Needham, Ralph

This involves the bio-computer system 370 war.

In Frank Vrtochnik age 37, we covered the Milwaukee computer science wars. We saw the Darwinian selection of the 37 old policeman for the bio-computer battlefield ....... with the University of Wisconsin, Marquette, and Milwaukee business computer science department ERRORS approved by the Wisconsin State assembly and the state asembly langauge bio-computer program instructions for human brain computers.

Here is another example of modern computer science using humans.

Ralph Omer Needham, age 37 of Port Angeles, in the 200 block of W. 2nd Street. He was arrested for Contolled substances.

Thus lets review the Computer Earth system 370 description of this bio-computer event .... a message to the computer industry to fix their brain computer manipulation ERRORS. The designed computer event is best described by the data provided the Port Angeles police department.


Ralph Omer Needham, age 37 of Port Angeles, was charged with three counts of Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Heroin, and three Counts of Delivery of a Controlled Substance within 1000 Feet of a Designated School Bus Stop on February 3, 2012 in Clallam County Superior Court. Needham was arrested in Port Angeles at a home in the 200 block of W. 2nd Street on February 2.


- age 37 implies the bio-computer human processor system 370 operating at temperature 37.0 degrees c = Celsius

- Port Angeles implies Computer Earth system I/O PORT ... Input/Output Port

- 2nd Street implies Base 2 Binary systems of Nature with 2-legged, 2-eared human bio-computers

- 200 block suggests LRECL = 200 bytes Logical Record Length within some data block of Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory

- Controlled substances implies system 370 OS/JCL --> JCL = Job Control Language

- 1000 feet implies binary code 1000 = decimal 8

- school bus stop implies a DATA bus is stopped /not working properly .......suggesting the Y2K biological clock of student has failed ...............regarding the Y-algebra chromosome and the 2K data straem of consciousness needed by the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer ...per year 2000 human brain quality control standards required by Nature

- Port Angeles -->subset words Port Ang implies Port Angstroms ...hence the electromagnetic wave length and the Input port of the eye/ retina/ optical nerve and the symbolic data stream of nouns, verbs, equations from books that are input to the brain optical computer OR

the data stream of television or movie pictures that are input commands or input data to the eye/optical nerve bio-computer processor. Hence, we have a more complex situation ...involving the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard and angst (angstrom errors....newspaper and TV errors cause major brain sysmbolicl processing problems)

Thus another bio-computer example, one of many.

We see some clues to a large puzzle about Nature and bio-computer social engineering systems and feedback ERROR signals to analysts ...that need to be understood in the world view....... .the GESTALT.