Cold and Flu - Inner Defense

Now there is an effective cold and flu defense -- a pure essential oil blend encased in a simple-to-swallow-softgel supplement. This essential oil supplement is based on years of clinical practice, safety evaluations and laboratory research. It contains antiviral and antibacterial oregano, thyme, citronella and the ancient thieves' essential oils (clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, rosemary and lemon). This is the world's first triple-action cold and flu defense formula.

Triple-Action Defense

The triple action of this cold and flu combination means confidence. The primary defense function is to attack and eliminate invading viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites before they get a chance to multiply and gain a foothold within the host body. The secondary defense function is to rapidly diminish the rate of multiplication by killing the spreading invaders. The tertiary defense function is to create a bioterrain that reduces the hospitality of the host to the invading microbes, while enhancing the health-generating functions of the respiratory, circulatory, and immune systems. The secondary and tertiary defense functions shorten the cold and flu recovery time so you can get back to work, school and enjoying life. It's like being surrounded by your own invisible army -- that's healthy confidence in a world of sick people.

An Essential Oil Offense

This essential oil Cold and Flu combination is nature's strength at work. Oregano leads the antimicrobial charge with its unique source of antiviral and antibacterial carvacrol. Recent research also demonstrates that carvacrol is very active against intestinal parasites. Thyme is second in command - rich antimicrobial thymol. Thyme is documented to kill over 80 different strains of bacteria and 15 different types of fungi. Clove's antimicrobial strength is based on the phytocomponent eugenol. Carvacrol, thymol and eugenol are three strong antiseptic phenols with known antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitc, and anti-inflammatory activity. Citronella packs a powerful antifungal punch with its unique phytoconstituents citronellal and linalool. Then, the essential oils of ecualyptus, cinnamon, rosemary and lemon add to the atimicrobial forces, in addition to providing superior antioxdant activity. These eight pure essential oils of nature have proven clincial benefits in preventing the common cold and flu viruses; and in treating nasal infections, sinus infections, middle ear infections, bronchial infections, whooping cough and stess induced gastrointestinal (GI) infections.

Unmatched Bioactivity

This essential oil formula is unique. It is a concentrated version of the traditionally active cold and flu herbal remedies. The softgel quickly dissolves in the stomach for maximal absorption in the blood stream and continued activity in the GI tract. It also possesses a synergistic defense against opportunistic fungi and parasites. Its triple action defenses eliminates scouting microbes, reduces the number of spreading invaders, and creates an inhospitable bioterrain for microbial growth. Each of the eight pure essential oils is composed of hundreds of natural phytochemcials to provide an antimicrobial army of over 1000 uniquely bioactive contituents at constant war against many possible invading viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. There is no other cold and flu defense tha can match combined defensive power of this essential oil supplement led by oregano, thyme, clove and citronella, called Inner Defense Softgel caps, available at Young Living Essential Oils.

Preventive use of Inner Defense:

    • One softgel/week (choose a day and time) during cold and flu season

    • Two softgels/week when interacting with children or performing healthcare services

    • One additional softgel after contacting people with cold or flu symptoms

    • Share two softgels with someone experiencing cold or flu symptoms

Symptomatic use of Inner Defense:

    • One softgel 2-3 times/day when experiencing signs of cold or flu symptoms

    • Periodic use is advised with maximum continuous use of 30 consecutive days


Cold Symptoms vs Flu Symptoms

Runny nose Muscle pain and aches

Nasal drip High fever

Sneezing Extreme exhaustion

Stuffy nose Prominent headache

Clogged sinuses Deeper voice

Sore throat Tightness in throat

Cough and neck

Earache Persistent deep cough

Difficulty breathing Thick yellow-to-green

Headache mucus

Tired more easily Chest discomfort

Lasts 1 week Fatigued easily

Difficulty breathing

Lasts 2-4 weeks

For more information for Young Living products for cold and flu, please read here.