Zoellick, Travis
In year 2008, Travis Zoellick of Watertown, Wisconsin was involved in the
murder of Haroon Khan of Oconomowoc and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee , Harvard, Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics, and MIT will not help study that complex event signal ....
suggesting a university cover-up of sorts.
In year 2008, Trav is Z o e ll
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubshi Evolution and
Travis Zoellick wanted one just like it ...
he wanted a piece of the pie (economic money system) ....
codes --> Pie + zoel --> piezoellectric system of
Thus we have the symbolism of the event involving Darwinian evolution
in Cambridge, Massachuestts universities and research insttutions ....with
Har --> Haroon and Harvard and
Harvard-Smithsonain Center for Astrophsyics WAR RESEARCH ...
MIT --> Mitsubshi Evolution and MIT university brain cell MITOSIS
...their split symbolic brain problem and their failure to help understand the SCIENCE WARS