期刊發表 / Refereed Journal Publications
Shih, H.C., Hsu, Y.T., and Lai, Y.C. (2024) Modeling Non-compensatory Strategies on Path Choices in a Complex Urban Rail Transit Network considering Characteristics of Transfer Passengers and Trips. Travel Behaviour and Society, 35, 100733. (SCI)
Wu, T. Y., Leong, H. L., Hsu, W. L., Chang, C. M., and Lai, Y. C. (2024) Assessment of fatigue crack growth in metro cast manganese steel frogs and inspection strategy. Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 163, Part A. (SCI)
Hsueh, K.C., Chang, T.Y., and Lai, Y.C. (2023) Template-Based Voting Logic for Dual Train Detection Systems, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol.2678(7), 391-404. (SCI)
Chen, Y.S., Young, C.C., and Lai, Y.C. (2023) Railway Accident Investigation Status and Issues in Taiwan, Journal of Societal Safety Science (社会安全学研究), Vol.13, 73-93.
Hsueh, K.C., and Lai, Y.C. (2022) An Automatic Evaluation Framework for Reliability and Safety of Multiple Train Detection Systems, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol.2677(5), 279-295. (SCI)
Shih, H.C., Yeh, C.H., and Lai, Y.C. (2022) Optimization of Multi-Period Rail Procurement Plan, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol.2676(4), 324-333. (SCI)
Huang, H.H., Jong, J.C., Hu, C.W., Lai, Y.C., Lin, C.M., Chang, S.Y., and Liou, J.R. (2021) Continuous Section Rail Capacity Analysis for Light Rail Transit. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation (運輸學刊), Vol.33(4). (TSSCI)
Xu, R.H., Lai, Y.C., and Huang, K.L. (2021) Decision Support Models for Annual Catenary Maintenance Task Identification and Assignment, Transportation Research Part E, Vol.152. (SCI)
Chen, Y.F., Hsueh, K.C., and Lai, Y.C. (2021) Identification of High-Risk Driving Behavior and Sections for Rail Systems, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol.2675(12), 1379-1392 . (SCI)
Jong, J.C., Huang, H.H., Chen, G.H., Lai, Y.C., Lin, C.M., Chang, S.Y., and Liou, J.R. (2021) Rail Capacity Analysis for Light Rail Transit - A Case Study for Green Mountain Line of Danhai Light Rail. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation (運輸學刊), Vol.33(1). (TSSCI)
Jong, J.C., Lai, Y.C., Young, C.C., and Chen, Y.F. (2020) Application of Fault Tree Analysis and Swiss Cheese Model to the Overspeed Derailment of Puyuma Train in Yilan, Taiwan. Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol.2674(5), 33-46. (SCI)
Lin, T.Y., Lin, Y.C., and Lai, Y.C. (2020) Base Train Equivalents for Multiple Train Types based on Delay-Based Capacity Analysis, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Vol.146(5), 04020023. (SCI)
Lu, C.L., and Lai, Y.C. (2019) Optimal Rail System Design with Multiple Layers of Fault and Event Trees, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol.13(10), 1135-1156. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Huang, C.W., and Hsu, Y.T. (2018) Estimation of Rail Passenger Flow and System Utilization with Ticket Transaction and Gate Data. Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 41(7), 752-778. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Chen, K.T., Yan, T.H., and Li, M.H. (2018) Simulation-Based Method of Capacity Utilization Evaluation to Account for Uncertainty in Recovery Time, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2672(10), 202–214. (SCI)
Chang, S., Jong, J.C., and Lai, Y.C. (2018) Integrated Optimization Model for the Train Scheduling and Utilization Planning Problems in Mass Rapid Transit Systems. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation (運輸學刊), Vol. 29(4), 365-387. (TSSCI)
Hsu, Y.T., Lin, W.R., Lai, Y.C., and Kao, T.C. (2018) An Aggregate Approach for High-Speed Rail Ridership Forecasting Model Development Based On Case Revisit of Taiwan High-Speed Rail. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation (運輸學刊), Vol. 29(4), 337-364. (TSSCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Ip, C.S., (2017) An Integrated Framework for Assessing Service Efficiency and Stability of Rail Transit Systems, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 79, 18-41. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Wang, S.W., and Huang, K.L., (2017) Optimized Train-Set Rostering Plan for Taiwan High Speed Rail, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 14 (1), 286-298. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Lu, C.T., and Lu, C.L. (2017) Comprehensive Approach to Allocate Reliability and Cost in Passenger Rail System Design, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2608(1), 86-95. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Chen, K.T. (2017) Evaluating Service Risk in Railway Capacity Utilization using Expected Recovery Time, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 143 (6), 04017016. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Shih, M.C., and Chen, G.H. (2017) Development of Efficient Stop Planning Optimization Process for High Speed Rail Systems, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 50, 1802-1819. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Lin, Y.R. (2016) Using Profit-Maximizing Capacity Framework and Models for Railway Capacity Management, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 142 (10), 04016045. (SCI)
Sogin, S, Lai, Y.C., Dick, C.T., and Barkan C.P.L. (2016) Analyzing the Transition from Single to Double Track Railway Lines with Non-linear Regression Analysis, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 230 (8), 1877-1889. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Hsu, C.E., and Wu, M.H. (2016) Routing Trains with consideration of Congestion-Induced Link and Node Delay, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 142 (3), 04015047. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Liu, Y.H., and Lin, Y.J. (2015) Standardization of Capacity Unit for Headway-based Rail Capacity Analysis, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 57, 68-84. (SCI).
Lai, Y.C., Lu, C.T., and Hsu, Y.W. (2015) Optimal Allocation of Life Cycle Cost, System Reliability, and Service Reliability in Passenger Rail System Design, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2475, 46-53. (SCI).
Lai, Y.C., Fan, D.C., and Huang, K.L. (2015) Optimizing Rolling Stock Assignment and Maintenance Plan for Passenger Railway Operations, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 85, 284–295. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Huang, Y.A., and Chu, H.Y. (2014) Estimation of Rail Capacity using Regression and Neural Network, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 25 (7), 2067-2077. (SCI)
Dingler, M.H., Lai, Y.C., and Barkan C.P.L. (2014) Effect of Train Type Heterogeneity on Single-Track Heavy Haul Railway Line Capacity, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 228 (8), 845-856. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Lin, Y.J., and Cheng, Y.F. (2014) Assessment of Capacity Charges for Shared-Use Rail Lines, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2448, 62-70. (SCI)
Jong, J.C., Lai, Y.C., Wang, S.W., and Huang, S.H. (2014) Development of Rail Service Sensitivity Meter, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2417, 10-17. (SCI)
Shih, M.C., Lai, Y.C., Dick, C.T., and Wu, M.H. (2014) Optimization of Siding Location for Single-Track Lines, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2448, 71-79. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Dingler, M.H., Lin, S.Y., and Liu, K.C. (2013) Optimal Track Class Assignment for a Railroad Network, Journal of Operations Research Society, Vol. 64, 1800–1809. (SCI)
Sogin, S., Lai, Y.C., Dick, C.T., Barkan, C.P.L. (2013) Comparison of Capacity of Single- and Double-Track Rail Lines, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2374, 111-118. (SCI)
Jong, J.C., Chang, S., Lai, Y.C. (2013) Development of a Two-Stage Hybrid Method to Solve High Speed Rail Train Scheduling Problem, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2374, 44-54. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C. (2013) A Stochastic Multi-period Investment Selection Model to Optimize Strategic Railway Capacity Planning, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 47 (3), 281–296. (SCI)
Dingler, M.H., Lai, Y.C., and Barkan C.P.L. (2013) Mitigating Train Type Heterogeneity on a Single Track Line, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 227 (2), 140-147. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Wang, S.H. (2012) Development of Analytical Capacity Models for Conventional Railways with Advanced Signaling Systems, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 7, 961–974. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Chi, H.L., Cheng, W.C. and Kang, S.C. (2012) Using Robot Kits for Teaching Railway Engineers, Journal of Information Technology in Construction, Special Issue on e-learning 2.0: Web 2.0-based social learning in built environment, Vol. 17, 416-433. (EI)
Lai, Y.C., and Huang, P.W. (2012) High Speed Route Improvement Optimizer, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2289, 18-23. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Liu, Y.H., and Lin, T.Y. (2012) Development of Base Train Equivalents to Standardize Trains for Capacity Analysis, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2289, 119–125. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan C.P.L. (2011) Comprehensive Decision Support Framework for Strategic Railway Capacity Planning, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 137 (10), 738–749. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Kawprasert, A., Lin, C.Y., Saat, R., Liang, C.H., and Barkan C.P.L. (2011) Integrated Optimization Model to Manage the Risk of Transporting Hazardous Materials on Railroad Networks, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2261, 115-123. (SCI)
Jong, J.C., Lai, Y.C., Huang, S.H., and Chiang, P.C. (2011) Development and Application of Rail Transit Capacity Models in Taiwan, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2216, 125-138. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Shih, M.C., and Jong, J.C. (2010) Railway Capacity Model and Decision Support Process for Strategic Capacity Planning, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2197, 19-28. (SCI)
Kao, T.C., Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C. (2010) Privatization versus Public Works for High-Speed Rail Projects, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2159, 18-26. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Dingler, M.H., Hsu, C.E., and Chiang, P.C. (2010) Optimizing Train Network Routing With Heterogeneous Traffic, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2159, 69-76. (SCI)
Dingler, M.H., Lai, Y.C., and Barkan C.P.L. (2010) Effects of Communications-Based Train Control and Electronically Controlled Pneumatic Brakes on Railroad Capacity, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2159, 77-84. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan C.P.L. (2009) Enhanced Parametric Railway Capacity Evaluation Tool, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2117, 33-40. (SCI)
Dingler, M.H, Lai, Y.C., and Barkan C.P.L. (2009) Impact of Train Type Heterogeneity on Single-Track Railway Capacity, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2117, 41-49. (SCI)
Ouyang, Y., Li, X., Barkan, C.P.L., Kwaprasert, A., and Lai, Y.C. (2009) Optimal Locations of Railroad Wayside Defect Detection Installations, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 24 (5), 309-319. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Ouyang, Y., and Barkan, C.P.L. (2008) A Rolling Horizon Model to Optimize Aerodynamic Efficiency of Intermodal Freight Trains with Uncertainty, Transportation Science, Vol. 42 (4), 466-477. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Barkan, C.P.L., and Onal, H. (2008) Optimizing the Aerodynamic Efficiency of Intermodal Freight Trains, Transportation Research Part E, Vol. 44, 820-834. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., Ahuja, N., Barkan, C.P.L., Drapa, J., Hart, J.M., Jawahar, C.V., Kumar, A., Milhon, L., Narayanan, P.J., and Stehly, M. (2007) Machine Vision Analysis of the Energy Efficiency of Intermodal Freight Trains. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 221, 353–365. (SCI)
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L. (2005) Options for Improving Energy Efficiency of Intermodal Freight Trains, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 1916, 47–55. (SCI)
會議論文發表 / Conference Publications
Huang, S.Y, Chen, P.I., and Lai, Y.C., Optimization Model for Railway Capacity Planning with Consideration to Operational Stability and Efficiency. Proceedings of 103rd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2024.
Chen, Y.S, Tu, M.Y., and Lai, Y.C., Route-Based Intermediate and Terminal Station Capacity Models for High-Speed Rail. Proceedings of 103rd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2024.
Chang, T.Y., Lin, W.J., Huang, K.L., and Lai, Y.C., Rule-based Heuristic Algorithm for Rolling Stock Assignment and Maintenance Plan with consideration of Subsystem Degradation and Failures. Proceedings of 103rd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2024.
Chen, P.I., Lai, Y.C., and Hsu, Y.T., An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Framework for Train Operation Risk Assessment, Proceeding of the 30th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2023), Tokyo, 2023.
Lin, W.J., Hunag, K.L., and Lai, Y.C., Development of Dual Train Occupation Detection Logic with Self-diagnosis System, Proceeding of the 30th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2023), Tokyo, 2023.
Tu, M.Y., Chen, Y.S., and Lai, Y.C. Capacity Analysis of Intermediate Turn-back Stations for High-Speed Rail, Proceeding of the 30th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2023), Tokyo, 2023.
Shih, H.C., Hsu, Y.T. and Lai, Y.C., Study of Passengers’ Non-compensatory Path Choice Behavior considering Characteristics of Transfer Trips in a Complex Metro Network. Proceedings of 102nd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2023.
Yeh, C.H., Chung, Y.J., and Lai, Y.C., Light Rail Capacity Computation Framework for Shared-use Right of Way and Multi-Lane Highway, Proceedings of World Conference on Transport Research 2023, Montreal.
Chen, Y.S, Chung, Y.J., and Lai, Y.C., Station Capacity Evaluation through the Concept of Route Combinations, Proceeding of the 29th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2022), Tokyo, 2022.
Chang, T.Y., Huang, K.L., Hsueh, K.C., and Lai, Y.C., Rule-based Heuristic Algorithm for Trainset Assignment under Predictive Maintenance Scheme, Proceeding of the 29th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2022), Tokyo, 2022.
Hsueh, K.C., and Lai, Y.C., Automatic Framework for Reliability and Safety Evaluation of Axle Counter-based Detection System, Proceedings of 101st Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2022.
Huang, S.H., Jong, J.C., Li, K.Y., Lai, Y.C., Chang, S.Y., and Liou, J.R., A Rail Capacity Analysis Model for Complex Stations, Proceedings of 2021 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021.
Yu, T.C., and Lai, Y.C., Crew Scheduling Model considering the Rest Time Preference of TRA Drivers, Proceedings of 2021 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021.
Yeh, C.H., Chen, Y.S., and Lai, Y.C., Development of Light Rail Capacity Computation Framework for C-type Right-of-Way with Multi-Lane Roadway, Proceedings of 2021 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021.
Hsueh, K.C., and Lai, Y.C., Safety and Reliability Assessment of Dual Train Detection Systems, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Speed-up and Sustainable Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems (STECH 2021), Chiba, Japan, 2021
Huang, S.H., Jong, J.C., Hu, C.W., Lai, Y.C., Lin, C.M., Chang, S.Y., and Liou, J.R., Continuous Section Rail Capacity Analysis for Light Rail Transit, Proceedings of 2020 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Tainan, Taiwan, 2020.
Chen, Y.F., Hsueh, K.C., Lai, Y.C., Risk Analysis of High-Risk Driving Behavior and Section for Railway System, Proceedings of 2020 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Tainan, Taiwan, 2020.
Shih, H.C., and Lai, Y.C., Development of Multi-Period Rail Procurement Optimization Model, Proceedings of 2020 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Tainan, Taiwan, 2020.
Lin, Y.C., Yeh, C.H., and Lai, Y.C., Developing Rail Wear Model for Metro System Based on Multiple Regression and Neural Network Analysis, Proceedings of 2020 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Tainan, Taiwan, 2020.
Chien S.C., Lai, Y.C., Huang, K.L., and Tsui, K.L., Maintenance Task Generation and Assignment for Rail Infrastructure with Predictive Maintenance, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 2019.
Xu, Y., Chen, A., and Lai, Y.C., Measuring Network Capacity of Urban Rail Transit Network, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 2019.
Lin, T.Y., Lin, Y.C., and Lai, Y.C., Computing Base Train Equivalents for Delay-Based Capacity Analysis with Multiple Types of Trains, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Norrkoping, Sweden, 2019.
Wu, M.R., and Lai, Y.C., Train-set Assignment Optimization with Predictive Maintenance, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Norrkoping, Sweden, 2019.
Chen, J.H., and Lai, Y.C., How Light Rail System Capacity is Affected by Station, Intersection, and Mixed Traffic? Proceeding of the 25th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2018), Tokyo, 2018.
Lin, T.Y., Chen, Y.C., and Lai, Y.C., Computation of Base Train Equivalents for Delay-based Capacity Analysis with Multiple Train Types, Proceeding of the 25th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2018), Tokyo, 2018.
Wu, M.J., and Lai, Y.C., Application of Predictive Maintenance Strategy for Rolling Stock Assignment Problem. Proceeding of the 25th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2018), Tokyo, 2018.
Lai, Y.C., Chen, K.T., Yan, T.H., and Li, M.H., Simulation-Based Method of Capacity Utilization Evaluation to Account for Uncertainty in Recovery Time, Proceedings of 97th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2018.
Lai, Y.C., Xu, R.H., and Yan, T.H., A Rolling-Horizon Optimization Approach for Catenary Maintenance Identification and Assignment, Proceedings of 97th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2018.
Li, M.H, and Lai. Y.C., Development of Light Rail Transit Capacity Model with Balanced Transit Signal Priority Plan. Proceeding of the 24th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2017), Niigata, 2017.
Yan, T.H., Lai, Y.C., and Omoleye, T.J., Optimization of Track Utilization and Maintenance Scheduling. Proceeding of the 24th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2017), Niigata, 2017.
Xu, R.H., Lai, Y.C., and Huang, K.L., Optimal Maintenance Task Identification and Assignment for Catenary System. Proceeding of the 24th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2017), Niigata, 2017.
Lai, Y.C., and Yan, T.H., Optimization of Railway Upgrading Strategy, Proceedings of the 12th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2017.
Lai, Y.C., Chien, S.C., and Xu, R.H., Optimization of Track Maintenance Task Generation and Assignment, Proceedings of the 12th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2017.
Lai, Y.C., and Lu, C.L., Optimization of Passenger Railway System Design, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Lille, France, 2017
Lai, Y.C., Chien, S.C., and Lu, C.L., Optimal Maintenance Task Generation and Assignment for Rail Infrastructure, Proceedings of 96th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2017.
Lai, Y.C., Lu, C.T., and Lu, C.L., A Comprehensive Approach to Allocate Reliability and Cost in Passenger Rail System Design. Proceedings of 96th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2017.
Lai, Y.C., Lu, C.T., and Lu, C.L., Development of an Integrated Optimization Approach to Allocate Reliability and Cost in Passenger Rail System Design Proceeding of the 23th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2016), Tokyo, 2016.
Lai, Y.C., and Chien, S.C., Improving Railway Services by Using Service Sensitivity Meter, Proceeding of the 23th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2016), Tokyo, 2016.
Lai, Y.C., Wu, M.H., and Chen, G.H., Rail Line Service Improvement by Infrastructure and Rolling Stock Upgrade, Proceedings of 2016 IEEJ Industry Applications Society Conference (JIASC), Gunma, 2016.
Lai, Y.C., and Lin, Y.J., Converting Multiple Types of Trains into a Standard Unit using Base Train Equivalents Model, Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Railway Research, Milan, 2016.
Lai, Y.C., and Huang, C.W., Mapping Passenger Flow with Ticket Transaction and Gate Data, Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Railway Research, Milan, 2016.
Lai, Y.C., Lin, Y.J., and Han, N.T., Evaluating Rail Network Assets and Capacity Allocation Using a Profit-Maximizing Capacity Framework, Proceedings of 95th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2016.
Lai, Y.C., Shih, M.C., and Chen, G.H., Efficient Stop Planning Model for High-Speed Rail Systems, Proceedings of 95th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2016.
Lai, Y.C., Huang, C.W., and Huang, K.L., Evaluation of Rail Passenger Flow and System Utilization with Ticket Data, Proceeding of the 22nd Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail 2015), Tokyo, 2015.
Lai, Y.C., and Ip, C.S., Operational Stability and Efficiency Assessment for Metro Systems, Proceedings of 2015 IEEJ Industry Applications Society Conference (JIASC), Oita, 2015.
Lai, Y.C., Wu, M.H., and Chen, G.H., Optimizing Rail Route through Infrastructure and Rolling Stock Improvements, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Lai, Y.C., and Lu, C.T., Optimization of Life-Cycle Cost and Reliability Allocation for Rail Systems, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Lai, Y.C., Ip, C.S., and Huang, S.Y., Development of the Operational Stability and Efficiency Evaluation Model for Metro Systems, Proceedings of 6th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Jong, J.C., Lai, Y.C., Huang, S.H., and Hsu, Y.W., Evaluation of Rail Transit Capacity by Analytical Models, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Lai, Y.C., Chu, H.Y., and Hsiao, W.P., Development and Application of Arrival and Departure Headway Equations for Multiple Track Sections, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Lai, Y.C., and Huang, C.W., Mapping Passenger Flow with Ticket Transaction and Gate Data, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Chang, S., Jong, J.C., and Lai, Y.C., Integrated Optimization Model for the Train Scheduling and Utilization Planning Problems in Mass Rapid Transit Systems, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Shih, M.C., Dick, T. C., and Lai, Y.C., Optimization of Siding Location for Single-track Lines with Non-Uniform Track Speed, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, 2015
Hsu, Y.T., Lin, W.R., Lai, Y.C., and Kao, T.C., Forecasting High Speed Rail Ridership Using Aggregate Data: A Case Revisit of High Speed Rail in Taiwan, Proceedings of 94th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2015.
Lai, Y.C., Lu, C.T., and Hsu, Y.W., Optimal Allocation of Life Cycle Cost, System Reliability, and Service Reliability in Passenger Rail System Design, Proceedings of 94th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2015.
Lai, Y.C., Lin, Y.J., and Cheng, Y.F., Assessment of Capacity Charges for Shared-Use Rail Lines, Proceedings of 93th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2014.
Jong, J.C., Lai, Y.C., Wang, S.W., and Huang, S.H., Development of Rail Service Sensitivity Meter, Proceedings of 93th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2014.
Shih, M.C., Lai, Y.C., Dick, C.T., and Wu, M.H, Optimization of Siding Location for Single-Track Lines, Proceedings of 93th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2014.
Lai, Y.C., Huang, B.W., and Wu, M.H., Development of Decision Support Framework and Models for Synchronized Resource Planning on Railway Route and Rolling Stock Upgrade, Proceedings of 10th World Congress on Railway Research, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Lai, Y.C., Hsu, C.E., Wu, M.H., and Liu, K.C., A Comprehensive Optimization Framework for Railroad Heterogeneous Traffic Routing Process, Proceedings of 10th World Congress on Railway Research, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Lai, Y.C., and Huang, P.W., High Speed Rail Network Improvement Optimizer, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment, Bandung, 2013
Lai, Y.C., Zen, W.W., Liu, K.C., and Wang, S.W., Development of Rolling Stock Assignment System for Taiwan High Speed Rail, Proceedings of 5th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Copenhagen, 2013.
Sogin, S., Lai, Y.C., Dick, C.T., and Barkan, C.P.L., Comparison of Capacity of Single- and Double-Track Rail Lines Using Simulation Analyses, Proceedings of 92nd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013.
Lai, Y.C., Huang, P.W., and Wu, M.H., Integrated Rolling Stock and Route Improvement Optimizer, Proceeding of 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2013
Jong, J.C., Chang, S., and Lai, Y.C., Development of a Two-Stage Hybrid Method for Solving High Speed Rail Train Scheduling Problem, Proceedings of 92nd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013.
Lai, Y.C., and Huang, P.W., High Speed Route Improvement Optimizer, Proceedings of 91th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2012.
Lai, Y.C., Liu, Y.H., and Lin, T.Y., Development of Base Train Equivalents to Standardize Trains for Capacity Analysis, Proceedings of 91th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2012.
Lai, Y.C., and Huang, Y.A., Estimation Of Single And Double-track Capacity With Parametric Models, Proceedings of 91th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2012.
Jong, J.C., Huang, S.H., Lee, C.K., Lai, Y.C., Lin, K.S., and Liu, J.R., The Risk Analysis on Train Delay Causes of TRA, Proceedings of 2011 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2011.
Lai, Y.C., Wang, S.H., and Jong, J.C., The Impact on Commuter Rail Capacity from Advanced Signaling Systems, Proceedings of the 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Jeju, Korea, 2011.
Lai, Y.C., Dingler, M.H., and Barkan, C.P.L., Effect of Train Type Heterogeneity on Single-Track Heavy Haul Railway Line Capacity, Proceedings of 11th International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, Calgary, Canada, 2011.
Dingler, M.H., Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Economics of Expanding Capacity on a Single Track Heavy Haul Railway Line, Proceedings of 11th International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, Calgary, Canada, 2011.
Lai, Y.C., Zeng, W.W., and Liu, K.C., Development of an Operational Rolling Stock Assignment Model for Taiwan High Speed Rail, Proceedings of 9th World Congress on Railway Research, Lille, France, 2011.
Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C., A Robust Decision Support Framework for Long-Term Railway Capacity Planning, Proceedings of 9th World Congress on Railway Research, Lille, France, 2011.
Lai, Y.C., Wang, S.H., and Jong, J.C., Development of Analytical Capacity Models for Commuter Rail Operations with Advanced Signaling Systems, Proceedings of 90th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2011.
Lai, Y.C., Kawprasert, A., Lin, C.Y., Saat, M.R., Liang, C.H., and Barkan, C.P.L., Integrated Optimization Model to Manage the Risk of Transporting Hazardous Materials on Railroad Networks, Proceedings of 90th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2011.
Jong, J.C., Lai, Y.C., Huang, S.H., and Chiang, P.C., Development and Application of Rail Transit Capacity Models in Taiwan, Proceedings of 90th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2011.
Lai, Y.C., Li, T.Y., Liu, M.C., and Chen, K.Y., Evaluation of Timetable Stability and Efficiency for Taiwan Railways Administration, Proceedings of 2010 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., Wang, S.H., and Jong, J.C., Evaluation of the Capacity Impact on TRA system from Advanced Signaling systems, Proceedings of 2010 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010.
Zeng, W.W., Lin, S.Y., and Lai, Y.C., Development of an Operational Train-Set Assignment Model for Taiwan High Speed Rail, Proceedings of 2010 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010.
Jong, J.C., Hunag, S.H., Lee, C.K., Lai, Y.C., Lin, K.S., and Liu, J.R., Rail Capacity Analysis for Urban Rapid Transit System - A Case Study for the Banqiao-Nangang Line of Taipei Metro, Proceedings of 2010 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C., A Multi-Period Investment Selection Model for Strategic Railway Capacity Planning, Proceedings of 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C., S A Multi-Period Investment Selection Model for Railway Capacity Expansion with Stochastic Demand, Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Rail Conference, Urbana, Illinois, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C., Strategic Capacity Planning Process for Intercity Passenger Rail, Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Rail Conference, Urbana, Illinois, 2010.
Dingler, M.H, Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Impact of Positive Train Control on Railway Capacity, Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Rail Conference, Urbana, Illinois, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., Dingler, M.H, Hsu, C.E., and Chiang, P.C., Optimizing Train Network Routing with Heterogeneous Traffic, Proceedings of 89th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2010.
Dingler, M.H, Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., A Review of the Effects of CBTC and ECP Brakes on Railroad Capacity, Proceedings of 89th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., Shih, M.C., and Jong, J.C., Railway Capacity Model and Decision Support Process for Strategic Capacity Planning, Proceedings of 89th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., Dingler, M.H., and Lin, S.Y., Optimization of the Railroad Network Track Class, Proceedings of 89th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2010.
Kao, T.C., Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C., Privatization Versus Public Works of High-Speed Rail Projects, Proceedings of 89th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2010.
Hu, S.R., Lai, Y.C., Jenq, P.C., and Lee, C.K., "Causality Analysis of Hazardous Situations at Railway Level Crossings," proceedings of the 11th Global Level Crossing Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
Lai, Y.C., Dingler, M.H, Hsu, C.E., and Chiang, P.C., Heterogeneous Routing in Railway Transportation, Proceedings of 2009 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2009.
Lai, Y.C., and Shih, M.C., A New Strategic Capacity Planning Process for Railway Transportation, Proceedings of 2009 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2009.
Shih, M.C., and Lai, Y.C., Optimization of the Long-Term Capacity Planning Process for Taiwan Railway Administration, Proceedings of the 8th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2009.
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Optimizing Railway Capacity Planning:A Decision Support Tool, Proceedings of 10th International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, Shanghai, China, 2009.
Dingler, M.H., Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Impact of CBTC and ECP Brakes on Capacity. Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 2009.
Dingler, M.H., Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Impact of Operational Practices on Rail Line Capacity: A Simulation Analysis. Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, 2009.
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Optimizing Strategic Railway Capacity Planning, Proceedings of 3rd International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Zurich, Switzerland, 2009.
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., An Enhanced Parametric Railway Capacity Evaluation Tool (RCET), Proceedings of 88th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2009.
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., An Enhanced Parametric Railway Capacity Evaluation Tool (RCET), Proceedings of 2008 Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2008.
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., A Quantitative Decision Support Framework for Optimal Railway Capacity Planning, Proceedings of 8th World Congress on Railway Research, Seoul, Korea, 2008.
Lai, Y.C., Ouyang, Y., and Barkan, C.P.L., A Rolling Horizon Framework for Intermodal Loading Assignment to Improve Fuel Efficiency, Proceedings of 9th International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, Kiruna, Sweden, 2007.
Lai, Y.C., Barkan, C.P.L., and Onal, H., Optimizing the Aerodynamic Efficiency of Intermodal Freight Trains with Rolling Horizon Operations, Proceedings of 86rd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2007.
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Optimizing the Energy Efficiency of Intermodal Trains, Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Railway Research, Montreal, Canada, 2006.
Lai, Y.C., Hart, J.M., Drapa, J., Ahuja, N., Barkan, C.P.L., Milhon, L., A Computer Vision System for Monitoring the Energy Efficiency of Intermodal Trains, Proceedings of Joint Rail Conference 2006, Atlanta, GA, 2006.
Lai, Y.C., Hart, J.M., Vemuru, P., Drapa, J., Ahuja, N., Barkan, C.P.L., Milhon, L., Stehly, M.P., Machine Vision Analysis of the Energy Efficiency of Intermodal Trains, Proceedings of 8th International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005.
Lai, Y.C., and Barkan, C.P.L., Train Braking Distance Ratio: A Parameter to Design Railway Signal System for Freight and Passenger Trains, Proceedings of 83rd Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2004.