Dates & Deadlines

Dates & Deadlines 

OCTOBER 25 | Friday - REGISTRATION OPENS: Complete online Group Registration form to reserve spots for your group (youth and adults). Groups are responsible for $300 per person deposit. Deposits must be received by November 1 to St. Michael High School - 17521 Monitor Ave; Baton Rouge, LA 70817. 

OCTOBER 2 | Wednesday - PRO VITA AUCTION ITEMS DUE: 5 items (including one basket) and 1 table purchase from each group attending the March for Life. Nice Bottles of wine also welcome - $20 or more value

OCTOBER 17 | Thursday - PRO VITA BENEFIT DINNER: 6:30pm in St. Michael St. Sebastian MP Center. 

NOVEMBER 4 | Monday - MENTOR APPLICATIONS DUE: Application form on website.

NOVEMBER 7 | Wednesday - INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION OPENS – All Adults and Youth Participants must complete registration and waivers on Formsite with their personal information. 


DECEMBER 9 | Monday – All individual registration information updated and complete:

JANUARY TBD  | Everyone Meeting at St. Michael High School 

JANUARY 11  | Saturday: Morning Mandatory Final Prep Meeting for Adult Group Leaders

JANUARY 20 | Monday: Depart Baton Rouge early morning (from four locations) for the March for Life pilgrimage.

JANUARY 25 | Saturday: Return back in Baton Rouge late afternoon, early evening.