duma list

source jewishgen.org

These people were eligible to vote in the Russian Duma (parliament) in 1906 or 1907. There were property qualification and one had to be male. The lists were published in newspapers. Not all lists survived, but one can get an idea of where some of the Pokrassa families lived in 1907...which does not necessarily exclude other localities. At the time it was difficult for Jews to live in the city of Kiev, which may explain while there is no one from the city of Kiev. Kiev was the capital of the Kiev Gubernia (Province). The Russian empire was divided into  Gubernias (Provinces) which carried the names of their capitol cities.  These did not necessarily coincide with national boundaries after the Russian empire collapsed...or after the Soviet Union collapsed. For example the former Vilna Gubernia is now partly in Lithuania and partly in Belarus.

Kiev Gubernia Duma Voters List

Name    Patronymic    Year /

Number     Qualifications    Town (type)

Street    Uyezd

District    Age


POKRAS, Gershko    Elev    1906 / 2191    business owner     Chigirin 




POKRAS, Khaim Ber    Volkovich    1907 / 419    real estate     Gostomel (m)




POKRAS, Avrum    Lejbov    1906 / 714         Fastov 




POKRASA, Itsko    Moshkovich    1906 / 679         Kanev 




POKRASA, El    Lejbov    1907 / 2020     

private apartment    Obukhov (m)




POKRAS, Shmul'    Meerov    1906 / 2184    apt.tax     Tarashcha 




POKRAS, Gershko   

1906 / 2272         Bielaya Tserkov 




POKRASA, Ovsej    Berkov    1907 / 258    apt.tax     Cherkassy 

Naber. 52, 2 ch.     Cherkassy



POKRASA, Moshko    Iosev    1907 / 3426    merchant     Gorodishche 




POKRASA, Itsko-Khaim    Gershkov    1907 / 3417    property 100 Rubles    Gorodishche 




POKRASA, Duvid-Mejlakh    Khaimovich    1906 / 710         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Itsko    Avrumovich    1906 / 711         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Avrum    Gershkovich    1906 / 723         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Ejna    Khaimovich    1906 / 734         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Yankel'    Duvidovich    1906 / 741         Boguslav 




Name    Patronymic    Year /

Number     Qualifications    Town (type)

Street    Uyezd

District    Age


POKRASA, Moshko    Aronovich    1906 / 764         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Avrum    Duvidovich    1906 / 770         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Rakhmil'    Mordkovich    1906 / 771         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Berko    Duvidovich    1906 / 772         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Ios'ko    Duvidovich    1906 / 773         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Itsko    Duvidovich    1906 / 774         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Itsko    Avrumovich    1906 / 776         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Itsko    Gershkovich    1906 / 787         Boguslav 




POKRASA, Avrum    Lejbovich    1906 / 307         Korsun 




POKRASA, Meer    Lejbov    1906 / 2268    apt.tax     Tarashcha 




POKRASA, Lejb    Mordkov    1906 / 2143    property     Tarashcha 




POKROS, Yankel    Itskovich    1906 / 2855    Trade tax     Berdichev 
