
2023 April- 2023 July

Introduction to Game Theory (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

Readings in Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

2022 October- 2023 January

Microeconomic Theory: Game Theory (Graduate, Osaka)

Applied Game Theory (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

Readings in Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

2022 April- 2022 July

Introduction to Game Theory (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

Readings in Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

2021 April-July

Introduction to Game Theory (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

Readings in Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

2020 October- 2021 January

Applied Game Theory (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

Readings in Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

2020 April-July

Introduction to Game Theory (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

Readings in Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergraduate, Kyoto)

2019 June-July

Microeconomic Theory IV (Graduate, Waseda)

2019 April-May

Public Economics (Undergraduate, Waseda)

2017 Fall-Winter

Mathematical Programming with Applications to Market Design (Graduate, Osaka)