Selected Publication


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Auction and Matching Theory 

1.   Crowding in School Choice.  American Economic Review, forthcoming, 2024. (with William Phan and Ryan Tierney) (SSCI)

2.  Multi-object Auction Design Beyond Quasi-linearity: Leading Examples. Games and Economic Behavior 140, 210-228, 2023. (with Shigehiro Serizawa) (SSCI)(Open Access)

3.  Menu Mechanisms. Journal of Economic Theory 204, 105511, 2022. (with Andrew Mackenzie)(SSCI)(Open Access)

4. Competitive Equilibria in Matching Models with Financial Constraints. International Economic Review, 63(2), 777-802,  2022. (with P. Jean-Jacques Herings) (SSCI)(Open Access)

 5. A Characterization of the Vickrey Rule in Slot Allocation Problems. International Journal of Economic Theory, A Special Issue in Honor of William Thomson, 18(1),  38-49, 2022. (with Youngsub Chun and Shigehiro Serizawa) (SSCI) (Open Access)

6. An Assignment Model with Local Constraints: Competitive Equilibrium and Ascending Auction. Economics Letters 188, 108905, 2020. (with Lijun Pan and Linyu Peng) (SSCI)

7. Strategy-Proofness and Efficiency for Non-Quasi-linear and Common-Tiered-Object Preferences: Characterization of Minimum Price Rule. Games and Economic Behavior 109, 327-363, 2018. (with Shigehiro Serizawa) (SSCI) (Open Access)

8. A Multi-item Auction with Budget-constrained Bidders and Price Controls. Economics Letters 155, 76-79, 2017. (SSCI)

Applied Microeconomics

1. Rural Property Rights, Migration, and Welfare in Developing Countries. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Advances) 15(3),997-1030, 2015. (with Jiancai Pi) (SSCI)

2. Tax Competition Federations Revisited. Economics Letters 123(1), 104-107, 2014. (with Jiancai Pi) (SSCI

3. Public Infrastructure Provision and Skilled-unskilled Wage Inequality in Developing Countries. Labour Economics 19(6), 881-887, 2012. (with Jiancai Pi) (SSCI

Publications in Chinese (中文发表)

1. 新形势下中国地方官员的治理效应研究,经济研究,第十期,89-101,2014。(和皮建才,殷军共著)