Nature's OCR battle at Oak Creek
Post date: Jul 10, 2020 3:43:46 AM
RD-blog-number-3483 by Herb Zinser
Let's look Nature's perception of the English language descriptive word --> democracy --> component symbols --> demo
--> de + em + ocr + ac + y --> abbreviated concepts that are expanded to
--> code electromagnetic optical character reader alternating cycles .....
thus the description of the human bio-computer with an eye/optical nerve SYMBOL processor of EM waves of alternating cycles.
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
The Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting was a mass shooting that took place on August 5, 2012. Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life by shooting himself in the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding police officer.
Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin. Apart from the shooter, all of the dead were members of the Sikh faith. The incident drew responses from President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
Wisconsin Si + kh temple shooting
Wisconsin Si + kh temple shooting
.............sin wave + Sin wave ... khz temple shooting
Earth geo-physics sin wave VERSUS human sin wave KHZ group
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
Wisconsin .....Sin wave KHZ employee temple shooting
Radio Broadcast
The Amplitude Modulated (AM radio) carrier frequencies are in the frequency range 535-1605 kHz. Carrier frequencies of 540 to 1600 kHz are assigned at 10 ...
2182 kHz
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The radio frequency of 2182 kHz (kilohertz) is the international calling and distress frequency for maritime radiotelephone communications on the marine MF bands.
2182 kHz
2182 kHz
2182 kHz super-symmetry physics MIRROR of distress signal --> 2812 sent on the 8th month and 12th day .August 5, 2012.
August 5, 2012.
August 5, 2012 --> 8th month 12th day 2nd millenlium ( year 2000 reference)
Now let's look at the optical data stream process involved ..... the data stream of nouns/verbs/ and equations.
The process involves Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.
The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.
We are reminded of ......
Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General
A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages
Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
Let's look at your brain perception problems with language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.
Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...
Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel
GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.
Now, let's look at the WHITE HOUSE and its 2 formats of existence.The second format we wish to consider the electromagnetic spectrum of sunlight and light bulbs used for reading math and science textbooks.
What is the WHITE HOUSE? Einstein's theory of relative views and symbolism.
The physical building in Washington, DC exists as ............
Who really built the White House above? That is ..... what process of Nature created the human spirit and that human thought expression..
Nature would say double-helix concept language ..... 2 other white houses built the above EXPLICIT structure.
1 house --> Nature's biochemistry house = cell --> INTERNAL biology white bl00d cellular house BUILT the above EXTERNAL display house for all to be aware of the processes described by Herbert Spencer.
Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books
John Arthur Thomson - 1906 - Biography & Autobiography
Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the fact of ... If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then ...
White blood cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White blood cells, or leukocytes (also spelled "leucocytes"; from the Greek word leuko- meaning "white"), are cells of the immune system involved in defending
The other house --> is the white sunlight ... photon house / electromagnetic information energy white house.
Thus the Solar System and sunlight gave humans eyes. Thus the human ability to see / eyes/ optical nerve ...allowed the human architects and human builders
in Washington, DC to build the WHITE HOUSE at 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue ..... the signal address KEYWORDs --> Pen + sylvania --> reminders of the INK pen + Sylvania light bulbs (a modern electric incandescent sun)
How "Fast" is the Speed of Light? -
Light travels at a constant, finite speed of 186,000 mi/sec.
Thus the SYMBOL city exists within the velocity of light.
Therefore the Constitution of the United States of America ...and the concepts of democracy .... involves 2 perceptions
1) The EARTH geography concept of the United States of North America
2) the optical concept of the United States ...
which includes STATES of MIND ...
- quantum states
- probability transition states
- linear systems control states
These states are explained in college textbooks in math, physics, engineering,etc.
Thus a student or a self-educated human may acquire these STATES of MIND by buying these textbooks and studying them ..... and thinking about applications .. such as mechanical engineering, social engineering or brain engineering (using SYMBOLS to help Darwinian evolution of the brain SYMBOL processor).
Thus we see the actions of the living Constitution ... that lives in SYMBOL city of light and uses the optical SYMBOL MACHINE for messages.
The Living Constitution -
The Living Constitution. How could a 208 year-old document, written for a small agricultural nation of thirteen states endure through the tests of time to apply to ..
Thus the Darwinian SYMBOL selection of a proper noun word/subset represent the WORD ..
Constitution. Darwinian selection of living language letters....
Cons --> then using those 4 alphabet letter to select a geography STATE and a STATE of MIND --> Wisconsin
Thus the symbol selection of Wisconsin by the optical nerve/symbol processor representing the
WHITE spectrum and the
HOUSE of symbol and concept knowledge.
Then ..since the words : Constitution and democracy are considered equivalent in North America ...... we have Darwinian selection of a democracy battle site.
Democracy --> algebra subset alphabet symbols
...em+ ocr + ac --> electromagnetic + optical character reader (human eye) + alternating current.
Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Representing optical democracy in the city of light, books, and reading at night with a Thomas Edison incandescent light bulb are the following EVENT signals:
Wade Michael Page ...... a cellulose page of white paper ---> Nature's TREE of KNOWLEDGE is the American white supremacist represented by the programmable bio-computer humanoid with proper Mr.PAGE.
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia › wiki › Wisconsin_Sikh_temple_sho...
On August 5, 2012, a mass shooting took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, United States where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page
from the nearby Cudahy Wisconsin address of
3700 East (Sherlock) Holmes Street ...
Wade Michael Page .... humanoid with 1st name WADE .... representing the sequence of carbon atom evolution such as described in a college organic chemistry textbook ..... a molecule military textbook such as the
Land Grant college ROC agent --> L.G.Wade and the Region of Convergence VIA.
Page was from Cu --> Cudahy, Wisconsin. Thus he represented the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought and element CU = Copper, copper wire used for electricity for light bulbs used for reading serious math and science books at night ..... after the daily work activities are complete..
Notice, we now have another CITY .. the city of electrons in copper wire .....and the important role of Mr.Page for Cu = copper agent from the geography city of CUdahy and its symbolism and indirect CLUES.
Near the copper electricity city represented by Cu = Cudahy the city of demo --> OCR = Oak Creek.
Thus the Darwinian selection of Oak CReek for the word: democracy AND THE other concept component of democracy ... that was to be represented by the ACLU electron city and optical city lawyers.
In addition, we have the subconscious mind expression VIA the VISIT of the physical WHITE HOUSE agent Obama to the Wisconsin sin wave OCR battlefield ---> Oak CReek ...... WHITE spectrum ...symbol HOUSE
The incident drew responses from President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Dignitaries attended candlelight vigils in countries such as the U.S., Canada, and India.
The First Lady Michelle Obama visited the temple on August 23, 2012.
Thus we see the Constitution and democracy CONCEPT and IDEA battlefield in the eye/ optical nerve get transformed to physical reality ...and transformed to physical conflict with very VISIBLE and obvious CLUES.
Mr.Page white supremacist --> cellulose white paper with black science symbols
Wade (1st name) ---> L.G.Wade author of an organic chemistry existential message book with carbon black ....... and the First Lady Mrs. Obama of the carbon black organic chemistry continuum returns the WADE chemistry message VIA her subtle, indirect message LINK VIA her visit to Watertown, Wisconsin.
First lady Michelle Obama visiting Watertown on › News › Wisconsin
Sep 9, 2013 - First Lady Michelle Obama is scheduled to appear at an event in Watertown Thursday afternoon to encourage Americans to drink more water, ...
First Lady atomMic, bio-physics expression agent
First Lady........ Michelle
First Lady Michelle Obama
First Lady Michelle Obama
First Lady and the 1st solution was a social chemistry communication LINK via the visit to OC = Oak Creek SYMBOL of Organic Chemistry August 23, 2012.
Oak Creek is near Lake atomic Michigan.
............First Lady
atoMic Michelle ...... her Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious ..... a primordial instinct in her soul .... provides her with the intuitive judgement to go to OC Lake Michigan.
STEP 1 of solution is now complete.
STEP 2 ......... the deeper levels of her subconscious mind WONDER ...
..... weeks pass .... months pass by ....
Definitions of wade - OneLook Dictionary
wade: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [home, info]; wade: Collins English Dictionary [home, info]; Wade, wade: ... Slang (1 matching dictionary). wade: ... to walk in or through water or other liquid that is not very deep.
Thus, her molecular mind realizes that she ought walk through water --> VIA Watertown ....... thus sending a indirect, subtle feedback signal about L.G.WADE , organic chemistry continuum, carbon black agents , and the atomic weight of water molecule = 18 and that LINKS to city of light velocity 186,000.
Thus we need people in society that are interested in these serious, difficult to see, Constitutional signals ...and how the modern living Constitution thinks and sends messages to human thinkers in year 2012 and 2013.