Session 6: Social responsibility and Robot Morality


about situations appearing in the chapters 29-31 of the novel "The Vestigial Heart":

6.A - Can reliability/safety be guaranteed? How can hacking/vandalism be prevented?

6.B - Who is responsible for the actions of robots? Should moral behavior be modifiable in robots?

6.C - When should a society’s well-being prevail over the privacy of personal data?

6.D - What digital divides may robotics cause?

Readings to know more

Borenstein J., Arkin R. (2016) Robotic nudges: the ethics of engineering a more socially just human being. Science and Engineering Ethics, 22(1), 31-46.

Calo R. (2015) Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw. California Law Review, 103(3), 513-563.

Decker M. (2007) Can humans be replaced by autonomous robots? Ethical reflections in the framework of an interdisciplinary technology assessment, Workshop on Roboethics, Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’07).

El Mesbahi M. (2015) Human-Robot Interaction Ethics in Sci-Fi Movies: Ethics Are Not ‘There’, We Are the Ethics! Intl. Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9186, 590-598.

Lichocki P., Kahn Jr P.H., Billard A. (2011) A survey of the robotics ethical landscape. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 18(1), 39-50.

Veruggio G., Operto F., Bekey G. (2016) Roboethics: Social and ethical implications of robotics. In Siciliano B., Khatib O. (Eds.) Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2nd edition, Chapter 80, pp. 2135-2160, Springer.

Wallach W. (2010) Robot Morals and Human Ethics: The Seminar, Teaching Ethics, 11(1), 87-92.