcript, TOEFL with minimal score of 79 or above and oral score of 23 or above;

(2) M.S. degree is required;

(3) self-motivated, pro-activated, and positive attitude.

(4) GRE is waived and NOT required. 

Position 1: Experience with molecular dynamics simulation or data-mining; Strong interesting and skills in programming is a big plus.

Position 2: Experience with cell and protein studies.

Position 3: Experience with polymer synthesis

P.S. If you have a M.S. degree, but without any publication, please do NOT bother to apply for this position.

We conduct meaningful research, not competition-driven research. 

Contact me: zhengj@uakron.edu

出发啦 不要问那路在哪

迎风向前 是唯一的方法

出发啦 不想问那路在哪

运命哎啊 什么关卡

当车声隆隆 梦开始阵痛

它卷起了风 重新雕塑每个面孔

夜雾那么浓 开阔也汹涌

有一种预感 路的终点是晴空
