Yuichiro Waki

I have migrated to Github: https://ywaki-econ.github.io/

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University (青山学院大学)

Honorary Fellow, School of Economics, the University of Queensland

Research Associate, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA)

My research interests include macroeconomics, monetary economics, and computational economics.

Contact: ywakiecon[at]gmail.com (Please replace [at] with @.)

Publications and Accepted Papers

  1. "Fiscal forward guidance: A case for selective transparency," with Ippei Fujiwara. Online Appendix. Accepted at the Journal of Monetary Economics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmoneco.2019.10.007,

  2. "The Optimal Degree of Monetary-Discretion in a New Keynesian Model with Private Information," with Richard Dennis and Ippei Fujiwara, 2018, Theoretical Economics, Volume 13, Number 3, pages 1319–1368.

  3. "Some Unpleasant Properties of Loglinearized Solutions When the Nominal Rate is Zero," with Lena Mareen Boneva and R. Anton Braun, 2016, the Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 84, pages 216–232. Online Appendix.

  4. "A Polyhedral Approximation Approach to Concave Numerical Dynamic Programming," with Kenichi Fukushima, 2013, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 37, Issue 11, pages 2322–2335.

  5. "Monetary Policy during Japan's Lost Decade," with R. Anton Braun, 2006, the Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 57. No. 2, pp.324-344.

Working Papers

  1. [NEW! January 2020] "RINCE preferences: a comment."

  2. "Generational War on Inflation: Optimal Inflation Rates for the Young and the Old," with Ippei Fujiwara and Shunsuke Hori, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Globalization Institute Working Paper No. 372.

  3. [NEW DRAFT December 2019] "Private News and Monetary Policy," with Ippei Fujiwara. Online Appendix. VOXEU article. The previous version was circulated as the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper No.238. Revision requested.

  4. "Computing Dynamic Optimal Mechanisms When Hidden Types Are Markov," with Kenichi Fukushima, 2011. Extension with hidden actions

  5. "On the Size of the Fiscal Multiplier When the Nominal Interest Rate is Zero," with R. Anton Braun, 2010.

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