Films: 1989

Our 25 Favorite Films of 1989

1. Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee)

2. My Left Foot (Jim Sheridan)

3. Dead Poets Society (Peter Weir)

4. Mystery Train (Jim Jarmusch)

5. Drugstore Cowboy (Gus Van Sant)

6. Batman (Tim Burton)

7. Rain Man (Barry Levinson)

8. When Harry Met Sally (Rob Reiner)

9. Sex, Lies and Videotape (Steven Soderbergh)

10. Say Anything (Cameron Crowe)

11. Heathers (Michael Lehmann)

12. Roger & Me (Michael Moore)

13. The Dream Team (Howard Zieff)

14. The ‘Burbs (Joe Dante)

15. Christmas Vacation (Jeremiah Chechik)

16. New York Stories (Allen, Coppola, Scorsese)

17. Born on the Fourth of July (Oliver Stone)

18. Career Opportunities (Bryan Gordon)

19. Driving Miss Daisy (Bruce Beresford)

20. Field of Dreams (Phil Alden Robinson)

21. Crimes and Misdemeanors (Woody Allen)

22. Always (Steven Spielberg)

23. The Abyss (James Cameron)

24. Lean on Me (John G. Avildsen)

25. Back to the Future Part II (Robert Zemeckis)

BEST ACTOR: Daniel Day-Lewis in My Left Foot

BEST DIRECTOR: Spike Lee for Do the Right Thing

BEST SCREENPLAY: To Schulman for Dead Poets Society


Written by G. William Locke