Yusri Yusup Ph.D.

Updated May 14, 2022

Welcome to my website! 

I am Yusri Yusup, an associate professor in the Environmental Technology program of the School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia.  

My research fields are atmospheric science and environmental engineering. My current research interest is boundary-layer meteorology.

I teach atmospheric science, environmental engineering, coding, and data analysis at the postgrad and undergrad levels.  I have created a Massive Open Online Course or MOOC on "Introductory Atmospheric Science." It is now online and ready for students to enroll.

Aside from teaching, I research water-atmosphere interaction using the eddy covariance method and run a numerical simulation of the atmosphere and ocean. My research expertise is boundary-layer meteorology, air quality modeling, eddy covariance, and data analysis. We deployed an instrumented tower at the Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CEMACS) to measure moisture and carbon dioxide fluxes and other meteorological parameters so we can understand the carbon and water cycles of the tropical coastal ecosystem. You can view the data on our research website https://atmosfera.usm.my

I am an avid MATLAB, R, and Python user in my research work. Visit my GitHub page to see some of the code I have written. I also conduct training courses on R, and they are listed here.



Environmental Technology, School of Industrial Technology,Building G07, Persiaran Sains, Universiti Sains Malaysia11800 USM, Pulau Pinang.

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