
Main areas of interest:

Economics of education, Agricultural Economics

Public economics, Policy evaluation

Working Papers

Muddying the waters: How grade distributions change when university exams go online 

- with Daniel Montolio (University of Barcelona)

IEB Working Paper version here

Crop diversification across different farm sizes in the European Union 

- with Marzia Freo (JRC and University of Bologna) and Laura Serlenga (JRC and University of Bari)

Manuscript here

Size-contingent "Green" obligations and avoidance behavior among EU farmers: lessons from Spanish administrative data 

- with Marzia Freo (JRC and University of Bologna) and Laura Serlenga (JRC and University of Bari)

(Manuscript coming soon)

Academic Publications

- with Luis E. Rojas (MOVE, UAB and BSE)

Journal of Industrial and Business Economics [Vol. 49, Jul. 2022, pp.509-43]

- with Fabio Sánchez Torres (University of Los Andes)

Economic Analysis and Policy [Vol. 73, Mar. 2022, pp.62-93]

- with Daniel Montolio (University of Barcelona)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization [Vol. 191, Nov. 2021, pp.97-126]

IZA Journal of Labor Economics [Vol. 9 Issue 1, Mar. 2020]

Policy Publications

JRC Technical Report JRC135190 (2023) - Publications Office of the European Union

Other work in progress

The effect of high speed railways on local development

Teacher allocation across geographical clusters

Female representation and gender violence

Refereeing Service

Review of Economic Studies // Journal of Public Economics // Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization // German Economic Review // Labour Economics // Papers in Regional Science // IZA Journal of Labor Economics // LABOUR //  Social Science and Medicine // Local Government Studies // Statistical Journal of the IAOS

Unpublished work

(pre-PhD work)

Sibling Effects in Cognitive Achievement - Are Smart Brothers and Sisters Good for You?  (SSRN Working Paper:

In this paper I investigate whether children's cognitive achievement is influenced by the cognitive achievement of their siblings. I apply system GMM to estimate a dynamic model of cognitive skill production. I allow for endogeneity of sibling performance and of other regressors, for reciprocal influence between younger and older sibling, for unobserved individual and family effects, and for state dependence of cognitive achievement. I find evidence for positive and significant sibling effects on both verbal reasoning and mathematics test scores, with results consistent across the two skills. My results support theories of cumulative achievement processes, as current achievements are shown to depend on past ones. Influence goes from older siblings to younger ones and viceversa, in contradiction with the assumption of unidirectional effect from old to young, which underlies identification in related studies.