Selected published papers


Zenou, Y. (2009), Urban Labor Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Here are links to some reviews of the book: in Regional Science and Urban Economics (91 Kb) ,  Journal of Regional Science (55 Kb) , in  Economica (55 Kb) , in the  Journal of Economic Geography (48 Kb) .

Jackson, M.O. and Y. Zenou (2013), Economic Analyses of Social Networks, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, London: Edward Elgar Publishing. Table of contents and Introduction to the book (83 Kb) .

 Selected publications

Boucher, V., Rendall, M., Ushchev, P. and Y. Zenou (2024). "Toward a General Theory of Peer Effects". Econometrica 92(2), 543-565.

Ballester, C., Calvó-Armengol, A. and Y. Zenou (2006), "Who's who in networks. Wanted: the key player". Econometrica 74, 1403-1417.

Campbell, A., Ushchev, P. and Y. Zenou (2024), "The network origins of entry". Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming. 

Leister, M., Zenou, Y. and J. Zhou (2022), "Social connectedness and local contagion." Review of Economic Studies 89(1), 372-410. 

Calvó-Armengol, A., Patacchini, E. and Y. Zenou (2009),"Peer effects and social networks in education". Review of Economic Studies 76, 1239-1267. Vox column

König, M., Liu, X. and Y. Zenou (2019), "R&D networks: Theory, empirics, and policy implications". Review of Economics and Statistics 101, 476-491.

Hahn, Y., Islam, A., Patacchini, E. and Y. Zenou (2020), "Friendship and Female Education: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladeshi Primary Schools". Economic Journal 130, 740-764.

Olivetti, C., Patacchini, E. and Y. Zenou (2020), "Mothers, Friends and Gender Identity". Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(1), 266-301. This paper has been discussed in a non-technical way in: PBS NEWSHOUR and Monash business school.

Ballester, C., Calvó-Armengol, A. and Y. Zenou (2010), "Delinquent networks".  Journal of the European Economic Association, 8, 34-61. Longer version with all the proofs.

Xu, J., Zenou, Y. and J. Zhou (2022). "Equilibrium characterization and shock propagation in conflict networks." Journal of Economic Theory, 206, 105571.

Chen, Y.-J., Y. Zenou and J. Zhou (2022), "The impact of network topology and market structure on pricing". Journal of Economic Theory 204, 105491.

Ushchev, P. and Y. Zenou (2020), "Social Norms in Networks". Journal of Economic Theory 185, 104969.

Verdier, T. and Y. Zenou (2018), "Cultural Leaders and the Dynamics of Assimilation". Journal of Economic Theory 175, 374-414.

Helsley, R. and Y. Zenou (2014), "Social networks and interactions in cities." Journal of Economic Theory, 150, 426-466.

Smith, T.E. and Y. Zenou (1997), "Dual labor markets, urban unemployment and multicentric cities". Journal of Economic Theory, 76, 185-214.

König, M., Tessone, C. and Y. Zenou (2014), "Nestedness in networks: A theoretical model and some applications". Theoretical Economics 9, 695-752.

Kim, J., Patacchini, E., Picard, P.M. and Y. Zenou (2023). "Spatial interactions". Quantitative Economics, 14(4), 1295-1335

Patacchini, E. and Y. Zenou (2016),  "Social networks and parental behavior in the intergenerational transmission of religion". Quantitative Economics 7, 969-995.

Bezin, E., Verdier, T. and Y. Zenou (2022), "Crime, Broken Families, and Punishment." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 14(4), 723-760

Chen, Y.J., Zenou, Y. and J. Zhou (2018), "Multiple Activities in Networks". American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 10, 34-85.

Campbell, A., Leister, M. and Y. Zenou (2020), "Word of mouth communication and search." RAND Journal of Economics, 51(3), 676-712.

Chen, Y.J., Zenou, Y. and J. Zhou (2018), "Competitive pricing strategies in social networks". RAND Journal of Economics 49(3), 672-705. 

Cohen-Cole, E., Liu, X. and Y. Zenou (2018), "Multivariate choice and identification of social interactions". Journal of Applied Econometrics, 33, 165-178.

Zenou, Y. (2015), "A Dynamic Model of Weak and Strong Ties in the Labor Market". Journal of Labor Economics 33, 891-932.