Working papers

Algan, Y., Dalvit, N., Do, Q.-A., Le Chapelain, A. and Y. Zenou (2024), Friendship Networks and Political Opinions: A Natural Experiment among Future French Politicians"Popular writing Monash Business School  Revise and resubmit at the American Economic Review. NEW (April 2024) 

Della Lena, S., Merlino, L.P. and Y. Zenou (2024), "Affective polarization, media outlets, and opinion dynamics". Revise and resubmit at the Review of Economic Studies. NEW (March 2024) 

List, J.A., Momeni, F., Vlassopoulos, M., and Y. Zenou (2024), "Neighborhood Spillover Effects of Early Childhood Interventions". Revise and resubmit at the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. NEW (January 2024) Vox column, Becker-Friedman-Institute column. VoxEu column 

Islam, A., Vlassopoulos, M., Zenou, Y. and X. Zhang (2024), "Centrality-based spillover effects."  Revised and resubmitted to the Journal of the European Economic Association.  NEW VERSION (April 2024)

Biavaschi, C., Giulietti, C. and Y. Zenou (2022), "Social Networks and (Political) Assimilation". Reject and resubmit at the Economic Journal

Islam, A., Pakrashi, D., Wang, L.C. and Y. Zenou (2022), "Determining the Extent of Taste-Based and Statistical Discrimination: Evidence from a field experiment in India." Revise and resubmit at the Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics

Siddique, A., Vlassopoulos, M. and Y. Zenou (2024). "Leveraging edutainment and social networks to foster interethnic harmony." NEW PAPER (April 2024)

De Gendre, A., Karbownik, K., Salamanca, N. and Y. Zenou (2024). "Integrating Minorities in the Classroom: The Role of Students, Parents, and Teachers." NEW PAPER (April 2024)

Zenou, Y. and J. Zhou (2024). "Games on multiplex networks". NEW PAPER (March 2024)

Grosjean, P., Jha, S., Vlassopoulos, M. and Y. Zenou (2024). "Political trenches: War, partisanship, and polarization". NEW PAPER (January 2024) VoxEu column

Houndetoungan, A., Islam, A., Vlassopoulos, M. and Y. Zenou (2024). "The role of child gender in the formation of parents' social networks". NEW VERSION (March 2024)

Zenou, Y. and J. Zhou (2023). "Network games made simple"

Campbell, A., Leister, M. and Y. Zenou (2024), "Competing diffusions in a social network". (old title: "Social media and polarization") NEW VERSION (January 2024). Vox talk 

Boucher, V., Tumen, S., Vlassopoulos, M., Wahba, J. and Y. Zenou (2024). "Ethnic mixing in Early Childhood: Evidence from a randomized field experiment and a structural model". NEW VERSION (April 2024)

Amarasinghe, A., Raschky, P., Zenou, Y. and J. Zhou (2023). "Conflicts in Networks". 

Bochet, O., Faure, M., Long, Y. and Y. Zenou (2024). "Perceived competition." NEW VERSION (March 2024)

Huang, J. and Y. Zenou (2023), "Key sectors in endogeneous growth".  

Lindquist, M.J., Sauermann, J. and Y. Zenou (2022), "Peer effects in the workplace. A network approach". Vox column

Lindquist, M.J. and Y. Zenou (2014), "Key players in co-offending networks". Vox column.

Bochet, O., Ferrali, R. and Y. Zenou (2022)' "Community formation in networks". 

Shemesh, J., Zapatero, F. and Y. Zenou (2022). "Heterogenous peer effects: How community connectivity affects car purchases". 

(Never published) Old papers

Rapanos, T., Sommer, M. and Y. Zenou (2019), "Imperfect Information, Social Norms, and Beliefs in Networks". Online Appendix. Vox column

Islam, A., Ushchev, P., Zenou, Y. and X. Zhang (2022), "The Value of Information in Technology Adoption". Vox column  NEW VERSION (September 2022)

De Marti, J. and Y. Zenou (2015),  "Key Players under Incomplete Information" .

Cohen-Cole, E. Patacchini and Y. Zenou (2016),"Systemic risk and network formation in the interbank market".

Del Bello, C., Patacchini, E. and Y. Zenou (2015),  "Neighborhood Effects in Education" .

Hahn, Y., Islam, A., Patacchini, E. and Y. Zenou (2015), "Teams, Organization and Education Outcomes: Evidence from a field experiment in Bangladesh" .