Smart Film Lab 

or CHANG's Lab

Department of Physics, University of Seoul 

서울시립대학교  물리학과  스마트박막실험실

Research Interests

Quantum materials and functional thin films

We welcome open collaboration for studying the interesting physical properties of various quantum and functional materials, also including technologically important semiconductors and energy materials.

Mission Statement (Focus on students)

Goal: contribute mankind, be innovative, and be respected in the field of condensed matter and applied physics.

Construct supportive environment for both our members and collaborators.


Our lab aims for educate next generations of scientists for producing a pillar of Korean Science & Industry. 

Be active-constructive in a co-operative atmosphere.

인류에 기여하는 존경받는 연구실이 되기 위해 우리는 신물질의 합성과 새로운 물질의 특성과 활용성을 연구하고자 한다.

협조적이고 적극적인 분위기에서 차세대 과학자와 산업개발 인력을 배출하기 위해 노력을 기울인다.

Safety Information (실험실 안전 정보)

Link to Berkeley Lab EHS & PUB3000 Library 

> http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/pub3000/pub3000c.html

> http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/safety_minute/files/Lab.shtml


Journal Cover Image(3D): Cube3D graphic, MBIA