List of References

Quantum Field Theory

  • ゲージ場の量子論 (九後汰一郎)

  • An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory (Peskin, Schroeder)

  • Method of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics (AGD)

  • Condensed Matter Field Theory (Altland, Simons)

  • Quantum Field Theory of Many-Body Systems (Wen)

  • Field Theory of Condensed Matter Physics (Fradkin)


  • Quantum Physics in One Dimension (International Series of Monographs on Physics)

  • Bosonization for Beginners --- Refermionization for Experts [arXiv:cond-mat/9805275]

  • Duality in field theory and statistical systems (Rev. Mod. Phys. 52, 453)

  • Duality in low dimensional quantum field theories

Integrable systems

  • "Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics" Baxter

  • "How Algebraic Bethe Ansatz works for integrable model" L. D. Faddeev (arXiv:9605187v1)

  • 出口 物性若手夏の学校

  • "Quantum symmetry algebras of spin systems related to Temperley-Lieb R-matrices " (arXiv:0712.3154)

  • 可解な二次元格子模型とテータ関数恒等式(戸田格子とそ の周辺)

Statistical approach for Many-body systems

  • Tightening the Lieb-Robinson Bound in Locally-Interacting Systems, Wang-Hazzard, 2019, arXiv:1908.03997

Symmetry protected topological phases

  • "Interacting topological phases and quantum anomalies" Shinsei Ryu 2015 Phys. Scr. 2015 014009

  • "Symmetry Protected Topological phases of Quantum Matter" T. Senthil (1405.4015)

Conformal field theory

  • The yellow book

  • 江口-菅原

  • 川上-梁

Renormalization Group

  • くりこみ群の方法【現代物理学叢書】

  • くりこみ群とはなにか

  • Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics (Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics)

  • J.B. Kogut, “An introduction to lattice gauge theory and spin systems” Rev. Mod. Phys. 51, 659-713 (1979)

  • "Quantum Phase Transitions", Sachdev


  • 久保健、田中秀数『磁性 I』(朝倉物性物理シリーズ)

  • “The Theory of Magnetism Made Simple” World Scientific

  • Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism: Materials, Experiments, Theory (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences)

  • “Frustrated Spin Systems” World Scientific (Misguich & Lhuillier, arXiv:cond-mat/0310405v2)

Classical and Quantum Computing

  • 思考する機械コンピュータ、ダニエル・ヒリス(草思社文庫)

  • 量子計算理論、森前智行(森北出版)

  • 今度こそわかる量子コンピューター、西野友年(講談社)

  • 藤井さんのpdfいっぱい