Nature's human body is 72 % water with molecular LOGIC GATES. The 1972 Watergate brain trial of Washington, DC

Post date: Jul 10, 2020 5:52:36 AM

RD-blog-number-3099 by Herb Zinser

Sartre Existential LAW

The atomic/molecular Constitution of the United States had a TRIAL of bio-physics water molecules in dermatology packaging with the EARTH LAB name: humanoid ..... and this includes YOU..

Water in the Body - ChemCraft/The Dehl‎

The human brain is about 85% water and our bones are between 10 to 15% water. ... If you don't give your body water, it holds onto water tenaciously so it wont ...


Watergate - The Washington

A June 1972 break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex begins the chain of events that convulsed .

Detection of long-lived bound water molecules in complexes of

by EM Meiering - 1995 - Cited by 30 - Related articles

Mar 24, 1995 – Detection of long-lived bound

water molecules in complexes of human ...

Department of Biological Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, ...

The locations of long-lived bound water molecules in the binary complex of human

The locations

The locations

The locations of water molecule experimental expressions devices in water political science as part of the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science output formats.

72, break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in

Washington, D.C., and the N administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement.

Watergate office complexWater molecule office complex

Water molecule LOGIC GATE .... office complex with complex bio-math functions in social engineering of society

N = Avogadro's number administrator's of water molecules.

Avogadro constant N


President N of Avogadro's Number and Nature's periodic atomic table government ...... the water molecule LOGIC gates DEMO experiment known as Watergate

The president of the United States is president of many things and concepts that exist in the United States. As an atomic, bio-physics humanoid ...... who would Nature select as an representative for ............RD N --> Research and Development for the Darwinian social behavior evolution of Avogadro's number N --> agent initials RD N --> in Earth Lab proper noun identifier format --> Richard Nixon


37th President of the United States

In office

January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974

Vice President

Preceded by Lyndon Johnson

Succeeded by Gerald Ford

36th Vice President of the United States In office

January 20, 1953 – January 20, 1961

President Dwight Eisenhower

Preceded by Alben Barkley

Succeeded by Lyndon Johnson

How Stuff Works "

What is Avogadro's number?"‎

Avogadro's number is a key component in the study of chemistry. Learn about the origin and impact of Avogadro's number at How Stuff Works.

Avogadro constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎

Perrin originally proposed the name Avogadro's number (N) to refer to the number of molecules in one gram-molecule of oxygen (exactly 32g of oxygen), ...

History - General role in science - Measurement - See also

Avogadro's number (N) to refer to --> Darwinian selection of EARTH LAB agent known as President N.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎

The Watergate scandal was a political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic ...

Wiretapping of the Democratic ... - Coverup and its unraveling

Nature's study of water molecule thought and behavior required the usage of the original bottle water ... with Nature's advanced packaging systems ........

Modern Packaging Encyclopedia: Packaging Catalog - Google

Title, Modern Packaging Encyclopedia: Packaging Catalog. Publisher, Packaging Catalog Corporation

Water in the Body - ChemCraft/The Dehl‎

The human brain is about 85% water and our bones are between 10 to 15% water. ... If you don't give your body water, it holds onto water tenaciously

Water molecule scandal the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic ...the .................

..72, break-in at the Demo ...


Watergate ...

Watergate - The Washington PostWater ................Washing .... ton of symbol laundary

A June 1972 break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex begins the chain of events that convulsed ...

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎

The Watergate scandal was a political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic ...

Wiretapping of the Democratic ... - Coverup and its unraveling

Let's look at the N (NIXON) water molecule DEMO of Avogadro's number ..... a chain of events ...a sequence of co-existences .... about water, water humanoids, and water event signals..

Watergate is an important event in chemistry and bio-chemistry expressions VIA water molecule humans that have iron HEME group FE(ii) ions in their blood stream.

Thus we have the INTERNAL biology architecture of liquid streams of consciousness (b100d) with iron ships (b100d cells) floating thru fluid media.

The EXTERNAL equivalent on the geology/geography living EARTH cell model ....

is U.S.NAVY iron ships floating thru liquid oceans/ seas.

Thus WATERGATE is a project milestone in Nature's molecule evolution.

Water molecule scandalWater logic gate ... DEMO

brain self-awareness test for ...

What percentage of the human brain is made up of water? - Yahoo › All Categories Science & Mathematics Biology

Jun 8, 2007 – It depends on what exactly you're measuring. By weight, the human brain is approximately 75% water. By molecule count, the human brain is

What percentage of the average human brain is water?‎

Feb 26, 2002 - 3 posts - 3 authors

What percentage of the average human brain is water -

What percentage of the average human brain is watergate ? - Fun TriviaWhat percentage of the average human brain is logic gate ? - Fun Trivia Brain Facts and‎

Blinkov, S.M. and Glezer, I.I. The Human Brain in Figures and Tables. A Quantitative .... 0-5 per mm3. Normal intracranial pressure = 150 - 180 mm of water ---> .

BRAIN WAR signal

Normal intracranial pressure = 150 - 180 mm of water

NOT Normal intracranial pressure = 150 - 180 mm of watergate and the incomplete analysis of the 1972 water molecule data generating .... output message situation.

That makes sense because our bodies are composed mostly of water. The brain is 85 percent water. Now, if the solid matter is not active without water, therefore water is more important than solid matter. And if you don’t take enough of it, then some function of the body will begin to suffer. This is the paradigm change that I have introduced at the molecular scientific level.

I was invited to make a presentation at the 13th Science World Conference on Inflammation that histamine is a neurotransmitter in charge of water regulation in the body. That is its primary function and if it produces pain in the body, whatever pain it produces is an indication of thirst. And that they should consider pain as a sign of dehydration.

So at a scientific level, I understand my field.

Water molecule .... INTERNAL brain molecular LOGIC GATE circuits and their EXTERNAL message display on the Earth geography surface VIA the humanoid illogical behavior DISPLAY EVENT known as Watergate.


Let's look at a situation ... a tentative model that provides some CLUES to the Avogadro's water molecule signals VIA the bio-math exponent 23 and the 23 chromosome pairs within the biology of water humanoid President N and the Watergate signal.


Nature's molecule President N on behalf of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought.

Thus we see bio-math number 23 paired to the math exponent level of your BRAIN symbol life of Avogadro's number.

This number (Avogadro's number) is

N = 6.022 X 10 fingers Nixon with bio-math exponent 23.

President N and the Water Scandal - For‎

President Richard Nixon's involvement in the infamous Watergate scandal is a controversial issue, even today. Nixon's role in Watergate has been under ..

Hopefully theorists and researchers will improve upon this model and provide us with a better answer. BUT we have have to start somewhere .... to lay a skelton foundation for others with more knowledge to provide more details.

A brief outline of water molecules from year 1855 thru Watergate and other water molecule signaling event thru year 2013. Are you thristy for knowledge?

Herbert Spencer and the atomic/ molecular WATER sequence of co-existences explained with Watergate, the Naval Research event of the U.S.COLE, and other water molecule social engineering signals.

Let's look at a periodic atomic table .... atomic mass ...... MASS communications message from year 1855. In year 1855, mass communications was the publishing industry with newspapers, books, and posters. Other forms of mass communications were art museums and music concerts. They attracted large groups of people to see the same, identical message. In year 2013, we have mass communications in additional formats: television, radio, movies, and college textbooks in math and science.

Year 1855 --> 1855.85 ---> number 18 and number 55.85 ?

Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its‎

Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [18 55] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.

Let's look the START of the atomic message journey ..... with message foundation identifiers:

The 18 of year 1855 with water molecules within Herbert Spencer and their water molecule output signal 18.


The 55 of year 1855 with ferrous oxide IRON atoms in the iron Heme group Fe(ii) ions within Herbert Spencer and their b100d output signal 55.


In year 2013 ..... we see the PICTURE format of Nature's signal at Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic world headquarters named Fe = FermiLAB with the water molecule display ..... thus a communications string .... the LINK to year 1855 and the LINK to year 1972.

Bio-physics studies continue at FermiLAB in year 2013 ... to see if the water molecules within their humanoid LAB specimens recognize the WATER logic GATE signal ...... that is ... the water molecule self-awareness TEST of periodic atomic table evolution.


Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror on the brain cell wall with water moleCULES

Mirror, mirror on the wall with water mole CLUES

Mirror, mirror on WAll --> Walden Pond --> Ponder with Henry David T.

Let's look at the Herbert Spencer water and iron message more closely ....... that is ......

Herbert Spencer - Page 99 - Google Books

John Arthur Thomson - 1906

... its self-balancing perturbations, that it, also, exhibits co-ordination of actions. ... successive, in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.

In other words ..... year 1855 --> the water molecule 18 and iron atom 55 ... and their Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family had output expressions. These are atomic social science expressions that are enlarged / amplified to a larger size and then DIS PLAYED on Earth land ... the geography surface is the theater platform for atomic, bio-physics humanoids to display messages and signal EVENTS as part of their daily work and activities. In year 1855 Herbert Spencer participated in this process of Nature .... with the important announcement ....

Herbert Spencer - Page 99 - Google Books Result

John Arthur Thomson - 1906

... its self-balancing perturbations, that it, also, exhibits co-ordination of actions. ... successive,

in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.

The water molecule and IRON atom expression PROJECT will appear in the future ..... as a

correspondence with external co-existences and sequences -----> a sequence of co-existences involving water and IRON

The correspondence as direct and

by H Spencer - 1855

By Spencer, Herbert ... Most environments present both co-existences and sequences; but there are some that during

a limited period, present co-existences only; ...

effect - definition of effect by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus‎

To bring into existence. ... is produced by the action of an agent or a cause and follows it in time: "Every cause produces more than one effect" (Herbert Spencer).

The sequence of water/iron co-existences in recent times is:

1) we start with the year 1855 signal --> water 18 and iron 55 (sometimes number 56 is used for 55.85)

2) To bring into existence. ... is produced by the action of an agent

an agent

an agent

an agent --> atomic number agent in bio-physics water molecule humanoid format ...

President Nixon and the Watergate DEMO and Nature Darwin selection of a site with recognizable proper noun identifiers ... the DEMO Party headquarters of the Democrats. Water molecules are major component of humanoid biology. Thus they are..... EARTH LAB water molecule specimens with interesting molecular political science rituals and expressions.

President Nixon ...Watergate and the IRON Curtain.

3) President Reagan and the water molecule humanoid humanoid with Nature's WATER identifier symbols ... proper noun label .... parallel to:

Hinckley Springs Bottled Water | Nature's Delivery‎

Hinckley Springs is the most popular bottled water provider ......

Hinckley atomic water molecules SPRING

into action using a human action figure

Nature's Delivery ServiceNature's Delivery Service ---> John Hinckley, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free,_Jr.‎

On March 30, 1981, at 2:25 p.m. local time, Hinckley shot a .22 caliber Röhm RG-14 revolver six times at Reagan ...

Hinckley shot a .22 caliber Röhm RG-14 revolver ....

water identifier............................ gun --> iron metal

The water /iron signal .... in the sequence of co-existences

4) U.S.S.Cole (iron ship) in the salt water ocean .. the Salt treaty involving NaCl (sodium chloride molecule)

5) Cole Hall oceanography/ geology classroom shooting with human of POLE heritage (Steven K.) representing the ROPE theory physics of euROPE and the Polish IRON shipyards and the Solid STATE physics project involving the Solidarity movement.

Thus ...Ocean water class course and IRON .....

6) Virginia TECH and Norris Hall water hydrology class in the engineering building (with metals engineering and other courses)

James Burke CONNECTIONs with Herbert Spencer explain Watergate and U.S.S.Cole incident --> atomic sequence of EXTERNAL co-existences ---> sequence of code

The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was harbored and being refueled in the Yemen port of Aden. Seventeen American sailors were killed, and 39 were injured


Let's look at the chain-of-events caused by the incomplete reports about the U.S.S.COLE incident.

The chain-of-events ---> a sequence of co-existences ........ a process known since the year 1855 explanation by Herbert Spencer.

Herbert Spencer - Wikipedia, the free

Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 - 8 December 1903) was an English philosopher, biologist, anthropologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political ...

Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its‎

Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.

Herbert Spencer - Wikipedia, the free

see Herbert Spencer ..... to the minimal functions of the enforcement of contracts and external defense. ..... Remarks on Spencer's Definition of Mind as Correspondence (1878) by William James.

the enforcement of contracts ( the water molecules of EARTH oceans and the sodium chloride SALT treaty of SALT WATER with the puppet string theory physics YES-MEN mentality of the United States Navy .... Nature's contract enforcement and external defense signal in the Ye-man incident at the salt water I/O processing PORT of Aden ..... near the Computer EARTH system 370 geography surface I/O region = Input/Output --> I/O = Indian Ocean and its attached I/O PORT at the Aden.

EARTH balancing systems .....

Herbert Spencer - Page 99 - Google Books

John Arthur Thomson - 1906

... its self-balancing perturbations, that it, also, exhibits co-ordination of actions. ... successive, in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.

Herbert Spencer: Critical Assessments - Volume 2 - Page 578 - Google Books

John Offer - 2000 - Social Science

co-existence and sequence; and that therefore social phenomena form the ... The Saturday Review noted that Spencer had "collected a great mass of scattered ..

The Principles of Psychology - Herbert Spencer - Google

... and successive, in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.‎ .... A: Herbert Spencer is the author of "The Principles of Psychology" .

in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.‎

in correspondence with external co-e .................. and sequences.‎

in correspondence with external code existences and sequences.‎

Let's look at the empirical data message EVENT ..... that provides information for theortists interested in Herbert Spencer and the Grand Unified Theory of existence and Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory applications.

The sequence of co-existences as predicted by Herbert Spencer:

a) Watergate and Co --> Cold war existence with IRON Curtain year 1972

b) Water/ocean at Yemen and Co --> U.S.S.Cole existence with solid IRON ship

c) Ocean/geology class YES MENTality and Co --> Cole Hall with Pole Steven K. and the iron shipyards of the SOLID STATE physics project of the Solidarity movement in the POLAND subset region of ROPE theory of eu.ROPE ... the parallel to North American string theory data generating EVENTS.

d) Ocean theory of CAUSE and EFFECT in advanced hydrology ENGLISH class at Virginia TECH at Norris Hall ... with Virginia TECH Navy ROTC

What mechanism of Nature might help explain the above processes mentioned by Herbert Spencer.

Let's outline one possible method ..... one mechanism using Nature's concept of covalent bonds of the water molecule and the atomic English language alphabet of 26 letters of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide IRON atom per the picture SIGNAL from Batavia, Illinois ....... with the water pond --> think back .... ponder --> Walden POND time period of 1848 and 1855 ...... Henry David Thoreau and Herbert Spencer .....

the FermiLAB water pond signal ----> Ponder --->think about ---> Pond errors ....

Walden Pond State Reservation - Department of Conservation and ...Walden Pond --> Ponder --> State of MIND ------> Reservation - Departmental of Conservation and ...‎

Henry David Thoreau lived at Walden Pond from July 1845 to September 1847. His experience at Walden provided the material for the book Walden, which is

Walden Pond correspondence to subset word POND within Herbert Spencer's correspondence ... between internal and external factors

You have a few pieces to an interesting puzzle about life and science war expression events on EARTH.The SCIENCE WARS were officially announced around year 1995 /1996 ... .

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tries to ... - Physics‎

Nov 26, 2012 - New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tries to escalate the science wars. The Nobel laureate in economics wonders if a senator's geology .

Thus we see EARTH and NATURE and their S.I Hayakawa molecule " Language in Thought and Action".

The water molecule continuum MILITARY alliance with IRON ...and the sequence of water/IRON signals to society that converge to FermiLAB and their pond of water in Batavia, Illinois.

Thus we see the important of WATERGATE in its important EARTH LAB data signal regarding the the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its thoughts and social influences .... and the need for scientists to explain to society this molecule INTELLECTUAL expression process of NATURE.

In summary ...we review the water signals

year 1855 --> water mass signal 18 and iron mass signal 55 (55,85) with Herbert Spencer

year 1972 --> President of Avogadro's number and his water DEMO using the EARTH LAB experimental facilities of the DEMO PARTY human head (85 percent water in brain) ....

and the human LAB specimens had office at geography address location labeled ...

Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.

Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.

Demo Committee headquarters at the Water LOGIC gate office complex in Washington, D.C.

Demo head at the Water molecule Military ---> gate office complex in Washington, D.C with

The evolution of water molecule dermatology packaging systems from

WATER ...GATE year .... 72 to the new generation of military water molecules represented by


That is ..... Nature's evolution from year 1972 .....and the emergence of a new format of Water GATE ........ in other words and pictures ..... the REAL NATURE behind

Robert (water) Gates


22nd United States Secretary of DefenseIn office

December 18, 2006 – July 1, 2011PresidentGeorge W. Bush

Barack ObamaDeputyGordon England

William LynnPreceded byDonald RumsfeldSucceeded byLeon Panetta22nd President of Texas A&M UniversityIn office

August 1, 2002 – December 16, 2006

In other words ..... the water molecule atomic mass 18 .. appointment on December 18.

Thus we see some CLUES about Watergate and the incomplete explanations of the publishing industry.