Curriculum Vitae



· Next generation sequencing (NGS): design, execution and analysis of NGS experiments such as ChIP-Seq, DNA methylation and RNA-Seq.

· Programming languages: Perl, Python, C/C++, Java, Visual Basic and SQL.

· Statistical programming languages: R, Matlab (basic).

· Vast experience with running jobs on a computer cluster for parallel and efficient computing.

· Managing and instructing students in collaborative research projects.




Teaching and exercising in the following courses:

1) Introduction to Computing and Programming in Life Sciences.

2) Data Systems and Applications in Bioinformatics.

3) Biochemistry.

4) Advanced Labs in Molecular Biology



Management of QA team in CEVA-DSP – a leading micro processor manufacturer for real-time applications


Hebrew – native, English - excellent




Medical aidman in Air Force Medical Unit (YARPA)

Medical aidman course


1. Enuka Y.*, Feldman M.E.*, Massart R., Sas-Chen A., Suderman M.J., Szyf M., and Yarden Y. Epigenetic mechanisms underlie the crosstalk between growth factors and a steroid hormone. Submitted to Moelcular Cell. * Equal contribution.

2. Enuka,Y., Lauriola,M., Feldman,M.E., Sas-Chen,A., Ulitsky,I. and Yarden,Y. (2015) Circular RNAs are long-lived and display only minimal early alterations in response to a growth factor. Nucl. Acids Res.

3. Enuka, Y., Feldman, M.E., and Yarden, Y. (2015). Computational and Modeling Aspects of RTK Networks. In Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Structure, Functions and Role in Human Disease, D.L. Wheeler, and Y. Yarden, eds. (Springer New York), pp. 111–132.

4. Enuka, Y., Hanukoglu, I., Edelheit, O., Vaknine, H., and Hanukoglu, A. (2012). Epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are uniformly distributed on motile cilia in the oviduct and the respiratory airways. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 137, 339–353.

5. Sas‐Chen, A., Aure, M.R., Leibovich, L., Carvalho, S., Enuka, Y., Körner, C., Polycarpou‐Schwarz, M., Lavi, S., Nevo, N., Kuznetsov, Y., et al. (2016). LIMT is a novel metastasis inhibiting lncRNA suppressed by EGF and downregulated in aggressive breast cancer. EMBO Molecular Medicine e201606198.

6. Lauriola, M., Enuka, Y., Zeisel, A., D’Uva, G., Roth, L., Sharon-Sevilla, M., Lindzen, M., Sharma, K., Nevo, N., Feldman, M., et al. (2014). Diurnal suppression of EGFR signalling by glucocorticoids and implications for tumour progression and treatment. Nat Commun 5.


1. Enuka, Y., Hanukoglu I., Edelheit O., Vaknine H., Hanukoglu A. Identification of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) expression in the female reproductive tract using polyclonal antibodies against ENaC subunits. Israel Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Nazareth, April 5-7, 2011.

2. Enuka Y., Hanukoglu I., Edelheit O., Vaknine H., Hanukoglu A. Polyclonal antibodies against Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) subunits reveal distinct patterns of ENaC expression and subcellular localization in human tissues. 7th International Symposium on Aldosterone and the ENaC/Degenerin Family of Ion Channels: Molecular Mechanisms and Pathophysiology. Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, September 18-22, 2011.