
The notes from the roundtables and talks can be found here

Day 0 -- Sunday, September 8th

15:30 early-bird sightseeing tour (meeting at the fountain in the center of Karlaplan)

19:00 Informal get-together (OliverTwist, Repslagargatan 6, (Tram station Slussen))

Day 1 -- Monday, September 9th

09:00 Registration, welcome coffee

09:30 Welcome to YRRSDS 2019

09:45 Keynote talk: Catharine Oertel (TU Delft, Netherlands)

10:15 Coffee break (& poster setup)

10:45 Roundtable discussion 1 (engagement & situated/open-domain/task-based dialogues)

11:30 Poster Session 1

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Roundtable discussion 2 (adaptation & learning)

14:30 Coffee break

15:00 Keynote talk: Gabriel Skantze (KTH, Sweden)

15:30 Roundtable discussion 3 (multimodality & evaluation )

16:30 End of Day 1

18:30 Dinner (kvarnen restaurant , Tjärhovsgatan 4, (T) Medborgarplatsen)

Day 2 -- Tuesday, September 10th

09:00 Morning coffee

09:30 Keynote talk: Pierre Lison (Norwegian Computing Center)

10:00 Coffee break (& poster setup)

10:30 Sponsor talks

11:30 Roundtable Discussion 4 (Ethics and diversity dialog systems; joint with Dialogue for Good)

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Poster Session 2 (joint with Dialogue for Good)

14:30 Group photo

14:45 Coffee break

15:00 Panel discussion: academia & industry experiences

Sean Andrist Microsoft Research

Pierre Lison Norwegian Computing Center

Catharine Oertel TU Delft

Gabriel Skantze KTH

16:15 Closing of YRRSDS 2019

16:30 Furhat Robotics hackathon (dinner provided by Furhat Robotics)