
Machine learning

Python SciKit learn SVM example

Layered K-means clustering - This method allows to more finely cluster structured group layers. The Nature Communications paper on diurnal regulation of EGFR signaling that we published used this approach. Presented on the right is the result of a layered K-means clustering of gene expression profiles. Cells were treated with either Epidermal growth factor (first 5 columns), Dexamethasone/cortisol (middle 5 columns) or the combined treatment (last 5 columns).


Python Dynamic Programming Word Break

Java Android Applications

I've coded some minor application that sends SMS messages in Israeli Pelephone network for free over 3G/WiFi internet connection. The application is available on Android devices and for Pelephone customers only. Pelephone free SMS - פלאפון סמס בחינם

In addition I have coded few Jewish Android applications: משנה ברורה, ילקוט יוסף, סידור ותהילים וסידור עולת ראיה מאת הרב קוק