

(* indicates students)

50. On the Computational Complexity of Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithms for Bayesian Posterior Sampling. [arXiv]
      R. Tang* and Y. Yang
      Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2024

49. Adaptivity of Diffusion Models to Manifold Structures. [pdf]
      R. Tang* and  Y. Yang
      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2024

48. Minimizing Convex Functionals over the Space of Probability Measures via KL Divergence Gradient Flow. [arXiv]
      R. Yao*,  L. Huang* and Y. Yang
      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2024

47. Statistically Optimal K-means Clustering via Nonnegative Low-rank Semidefinite Programming.
      Y. Zhuang*,  X. Chen, Y. Yang and R. Y. Zhang
      International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR, Selected for Oral), 2024

46. Bayesian Model Selection via Mean-field Variational Approximation. [arXiv]
      Y. Zhang* and Y. Yang
      Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 2024

45. Minimax Rate of Distribution Estimation on Unknown Submanifold under Adversarial Losses.
      R. Tang* and Y. Yang
      Annals of Statistics, 2023

44. Likelihood Adjusted Semidefinite Programs for Clustering Heterogeneous Data.
      Y. Zhuang*,  X. Chen and Y. Yang
      International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023

43. A Gromov--Wasserstein Geometric View of Spectrum-Preserving Graph Coarsening.
      Y. Chen*,  R. Yao*,  Y. Yang and  J. Chen
      International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023

42. Model-based Statistical Depth with Applications to Functional Data
      W. Zhao*, Z. Xu*, Y. Mu*, Y. Yang and W. Wu
      Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2023

41. Gaussian Processes with Errors in Variables: Theory and Computation.
      S. Zhou*, D. Pati, T. Wang*, Y. Yang and R. J. Carroll
      Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2023

40. Statistical Inference via Conditional Bayesian Posteriors in High-Dimensional Linear Regression.

      T. Wu*, N. Narisetty and Y. Yang
      Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2023

39. Calibrate and Debias Layer-wise Sampling for Graph Convolutional Networks.

      Y. Chen*, T. Xu*, D. Hakkani-Tur, D. Jin, Y. Yang, R. Zhu
      Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023

38. Minimax Nonparametric Two-Sample Test under Adversarial Losses.

      R. Tang* and Y. Yang
      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2023

37. Wasserstein K-means for Clustering Probability Distributions.
      Y. Zhuang*, X. Chen and Y. Yang
      Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022

36. Learning Topic Models: Identifiability and Finite-Sample Analysis.
      Y. Chen*, S. He*, Y. Yang and F. Liang
      Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2022

35. Mean-Field Nonparametric Estimation of Interacting Particle Systems.
      R. Yao*, X. Chen and Y. Yang

      Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2022

34. Bayesian Inference for Risk Minimization via Exponentially Tilted Empirical Likelihood.
      R. Tang* and Y. Yang

      Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 2022

33. Sketch-and-Lift: Scalable Subsampled Semidefinite Program for K-means Clustering. 

      Y. Zhuang*, X. Chen and Y. Yang

      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2022

32. Structured Variational Inference in Bayesian State-Space Models

      H. Wang*, A. Bhattacharya, D. Pati and Y. Yang

      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2022

31. High-Dimensional Linear Regression via Implicit Regularization.

      P. Zhao*, Y. Yang and Q. He

      Biometrika, 2022

30. Sketching as a Tool for Understanding and Accelerating Self-attention for Long Sequences.

      Y. Chen, Q. Zeng, D. Hakkani-Tur, D. Jin, H. Ji and Y. Yang 

      North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), 2022

29. Skyformer: Remodel Self-Attention with Gaussian Kernel and Nystrom Method.

      Y. Chen*, Q. Zeng*, H. Ji and Y. Yang

      Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021

28. Regret Lower Bound and Optimal Algorithm for High-Dimensional Contextual Linear Bandit.

      K. Li*, Y. Yang and N. Narisetty

      Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2021

27. On Empirical Bayes Variational Autoencoder: An Excess Risk Bound. 

      R. Tang* and Y. Yang

      Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2021

26. Cutoff for Exact Recovery of Gaussian Mixture Models.

      X. Chen and Y. Yang

      IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2021

25. Distributed Estimation for Principal Component Analysis: an Enlarged Eigenspace Analysis.

      X. Chen, J. Lee, H. Li* and Y. Yang

      Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2021

24. Diffusion K-means Clustering on Manifolds: Provable Exact Recovery via Semidefinite Relaxations.

      X. Chen and Y. Yang

      Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2021

23. Hanson-Wright Inequality in Hilbert Spaces with Application to K-means Clustering for Non-Euclidean Data.

      X. Chen and Y. Yang

      Bernoulli, 2021

22. Nonparametric Testing under Randomized Sketching.

      M. Liu, Z. Shang, Y. Yang and G. Cheng

      IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021

21. Beyond Rebalancing: Crowd-Sourcing and Geo-Fencing for Shared-Mobility Systems.

      Q. He, T. Nie, Y. Yang and Z. Shen

      Production and Operations Management, 2021

20. Accumulations of Projections—A Unified Framework for Random Sketches in Kernel Ridge Regression. 

      Y. Chen* and Y. Yang

      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2021

19. Fast Statistical Leverage Score Approximation in Kernel Ridge Regression. 

      Y. Chen* and Y. Yang

      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2021

18. α-variational Inference with Statistical Guarantees.

      Y. Yang, A. Bhattacharya and D. Pati

      Annals of Statistics, 2020

17. Computationally Efficient Bayesian Sequential Function Monitoring.

      W. Shamp*, R. Varbanov*, E. Chicken, A. Linero and Y. Yang

      Journal of Quality Technology, 2020

16. Non-asymptotic Analysis for Nonparametric Testing.

      Y. Yang, Z. Shang and G. Cheng

      Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2020

15. Bayesian Fractional Posteriors.

      A. Bhattacharya, D. Pati and Y. Yang

      Annals of Statistics, 2019

14. Smart Energy Storage Management via Information Systems Design.

      Q. He, Y. Yang, Q. Bai and B. Zhang

      Energy Economics, 2019

13. A Bayesian Approach to Sequential Monitoring of Nonlinear Profiles Using Wavelets.

      R. Varbanov*, E. Chicken, A. Linero and Y. Yang

      Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2019

12. Communication-Efficient Distributed Statistical Inference.

      M. I. Jordan, J. D. Lee and Y. Yang

      Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2018

11. Bayesian Regression Tree Ensembles that Adapt to Smoothness and Sparsity.

      A. R. Linero and Y. Yang

      Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 2018

10. On the Statistical Optimality of Variational Bayes. 

      D. Pati, A. Bhattacharya and Y. Yang

      Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference (AISTATS), 2018

  9. Joint Estimation of Quantile Planes over Arbitrary Predictor Spaces [R package]

      Y. Yang and S. T. Tokdar

      Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2017

  8. Randomized Sketches for Kernels: Fast and Optimal Non-Parametric Regression.

      Y. Yang, M. Pilanci and M. J. Wainwright

      Annals of Statistics, 2017

  7. Wavelet-Based Bayesian Profile Monitoring.

      R. Varbanov*, E. Chicken, A. Linero and Y. Yang

      Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), 2017

  6. On the Computational Complexity of High-Dimensional Bayesian Variable Selection.

      Y. Yang, M. J. Wainwright and M. I. Jordan

      Annals of Statistics, 2016

  5. Bayesian Manifold Regression.

      Y. Yang and D. B. Dunson

      Annals of Statistics, 2016

  4. Bayesian Conditional Tensor Factorizations for High-Dimensional Classification [Matlab code]

      Y. Yang and D. B. Dunson

      Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2016

  3. Minimax Optimal Nonparametric Regression in High Dimensions.

      Y. Yang and S. T. Tokdar

      Annals of Statistics, 2015

  2. Bayesian Crack Detection in Ultra High Resolution Multimodal Images of Paintings.
      B. Cornelis, Y. Yang, J. T. Vogelstein, A. Dooms, I. Daubechies and D. B. Dunson
     International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (ICDSP), 2013

  1. A Compact Neural Network for Training Support Vector Machines.
      Y. Yang, Q. He and X. Hu
      Neurocomputing, 2012