
In the academic year 2022 - 2023 I will lecture the course "Advanced Topics in Complex Analysis" (fall) and "Ordinary Differential Equations" (spring, together with J. Schach-Møller) at Aarhus University.

Any students who have questions or are interested in the course are very welcome to get in touch with me via e-mail. Otherwise all further communication will be via the dedicated page on Brightspace.

Past teaching:

In the academic year 2020-2021 I taught Complex Analysis (lecturer) at the ICTP Diploma Program. Anyone interested can follow the lectures on the ICTP YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRhwSiN-qZk&t=2514s

If you wish to receive the homework problems, please drop me an e-mail.

In the academic year 2019-2020 I taught Complex Analysis (lecturer) and Algebraic Topology (exercise classes) at the ICTP Diploma Program. Together with Claudio Arezzo I co-supervised the Diploma thesis of Amna Mohsin on Optimal Transport Theory and Brunn-Minkowski and Isoperimetric Inequalities.

In the academic year 2018-2019 I taught Complex Analysis (exercise classes) at the ICTP Diploma Program, and gave two special lectures on minimal surfaces as part of the Diploma Differential Geometry course. Together with Claudio Arezzo I also co-supervised the Diploma thesis of Joshua Oluwagbenga Windare on the Uniformization Theorem for Riemann Surfaces.

During my PhD I held a DCCE "Doctorant Contractuel Chargé d'Enseignement" position at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (3x64 teaching hours). My teaching experience in the period 2014-2017 includes the following:

  • Spring 2017: Oral examiner in complex analysis. Lecturing and computer labs (using Python) in Analysis 1.

  • Fall 2016: Teaching in a classe préparatoire calculus course (first year undergraduate level).

  • Spring 2016: Lecturing and exercise classes in Linear Algebra 1.

  • Fall 2015: Lecturing and exercise classes in Calculus 1.

  • Spring 2015: Lecturing and exercise classes in Linear Algebra 1.

  • Fall 2014: Lecturing and exercise classes in Calculus 1.

  • 2010-2014: Various tutoring activites.

I have also worked as a chess teacher at local chess clubs in Paris and Göteborg.