Dates & Deadlines
Dates & Deadlines
OCTOBER 25 | Friday - REGISTRATION OPENS: Complete online Group Registration form to reserve spots for your group (youth and adults). Groups are responsible for $300 per person deposit. Deposits must be received by November 1 to St. Michael High School - 17521 Monitor Ave; Baton Rouge, LA 70817.
No group spots will be held without deposit by this date.
Groups are also responsible for total amount for each spot reserved or can sell spots to another group.
OCTOBER 2 | Wednesday - PRO VITA AUCTION ITEMS DUE: 5 items (including one basket) and 1 table purchase from each group attending the March for Life. Nice Bottles of wine also welcome - $20 or more value
OCTOBER 17 | Thursday - PRO VITA BENEFIT DINNER: 6:30pm in St. Michael St. Sebastian MP Center.
NOVEMBER 4 | Monday - MENTOR APPLICATIONS DUE: Application form on website.
NOVEMBER 7 | Wednesday - INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION OPENS – All Adults and Youth Participants must complete registration and waivers on Formsite with their personal information.
Communicate with March for Life Directors about empty/unfilled spots within group to be sold on "March for Life Marketplace."
DECEMBER 9 | Monday – All individual registration information updated and complete:
Remaining Balance of $350 ($150 adults) Due - Total Cost is $650 per person ($450 adults).
“Individuals within Group Registration” Information is Due (link on website and emailed to group leader)
Child protection documents processed for all adults and mentors. Run and print a “compliance report for each adult and college mentor attending with your group. Email to
JANUARY TBD | Everyone Meeting at St. Michael High School
JANUARY 11 | Saturday: Morning Mandatory Final Prep Meeting for Adult Group Leaders
JANUARY 20 | Monday: Depart Baton Rouge early morning (from four locations) for the March for Life pilgrimage.
JANUARY 25 | Saturday: Return back in Baton Rouge late afternoon, early evening.